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from colorama import init, Fore# Initialize coloramainit()print(Fore.RED + "This text is in red color.")print(Fore.GREEN + "This text is in green color.")print(Fore.BLUE + "This text is in blue color.")# Reset coloramaprint(Fore.RESET + "This text is back to the default color.")
from math import pidef rads_to_degrees(rad):return (rad * 180.0) / pirads_to_degrees(pi / 2) # 90.0
# @return a list of strings, [s1, s2]def letterCombinations(self, digits):if '' == digits: return []kvmaps = {'2': 'abc','3': 'def','4': 'ghi','5': 'jkl','6': 'mno','7': 'pqrs','8': 'tuv','9': 'wxyz'}return reduce(lambda acc, digit: [x + y for x in acc for y in kvmaps[digit]], digits, [''])
""" Calculator----------------------------------------"""def addition ():print("Addition")n = float(input("Enter the number: "))t = 0 //Total number enterans = 0while n != 0:ans = ans + nt+=1n = float(input("Enter another number (0 to calculate): "))return [ans,t]def subtraction ():print("Subtraction");n = float(input("Enter the number: "))t = 0 //Total number entersum = 0while n != 0:ans = ans - nt+=1n = float(input("Enter another number (0 to calculate): "))return [ans,t]def multiplication ():print("Multiplication")n = float(input("Enter the number: "))t = 0 //Total number enterans = 1while n != 0:ans = ans * nt+=1n = float(input("Enter another number (0 to calculate): "))return [ans,t]def average():an = []an = addition()t = an[1]a = an[0]ans = a / treturn [ans,t]// main...while True:list = []print(" My first python program!")print(" Simple Calculator in python by Malik Umer Farooq")print(" Enter 'a' for addition")print(" Enter 's' for substraction")print(" Enter 'm' for multiplication")print(" Enter 'v' for average")print(" Enter 'q' for quit")c = input(" ")if c != 'q':if c == 'a':list = addition()print("Ans = ", list[0], " total inputs ",list[1])elif c == 's':list = subtraction()print("Ans = ", list[0], " total inputs ",list[1])elif c == 'm':list = multiplication()print("Ans = ", list[0], " total inputs ",list[1])elif c == 'v':list = average()print("Ans = ", list[0], " total inputs ",list[1])else:print ("Sorry, invilid character")else:break
print(“Hello World”)