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hex to rgb

Nov 19, 2022CodeCatch

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Palindrome checker

Nov 19, 2022CodeCatch

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# function which return reverse of a string
def isPalindrome(s):
return s == s[::-1]
# Driver code
s = "malayalam"
ans = isPalindrome(s)
if ans:

check prop lambda

Nov 19, 2022CodeCatch

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def check_prop(fn, prop):
return lambda obj: fn(obj[prop])
check_age = check_prop(lambda x: x >= 18, 'age')
user = {'name': 'Mark', 'age': 18}
check_age(user) # True

Caesar Encryption

Mar 10, 2021Skrome

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import string
def caesar(text, shift, alphabets):
def shift_alphabet(alphabet):
return alphabet[shift:] + alphabet[:shift]
shifted_alphabets = tuple(map(shift_alphabet, alphabets))
final_alphabet = "".join(alphabets)
final_shifted_alphabet = "".join(shifted_alphabets)
table = str.maketrans(final_alphabet, final_shifted_alphabet)
return text.translate(table)
plain_text = "Hey Skrome, welcome to CodeCatch"
print(caesar(plain_text, 8, [string.ascii_lowercase, string.ascii_uppercase, string.punctuation]))


Nov 19, 2022CodeCatch

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""" Calculator
def addition ():
n = float(input("Enter the number: "))
t = 0 //Total number enter
ans = 0
while n != 0:
ans = ans + n
n = float(input("Enter another number (0 to calculate): "))
return [ans,t]
def subtraction ():
n = float(input("Enter the number: "))
t = 0 //Total number enter
sum = 0
while n != 0:
ans = ans - n
n = float(input("Enter another number (0 to calculate): "))
return [ans,t]
def multiplication ():
n = float(input("Enter the number: "))
t = 0 //Total number enter
ans = 1
while n != 0:
ans = ans * n
n = float(input("Enter another number (0 to calculate): "))
return [ans,t]
def average():
an = []
an = addition()
t = an[1]
a = an[0]
ans = a / t
return [ans,t]
// main...
while True:
list = []
print(" My first python program!")
print(" Simple Calculator in python by Malik Umer Farooq")
print(" Enter 'a' for addition")
print(" Enter 's' for substraction")
print(" Enter 'm' for multiplication")
print(" Enter 'v' for average")
print(" Enter 'q' for quit")
c = input(" ")
if c != 'q':
if c == 'a':
list = addition()
print("Ans = ", list[0], " total inputs ",list[1])
elif c == 's':
list = subtraction()
print("Ans = ", list[0], " total inputs ",list[1])
elif c == 'm':
list = multiplication()
print("Ans = ", list[0], " total inputs ",list[1])
elif c == 'v':
list = average()
print("Ans = ", list[0], " total inputs ",list[1])
print ("Sorry, invilid character")

Multiply Two Matrices

May 31, 2023CodeCatch

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# Function to multiply two matrices
def multiply_matrices(matrix1, matrix2):
# Check if the matrices can be multiplied
if len(matrix1[0]) != len(matrix2):
print("Error: The number of columns in the first matrix must be equal to the number of rows in the second matrix.")
return None
# Create the result matrix filled with zeros
result = [[0 for _ in range(len(matrix2[0]))] for _ in range(len(matrix1))]
# Perform matrix multiplication
for i in range(len(matrix1)):
for j in range(len(matrix2[0])):
for k in range(len(matrix2)):
result[i][j] += matrix1[i][k] * matrix2[k][j]
return result
# Example matrices
matrix1 = [[1, 2, 3],
[4, 5, 6],
[7, 8, 9]]
matrix2 = [[10, 11],
[12, 13],
[14, 15]]
# Multiply the matrices
result_matrix = multiply_matrices(matrix1, matrix2)
# Display the result
if result_matrix is not None:
for row in result_matrix:

Print pyramid pattern

Nov 19, 2022CodeCatch

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def print_pyramid_pattern(n):
# outer loop to handle number of rows
# n in this case
for i in range(0, n):
# inner loop to handle number of columns
# values changing acc. to outer loop
for j in range(0, i+1):
# printing stars
print("* ",end="")
# ending line after each row