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from math import pidef rads_to_degrees(rad):return (rad * 180.0) / pirads_to_degrees(pi / 2) # 90.0
import copybegining = [False,False,False,False,False,None,True,True,True,True,True]#False = black True = whiteits = [0]def swap(layout, step):layoutCopy = copy.deepcopy(layout)layoutCopy[(step[0]+step[1])], layoutCopy[step[1]] = layoutCopy[step[1]], layoutCopy[(step[0]+step[1])]return layoutCopydef isSolved(layout):for i in range(len(layout)):if(layout[i] == False):return (i >= (len(layout)/2))def recurse(layout, its, steps = []):if isSolved(layout):its[0] += 1print(layout,list(x[0] for x in steps))returnstep = Nonefor i in range(len(layout)):if(layout[i] == None):if(i >= 1): #If the empty space could have something to the leftif(layout[i - 1] == False):step = [-1,i]recurse(swap(layout,step), its, (steps+[step]))if(i > 1): #If the empty space could have something 2 to the leftif(layout[i - 2] == False):step = [-2,i]recurse(swap(layout,step), its, (steps+[step]))if(i < (len(layout)-1)): #If the empty space could have something to the rightif(layout[i + 1] == True):step = [1,i]recurse(swap(layout,step), its, (steps+[step]))if(i < (len(layout)-2)): #If the empty space could have something to the rightif(layout[i + 2] == True):step = [2,i]recurse(swap(layout,step), its, (steps+[step]))its[0] += 1#return Nonerecurse(begining,its,[])print(its[0])
import random# Define the ranks, suits, and create a deckranks = ['Ace', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', 'Jack', 'Queen', 'King']suits = ['Hearts', 'Diamonds', 'Clubs', 'Spades']deck = [(rank, suit) for rank in ranks for suit in suits]# Shuffle the deckrandom.shuffle(deck)# Display the shuffled deckfor card in deck:print(card[0], "of", card[1])
def when(predicate, when_true):return lambda x: when_true(x) if predicate(x) else xdouble_even_numbers = when(lambda x: x % 2 == 0, lambda x : x * 2)print(double_even_numbers(2)) # 4print(double_even_numbers(1)) # 1
#question1.pydef rose(n) :if n==0 :yield []else :for k in range(0,n) :for l in rose(k) :for r in rose(n-1-k) :yield [l]+[r]+[r]def start(n) :for x in rose(n) :print(x) #basically I am printing x for each rose(n) fileprint("starting program: \n")start(2) # here is where I call the start function
class Solution(object):def floodFill(self, image, sr, sc, newColor):R, C = len(image), len(image[0])color = image[sr][sc]if color == newColor: return imagedef dfs(r, c):if image[r][c] == color:image[r][c] = newColorif r >= 1: dfs(r-1, c)if r+1 < R: dfs(r+1, c)if c >= 1: dfs(r, c-1)if c+1 < C: dfs(r, c+1)dfs(sr, sc)return image