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#Python 3: Fibonacci series up to ndef fib(n):a, b = 0, 1while a < n:print(a, end=' ')a, b = b, a+bprint()fib(1000)
import itertoolsdef compute_permutations(string):# Generate all permutations of the stringpermutations = itertools.permutations(string)# Convert each permutation tuple to a stringpermutations = [''.join(permutation) for permutation in permutations]return permutations# Prompt the user for a stringstring = input("Enter a string: ")# Compute permutationspermutations = compute_permutations(string)# Display the permutationsprint("Permutations:")for permutation in permutations:print(permutation)
def clamp_number(num, a, b):return max(min(num, max(a, b)), min(a, b))clamp_number(2, 3, 5) # 3clamp_number(1, -1, -5) # -1
import randomclass Node:def __init__(self, c):self.left = Noneself.right = Noneself.color = cdef SetColor(self,c) :self.color = cdef PrintNode(self) :print(self.color)def insert(s, root, i, n):if i < n:temp = Node(s[i])root = temproot.left = insert(s, root.left,2 * i + 1, n)root.right = insert(s, root.right,2 * i + 2, n)return rootdef MakeTree(s) :list = insert(s,None,0,len(s))return listdef MakeSet() :s = []count = random.randint(7,12)for _ in range(count) :color = random.randint(0,1) == 0 and "Red" or "White"s.append(color)return sdef ChangeColor(root) :if (root != None) :if (root.color == "White") :root.SetColor("Red")ChangeColor(root.left)ChangeColor(root.right)def PrintList(root) :if root.left != None :PrintList(root.left)else :root.PrintNode()if root.right != None :PrintList(root.right)else :root.PrintNode()t1 = MakeTree(MakeSet())print("Original Colors For Tree 1:\n")PrintList(t1)ChangeColor(t1)print("New Colors For Tree 1:\n")PrintList(t1)t2 = MakeTree(MakeSet())print("Original Colors For Tree 2:\n")PrintList(t2)ChangeColor(t2)print("New Colors For Tree 2:\n")PrintList(t2)t3 = MakeTree(MakeSet())print("Original Colors For Tree 3:\n")PrintList(t3)ChangeColor(t3)print("New Colors For Tree 3:\n")PrintList(t3)
def to_roman_numeral(num):lookup = [(1000, 'M'),(900, 'CM'),(500, 'D'),(400, 'CD'),(100, 'C'),(90, 'XC'),(50, 'L'),(40, 'XL'),(10, 'X'),(9, 'IX'),(5, 'V'),(4, 'IV'),(1, 'I'),]res = ''for (n, roman) in lookup:(d, num) = divmod(num, n)res += roman * dreturn resto_roman_numeral(3) # 'III'to_roman_numeral(11) # 'XI'to_roman_numeral(1998) # 'MCMXCVIII'
# Python code to demonstrate# method to remove i'th character# Naive Method# Initializing Stringtest_str = "CodeCatch"# Printing original stringprint ("The original string is : " + test_str)# Removing char at pos 3# using loopnew_str = ""for i in range(len(test_str)):if i != 2:new_str = new_str + test_str[i]# Printing string after removalprint ("The string after removal of i'th character : " + new_str)