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from collections import defaultdictdef collect_dictionary(obj):inv_obj = defaultdict(list)for key, value in obj.items():inv_obj[value].append(key)return dict(inv_obj)ages = {'Peter': 10,'Isabel': 10,'Anna': 9,}collect_dictionary(ages) # { 10: ['Peter', 'Isabel'], 9: ['Anna'] }
# Python program to reverse a linked list# Time Complexity : O(n)# Space Complexity : O(n) as 'next'#variable is getting created in each loop.# Node classclass Node:# Constructor to initialize the node objectdef __init__(self, data):self.data = dataself.next = Noneclass LinkedList:# Function to initialize headdef __init__(self):self.head = None# Function to reverse the linked listdef reverse(self):prev = Nonecurrent = self.headwhile(current is not None):next = current.nextcurrent.next = prevprev = currentcurrent = nextself.head = prev# Function to insert a new node at the beginningdef push(self, new_data):new_node = Node(new_data)new_node.next = self.headself.head = new_node# Utility function to print the linked LinkedListdef printList(self):temp = self.headwhile(temp):print temp.data,temp = temp.next# Driver program to test above functionsllist = LinkedList()llist.push(20)llist.push(4)llist.push(15)llist.push(85)print "Given Linked List"llist.printList()llist.reverse()print "\nReversed Linked List"llist.printList()
# Given a number n, print all primes smaller than or equal to n. It is also given that n is a small number.# For example, if n is 10, the output should be “2, 3, 5, 7”. If n is 20, the output should be “2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19”.# Python program to print all primes smaller than or equal to# n using Sieve of Eratosthenesdef SieveOfEratosthenes(n):# Create a boolean array "prime[0..n]" and initialize# all entries it as true. A value in prime[i] will# finally be false if i is Not a prime, else true.prime = [True for i in range(n + 1)]p = 2while (p * p <= n):# If prime[p] is not changed, then it is a primeif (prime[p] == True):# Update all multiples of pfor i in range(p * 2, n + 1, p):prime[i] = Falsep += 1prime[0]= Falseprime[1]= False# Print all prime numbersfor p in range(n + 1):if prime[p]:print (p)# driver programif __name__=='__main__':n = 30print("Following are the prime numbers smaller")print("than or equal to ", n)print("than or equal to ", n)SieveOfEratosthenes(n)
#SetsU = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}P = {1,2,3,4}Q = {4,5,6}R = {3,4,6,8,9}def set2bits(xs,us) :bs=[]for x in us :if x in xs :bs.append(1)else:bs.append(0)assert len(us) == len(bs)return bsdef union(set1,set2) :finalSet = set()bitList1 = set2bits(set1, U)bitList2 = set2bits(set2, U)for i in range(len(U)) :if(bitList1[i] or bitList2[i]) :finalSet.add(i)return finalSetdef intersection(set1,set2) :finalSet = set()bitList1 = set2bits(set1, U)bitList2 = set2bits(set2, U)for i in range(len(U)) :if(bitList1[i] and bitList2[i]) :finalSet.add(i)return finalSetdef compliment(set1) :finalSet = set()bitList = set2bits(set1, U)for i in range(len(U)) :if(not bitList[i]) :finalSet.add(i)return finalSetdef implication(a,b):return union(compliment(a), b)################################################################################################################# Problems 1-6 ###################################################################################################################################p \/ (q /\ r) = (p \/ q) /\ (p \/ r)def prob1():return union(P, intersection(Q,R)) == intersection(union(P,Q), union(P,R))#p /\ (q \/ r) = (p /\ q) \/ (p /\ r)def prob2():return intersection(P, union(Q,R)) == union(intersection(P,Q), intersection(P,R))#~(p /\ q) = ~p \/ ~qdef prob3():return compliment(intersection(P,R)) == union(compliment(P), compliment(R))#~(p \/ q) = ~p /\ ~qdef prob4():return compliment(union(P,Q)) == intersection(compliment(P), compliment(Q))#(p=>q) = (~q => ~p)def prob5():return implication(P,Q) == implication(compliment(Q), compliment(P))#(p => q) /\ (q => r) => (p => r)def prob6():return implication(intersection(implication(P,Q), implication(Q,R)), implication(P,R))print("Problem 1: ", prob1())print("Problem 2: ", prob2())print("Problem 3: ", prob3())print("Problem 4: ", prob4())print("Problem 5: ", prob5())print("Problem 6: ", prob6())'''Problem 1: TrueProblem 2: TrueProblem 3: TrueProblem 4: TrueProblem 5: TrueProblem 6: {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}'''
# Prompt user for a decimal numberdecimal = int(input("Enter a decimal number: "))# Convert decimal to binarybinary = bin(decimal)# Convert decimal to hexadecimalhexadecimal = hex(decimal)# Display the resultsprint("Binary:", binary)print("Hexadecimal:", hexadecimal)