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Function promisification

Nov 19, 2022CodeCatch

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Generate a random HEX color

Nov 18, 2022AustinLeath

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// Or
const randomColor = () => `#${(~~(Math.random()*(1<<24))).toString(16)}`;

find primes

Nov 19, 2022CodeCatch

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const primes = num => {
let arr = Array.from({ length: num - 1 }).map((x, i) => i + 2),
sqroot = Math.floor(Math.sqrt(num)),
numsTillSqroot = Array.from({ length: sqroot - 1 }).map((x, i) => i + 2);
numsTillSqroot.forEach(x => (arr = arr.filter(y => y % x !== 0 || y === x)));
return arr;
primes(10); // [2, 3, 5, 7]

Longest Palindromic Substring

Nov 19, 2022CodeCatch

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const longestPalindrome = (s) => {
if(s.length === 1) return s
const odd = longestOddPalindrome(s)
const even = longestEvenPalindrome(s)
if(odd.length >= even.length) return odd
if(even.length > odd.length) return even
const longestOddPalindrome = (s) => {
let longest = 0
let longestSubStr = ""
for(let i = 1; i < s.length; i++) {
let currentLongest = 1
let currentLongestSubStr = ""
let left = i - 1
let right = i + 1
while(left >= 0 && right < s.length) {
const leftLetter = s[left]
const rightLetter = s[right]
if(leftLetter === rightLetter) {
currentLongest += 2
currentLongestSubStr = s.slice(left+1, right)
} else break
if(currentLongest > longest) {
if(currentLongestSubStr) longestSubStr = currentLongestSubStr
else longestSubStr = s[i]
longest = currentLongest
return longestSubStr
const longestEvenPalindrome = (s) => {
let longest = 0
let longestSubStr = ""
for(let i = 0; i < s.length - 1; i++) {
if(s[i] !== s[i+1]) continue;
let currentLongest = 2
let currentLongestSubStr = ""
let left = i - 1
let right = i + 2
while(left >= 0 && right < s.length) {
const leftLetter = s[left]
const rightLetter = s[right]
if(leftLetter === rightLetter) {
currentLongest += 2
currentLongestSubStr = s.slice(left+1, right)
} else break
if(currentLongest > longest) {
if(currentLongestSubStr) longestSubStr = currentLongestSubStr
else longestSubStr = s[i] + s[i+1]
longest = currentLongest
return longestSubStr

Canvas File Downloader

Nov 18, 2022AustinLeath

0 likes • 5 views

results =
"11345240":"Media Comment-80e47004-1719-493a-af69-a43b2652b41c",
"11345348":"February 12%2C 2021.mp4",
"11346193":"Agenda – Week of March23.pptx",
"11346318":"MUJS 2370 SP2021 Updated Rhythm Changes Drills Bb - Score.pdf",
"11346319":"MUJS 2370 SP2021 Updated Rhythm Changes Drills C - Score.pdf",
"11346322":"MUJS 2370 SP2021 Updated Rhythm Changes Drills Eb - Score.pdf",
"11346323":"MUJS 2370 Updated Rhythm Changes Drills Bass - Score.pdf",
"11346381":"Anthropology with colored highlighter analysis - Mar 22 2021 - 10-36 AM.pdf",
"11346449":"Anthropology with colored highlighter analysis - Mar 22 2021 - 10-36 AM.pdf",
"11346450":"MUJS 2370 SP2021 Updated Rhythm Changes Drills Bb - Score.pdf",
"11346451":"MUJS 2370 SP2021 Updated Rhythm Changes Drills C - Score.pdf",
"11346453":"MUJS 2370 SP2021 Updated Rhythm Changes Drills Eb - Score.pdf",
"11346454":"MUJS 2370 Updated Rhythm Changes Drills Bass - Score.pdf",
"11346495":"Steinel chromatic ornamentation étude rhythm changes - Aug 23 2020 - 12-19 PM.pdf",
"11346532":"Media Comment-136242b4-7f2c-4d5d-8aa4-091f07e797cf",
"11346581":"2019 Trust Based Relationship Intervention Manual.pdf",
"11346584":"TBRI ppt.pptx",
"11346593":"Trauma informed care.ppt"
function NewTab(testing) {, "_blank");
for(test in results) {
var testing = '' + test + '/download';
// = '' + test + '/download';

JWT Authentication

Mar 11, 2021C S

0 likes • 1 view

const jwt = require("jsonwebtoken");
const authToken = (req, res, next) => {
const token = req.headers["x-auth-token"];
try {
req.user = jwt.verify(token, process.env.ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET);
} catch (err) {
res.status(401).json({ msg: "Error authenticating token" });
module.exports = authToken;

React Short Circuit Evaluation

Feb 3, 2021C S

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import React, { useState } from 'react' import Welcome from '../components/Welcome' function About() { const [showWelcome, setShowWelcome] = useState(false) return ( <div> {showWelcome ? <Welcome /> : null} </div> <div> {showWelcome && <Welcome /> } </div> ) } export default App