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def to_roman_numeral(num):lookup = [(1000, 'M'),(900, 'CM'),(500, 'D'),(400, 'CD'),(100, 'C'),(90, 'XC'),(50, 'L'),(40, 'XL'),(10, 'X'),(9, 'IX'),(5, 'V'),(4, 'IV'),(1, 'I'),]res = ''for (n, roman) in lookup:(d, num) = divmod(num, n)res += roman * dreturn resto_roman_numeral(3) # 'III'to_roman_numeral(11) # 'XI'to_roman_numeral(1998) # 'MCMXCVIII'
def print_pyramid_pattern(n):# outer loop to handle number of rows# n in this casefor i in range(0, n):# inner loop to handle number of columns# values changing acc. to outer loopfor j in range(0, i+1):# printing starsprint("* ",end="")# ending line after each rowprint("\r")print_pyramid_pattern(10)
color2 = (60, 74, 172)color1 = (19, 28, 87)percent = 1.0for i in range(101):resultRed = round(color1[0] + percent * (color2[0] - color1[0]))resultGreen = round(color1[1] + percent * (color2[1] - color1[1]))resultBlue = round(color1[2] + percent * (color2[2] - color1[2]))print((resultRed, resultGreen, resultBlue))percent -= 0.01
# Prompt user for base and heightbase = float(input("Enter the base of the triangle: "))height = float(input("Enter the height of the triangle: "))# Calculate the areaarea = (base * height) / 2# Display the resultprint("The area of the triangle is:", area)
import random# Define the ranks, suits, and create a deckranks = ['Ace', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', 'Jack', 'Queen', 'King']suits = ['Hearts', 'Diamonds', 'Clubs', 'Spades']deck = [(rank, suit) for rank in ranks for suit in suits]# Shuffle the deckrandom.shuffle(deck)# Display the shuffled deckfor card in deck:print(card[0], "of", card[1])
weigh = lambda a,b: sum(b)-sum(a)FindCoin = lambda A: 0 if (n := len(A)) == 1 else (m := n//3) * (w := 1 + weigh(A[:m], A[2*m:])) + FindCoin(A[m*w:m*(w+1)])print(FindCoin([1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,1]))