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#84 48 13 20 61 20 33 97 34 45 6 63 71 66 24 57 92 74 6 25 51 86 48 15 64 55 77 30 56 53 37 99 9 59 57 61 30 97 50 63 59 62 39 32 34 4 96 51 8 86 10 62 16 55 81 88 71 25 27 78 79 88 92 50 16 8 67 82 67 37 84 3 33 4 78 98 39 64 98 94 24 82 45 3 53 74 96 9 10 94 13 79 15 27 56 66 32 81 77# xor a list of integers to find the lonely integerres = a[0]for i in range(1,len(a)):res = res ^ a[i]
"""Assignment 6The goal is to make a graph ofwho bit who and who was bitten.There should be 10 nodes and 15 edges.3 arrows of biting each other and3 arrows of someone biting themselves.Networkx can not do self bitingarrows, but it is in the code."""from graphviz import Digraph as DDotGraphfrom graphviz import Graph as UDotGraphimport networkx as nxfrom networkx.algorithms.dag import transitive_closureimport graphviz as gvimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltimport numpy as npfrom numpy.linalg import matrix_power"""class DGraph:def __init__(self):self.d = dict()def clear(self):self.d = dict()def add_node(self,n):if not self.d.get(n):self.d[n] = set()def add_edge(self,e):f,t=eself.add_node(f)self.add_node(t)vs=self.d.get(f)if not vs:self.d[f] = {t}else:vs.add(t)def add_edges_from(self,es):for e in es:self.add_edge(e)def edges(self):for f in self.d:for t in self.d[f]:yield (f,t)def number_of_nodes(self):return len(self.d)def __repr__(self):return self.d.__repr__()def show(self):dot = gv.Digraph()for e in self.edges():#print(e)f, t = edot.edge(str(f), str(t), label='')#print(dot.source)show(dot)# displays graph with graphvizdef show(dot, show=True, file_name='graph.gv'):dot.render(file_name, view=show)def showGraph(g,label="",directed=True):if directed:dot = gv.Digraph()else:dot = gv.Graph()for e in g.edges():print(e)f, t = edot.edge(str(f), str(t), label=label)print(dot.source)show(dot)def bit():G = DGraph()G.add_edge(("Blade","Samara"))G.add_edge(("Shadow","Wolfe"))G.add_edge(("Raven", "Austin"))G.add_edge(("Blade", "Alice"))G.add_edge(("Alice","Brandon"))G.add_edge(("Blade", "Wolfe"))G.add_edge(("Samara", "Robin"))G.add_edge(("Samara", "Raven"))G.add_edge(("Samara", "Hamed"))G.add_edge(("Wolfe", "Blade"))G.add_edge(("Hamed", "Samara"))G.add_edge(("Wolfe", "Shadow"))G.add_edge(("Brandon", "Brandon"))G.add_edge(("Hamed", "Hamed"))G.add_edge(("Austin", "Austin"))showGraph(G, label="bit")bit()def bitten():G=DGraph()G.add_edge(("Samara","Blade"))G.add_edge(("Wolfe","Shadow"))G.add_edge(("Austin", "Raven"))G.add_edge(("Alice","Blade"))G.add_edge(("Brandon", "Alice"))G.add_edge(("Wolfe", "Blade" ))G.add_edge(("Robin", "Samara"))G.add_edge(("Raven", "Samara"))G.add_edge(("Hamed", "Samara"))G.add_edge(("Blade", "Wolfe"))G.add_edge(("Samara", "Hamed"))G.add_edge(("Shadow", "Wolfe"))G.add_edge(("Brandon", "Brandon"))G.add_edge(("Hamed", "Hamed"))G.add_edge(("Austin", "Austin"))showGraph(G, label="bitten by")#bitten()family = ["Blade", "Samara", "Shadow", "Wolfe", "Raven", "Alice"]"""#Do transitive closure call out and the#matrix power operation should be the sameD = nx.DiGraph()#D.add_nodes_from("SamaraBladeWolfeShadowAliceRavenBrandonRobinHamedAustin")D.add_edge("Blade","Samara")D.add_edge("Shadow","Wolfe")D.add_edge("Raven", "Austin")D.add_edge("Blade", "Alice")D.add_edge("Alice","Brandon")D.add_edge("Blade", "Wolfe")D.add_edge("Samara", "Robin")D.add_edge("Samara", "Raven")D.add_edge("Samara", "Hamed")D.add_edge("Wolfe", "Blade")D.add_edge("Hamed", "Samara")D.add_edge("Wolfe", "Shadow")D.add_edge("Brandon", "Brandon")D.add_edge("Hamed", "Hamed")D.add_edge("Austin", "Austin")T = transitive_closure(D)for e in D.edges(): print(e)for n in D.nodes(): print(n)def show(H):nx.draw(H, with_labels=True, font_weight='bold')plt.show()#Use nx.to_numpy_matrix instead of nx.adjacency_matrix# M = nx.adjacency_matrix(D)# MT = nx.adjacency_matrix(T)M = nx.to_numpy_matrix(D)MT = nx.to_numpy_matrix(T)M2 = M@Mdef mPower(M, k): #M is numpy matrixassert k >= 1P = Mfor _ in range(k):P = P @ Mreturn Pdef tc(M):#compute transitive closurepassD1 = nx.DiGraph(M)D2 = nx.DiGraph(M2)print('Matrix for Original\n', M)N = nx.to_numpy_array(D,dtype=int)print('np_array for Original\n', N)print('\nMatrix for Transitive Closure\n', MT)N2 = nx.to_numpy_array(T,dtype=int)print('np_array for Transitive Closure\n', N2)show(D) #can use D, T, and numpy matrix power operationshow(T)show(T)
"""Take screenshots at x interval - make a movie of doings on a computer."""import timefrom datetime import datetimeimport ffmpegimport pyautoguiwhile True:epoch_time = int(time.time())today = datetime.now().strftime("%Y_%m_%d")filename = str(epoch_time) + ".png"print("taking screenshot: {0}".format(filename))myScreenshot = pyautogui.screenshot()myScreenshot.save(today + "/" + filename)time.sleep(5)## and then tie it together with: https://github.com/kkroening/ffmpeg-python/blob/master/examples/README.md#assemble-video-from-sequence-of-frames#"""import ffmpeg(ffmpeg.input('./2021_01_22/*.png', pattern_type='glob', framerate=25).filter('deflicker', mode='pm', size=10).filter('scale', size='hd1080', force_original_aspect_ratio='increase').output('movie.mp4', crf=20, preset='slower', movflags='faststart', pix_fmt='yuv420p').run())"""
# Python program to reverse a linked list# Time Complexity : O(n)# Space Complexity : O(n) as 'next'#variable is getting created in each loop.# Node classclass Node:# Constructor to initialize the node objectdef __init__(self, data):self.data = dataself.next = Noneclass LinkedList:# Function to initialize headdef __init__(self):self.head = None# Function to reverse the linked listdef reverse(self):prev = Nonecurrent = self.headwhile(current is not None):next = current.nextcurrent.next = prevprev = currentcurrent = nextself.head = prev# Function to insert a new node at the beginningdef push(self, new_data):new_node = Node(new_data)new_node.next = self.headself.head = new_node# Utility function to print the linked LinkedListdef printList(self):temp = self.headwhile(temp):print temp.data,temp = temp.next# Driver program to test above functionsllist = LinkedList()llist.push(20)llist.push(4)llist.push(15)llist.push(85)print "Given Linked List"llist.printList()llist.reverse()print "\nReversed Linked List"llist.printList()
# Python program for Plotting Fibonacci# spiral fractal using Turtleimport turtleimport mathdef fiboPlot(n):a = 0b = 1square_a = asquare_b = b# Setting the colour of the plotting pen to bluex.pencolor("blue")# Drawing the first squarex.forward(b * factor)x.left(90)x.forward(b * factor)x.left(90)x.forward(b * factor)x.left(90)x.forward(b * factor)# Proceeding in the Fibonacci Seriestemp = square_bsquare_b = square_b + square_asquare_a = temp# Drawing the rest of the squaresfor i in range(1, n):x.backward(square_a * factor)x.right(90)x.forward(square_b * factor)x.left(90)x.forward(square_b * factor)x.left(90)x.forward(square_b * factor)# Proceeding in the Fibonacci Seriestemp = square_bsquare_b = square_b + square_asquare_a = temp# Bringing the pen to starting point of the spiral plotx.penup()x.setposition(factor, 0)x.seth(0)x.pendown()# Setting the colour of the plotting pen to redx.pencolor("red")# Fibonacci Spiral Plotx.left(90)for i in range(n):print(b)fdwd = math.pi * b * factor / 2fdwd /= 90for j in range(90):x.forward(fdwd)x.left(1)temp = aa = bb = temp + b# Here 'factor' signifies the multiplicative# factor which expands or shrinks the scale# of the plot by a certain factor.factor = 1# Taking Input for the number of# Iterations our Algorithm will runn = int(input('Enter the number of iterations (must be > 1): '))# Plotting the Fibonacci Spiral Fractal# and printing the corresponding Fibonacci Numberif n > 0:print("Fibonacci series for", n, "elements :")x = turtle.Turtle()x.speed(100)fiboPlot(n)turtle.done()else:print("Number of iterations must be > 0")
# Python code to demonstrate# method to remove i'th character# Naive Method# Initializing Stringtest_str = "CodeCatch"# Printing original stringprint ("The original string is : " + test_str)# Removing char at pos 3# using loopnew_str = ""for i in range(len(test_str)):if i != 2:new_str = new_str + test_str[i]# Printing string after removalprint ("The string after removal of i'th character : " + new_str)