User since Nov 17, 2022
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import concurrent.futuresimport requestsimport timeimport loggingimport urllib3# Disable SSL warningsurllib3.disable_warnings(urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning)# URL of the API endpointurl = ""# Payload to be sent in the POST requestpayload = {"language": "python","content": "print(\"test\")"}headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json","Authorization": "Bearer xyz"}# init logging with basic configlogging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')# Function to send a POST requestdef send_post_request():response =, json=payload, headers=headers, verify=False)return response.status_code# Number of requests to sendnum_requests = 1000 # You can adjust this number as needed# Function to perform the load testdef load_test():start_time = time.time()success_count = 0total_duration = 0with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=50) as executor:futures = [executor.submit(send_post_request) for _ in range(num_requests)]for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures):try:status_code = future.result()if status_code == 200:success_count += 1total_duration = time.time() -"Request completed with status code: {status_code}")except Exception as e:logging.error(f"Request generated an exception: {e}")requests_per_second = success_count /"Total successful requests: {success_count}")"Total duration: {total_duration} seconds")"Requests per second: {requests_per_second}")if __name__ == "__main__":load_test()
# default to using syslog. /etc/rsyslog.d/45-frr.conf places the log# /var/log/frr/frr.log## Note:# FRR's configuration shell, vtysh, dynamically edits the live, in-memory# configuration while FRR is running. When instructed, vtysh will persist the# live configuration to this file, overwriting its contents. If you want to# avoid this, you can edit this file manually before starting FRR, or instruct# vtysh to write configuration to a different file.#log syslog informationalhostname UDM-SEfrr defaults datacenterlog file stdoutservice integrated-vtysh-config!!router bgp 65001bgp router-id remote-as 65000neighbor default-originate!address-family ipv4 unicastredistribute connectedredistribute kernelneighbor V4 soft-reconfiguration inboundneighbor V4 route-map ALLOW-ALL inneighbor V4 route-map ALLOW-ALL outexit-address-family!route-map ALLOW-ALL permit 10!line vty!
{"postId": "93d3dc33-cf39-48e0-8a7e-2d72a0f33847","descriptionGeneratedTime": "2024-09-26T05:34:44.737Z","description": "**Description:**\n\nThis Pascal code is a simple \"Hello, World!\" program. It uses the `writeln` function to print \"Hello, World!\" to the console and then ends the program.\n\n**Improvement Insights:**\n\n1. **Add Comments:** Although the code is straightforward, adding comments can make it more readable and easier to understand, especially for beginners.\n\n Improved version:\n ```pascal\n program HelloWorld;\n begin\n // Print \"Hello, World!\" to the console\n writeln('Hello, World!');\n end.\n ```\n\n2. **User Interaction:** To make the program more interactive, you could modify it to accept user input before printing the message.\n\n Improved version:\n ```pascal\n program HelloWorld;\n uses\n sysutils;\n var\n userName: string;\n begin\n // Prompt user to enter their name\n writeln('Please enter your name:');\n readln(userName);\n // Greet the user\n writeln('Hello, ' + userName + '!');\n end.\n ```"}
CLIENT_VPN_ID="cvpn-endpoint-xxxxxxxxxxxx"for region in $(aws ec2 describe-regions --query "Regions[].RegionName" --output text); doecho "Searching in region: $region"aws ec2 describe-client-vpn-endpoints --region $region --query "ClientVpnEndpoints[?ClientVpnEndpointId=='$CLIENT_VPN_ID']" --output tabledone
program HelloWorld;beginwriteln('Hello, World!');end.
from collections import defaultdictfaceValues = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]sums = defaultdict(int)for i in range(6):for j in range(6):sums[faceValues[i] + faceValues[j]] += 1print('sum', 'count')for key in sorted(sums.keys()):print(f'{key:0>2}: {sums[key]}')
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