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def print_x_pattern(size):i,j = 0,size - 1while j >= 0 and i < size:initial_spaces = ' '*min(i,j)middle_spaces = ' '*(abs(i - j) - 1)final_spaces = ' '*(size - 1 - max(i,j))if j == i:print(initial_spaces + '*' + final_spaces)else:print(initial_spaces + '*' + middle_spaces + '*' + final_spaces)i += 1j -= 1print_x_pattern(7)
mydict = {'carl':40, 'alan':2, 'bob':1, 'danny':0}# How to sort a dict by value Python 3>sort = {key:value for key, value in sorted(mydict.items(), key=lambda kv: (kv[1], kv[0]))}print(sort)# How to sort a dict by key Python 3>sort = {key:mydict[key] for key in sorted(mydict.keys())}print(sort)
import copybegining = [False,False,False,False,False,None,True,True,True,True,True]#False = black True = whiteits = [0]def swap(layout, step):layoutCopy = copy.deepcopy(layout)layoutCopy[(step[0]+step[1])], layoutCopy[step[1]] = layoutCopy[step[1]], layoutCopy[(step[0]+step[1])]return layoutCopydef isSolved(layout):for i in range(len(layout)):if(layout[i] == False):return (i >= (len(layout)/2))def recurse(layout, its, steps = []):if isSolved(layout):its[0] += 1print(layout,list(x[0] for x in steps))returnstep = Nonefor i in range(len(layout)):if(layout[i] == None):if(i >= 1): #If the empty space could have something to the leftif(layout[i - 1] == False):step = [-1,i]recurse(swap(layout,step), its, (steps+[step]))if(i > 1): #If the empty space could have something 2 to the leftif(layout[i - 2] == False):step = [-2,i]recurse(swap(layout,step), its, (steps+[step]))if(i < (len(layout)-1)): #If the empty space could have something to the rightif(layout[i + 1] == True):step = [1,i]recurse(swap(layout,step), its, (steps+[step]))if(i < (len(layout)-2)): #If the empty space could have something to the rightif(layout[i + 2] == True):step = [2,i]recurse(swap(layout,step), its, (steps+[step]))its[0] += 1#return Nonerecurse(begining,its,[])print(its[0])
# Python program for implementation of Bubble Sortdef bubbleSort(arr):n = len(arr)# Traverse through all array elementsfor i in range(n-1):# range(n) also work but outer loop will repeat one time more than needed.# Last i elements are already in placefor j in range(0, n-i-1):# traverse the array from 0 to n-i-1# Swap if the element found is greater# than the next elementif arr[j] > arr[j+1] :arr[j], arr[j+1] = arr[j+1], arr[j]# Driver code to test abovearr = [64, 34, 25, 12, 22, 11, 90]bubbleSort(arr)print ("Sorted array is:")for i in range(len(arr)):print ("%d" %arr[i]),
import randomclass Node:def __init__(self, c):self.left = Noneself.right = Noneself.color = cdef SetColor(self,c) :self.color = cdef PrintNode(self) :print(self.color)def insert(s, root, i, n):if i < n:temp = Node(s[i])root = temproot.left = insert(s, root.left,2 * i + 1, n)root.right = insert(s, root.right,2 * i + 2, n)return rootdef MakeTree(s) :list = insert(s,None,0,len(s))return listdef MakeSet() :s = []count = random.randint(7,12)for _ in range(count) :color = random.randint(0,1) == 0 and "Red" or "White"s.append(color)return sdef ChangeColor(root) :if (root != None) :if (root.color == "White") :root.SetColor("Red")ChangeColor(root.left)ChangeColor(root.right)def PrintList(root) :if root.left != None :PrintList(root.left)else :root.PrintNode()if root.right != None :PrintList(root.right)else :root.PrintNode()t1 = MakeTree(MakeSet())print("Original Colors For Tree 1:\n")PrintList(t1)ChangeColor(t1)print("New Colors For Tree 1:\n")PrintList(t1)t2 = MakeTree(MakeSet())print("Original Colors For Tree 2:\n")PrintList(t2)ChangeColor(t2)print("New Colors For Tree 2:\n")PrintList(t2)t3 = MakeTree(MakeSet())print("Original Colors For Tree 3:\n")PrintList(t3)ChangeColor(t3)print("New Colors For Tree 3:\n")PrintList(t3)
import pandas as pdx = pd.read_excel(FILE_NAME)print(x)