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Size of tuple

Nov 19, 2022CodeCatch

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Mad libs generator

Nov 19, 2022CodeCatch

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#Loop back to this point once code finishes
loop = 1
while (loop < 10):
#All the questions that the program asks the user
noun = input("Choose a noun: ")
p_noun = input("Choose a plural noun: ")
noun2 = input("Choose a noun: ")
place = input("Name a place: ")
adjective = input("Choose an adjective (Describing word): ")
noun3 = input("Choose a noun: ")
#Displays the story based on the users input
print ("------------------------------------------")
print ("Be kind to your",noun,"- footed", p_noun)
print ("For a duck may be somebody's", noun2,",")
print ("Be kind to your",p_noun,"in",place)
print ("Where the weather is always",adjective,".")
print ()
print ("You may think that is this the",noun3,",")
print ("Well it is.")
print ("------------------------------------------")
#Loop back to "loop = 1"
loop = loop + 1

print indices

Nov 18, 2022AustinLeath

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# List
lst = [1, 2, 3, 'Alice', 'Alice']
# One-Liner
indices = [i for i in range(len(lst)) if lst[i]=='Alice']
# Result
# [3, 4]

CSCE 2100 Question 3

Nov 18, 2022AustinLeath

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from itertools import product
def tt(f,n) :
for xs in xss : print(*xs,':',int(f(*xs)))
# this is the logic for part A (p\/q\/r) /\ (p\/q\/~r) /\ (p\/~q\/r) /\ (p\/~q\/~r) /\ (~p\/q\/r) /\ (~p\/q\/~r) /\ (~p\/~q\/r) /\ (~p\/~q\/~r)
def parta(p,q,r) :
a=(p or q or r) and (p or q or not r) and (p or not q or r)and (p or not q or not r)
b=(not p or q or r ) and (not p or q or not r) and (not p or not q or r) and (not p or not q or not r)
c= a and b
return c
def partb(p,q,r) :
a=(p or q and r) and (p or not q or not r) and (p or not q or not r)and (p or q or not r)
b=(not p or q or r ) and (not p or q or not r) and (not p or not q or r) and (not p or not q or not r)
c= a and b
return c
print("part A:")
print("part B:")

Bitonic sort

Nov 19, 2022CodeCatch

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# Python program for Bitonic Sort. Note that this program
# works only when size of input is a power of 2.
# The parameter dir indicates the sorting direction, ASCENDING
# or DESCENDING; if (a[i] > a[j]) agrees with the direction,
# then a[i] and a[j] are interchanged.*/
def compAndSwap(a, i, j, dire):
if (dire==1 and a[i] > a[j]) or (dire==0 and a[i] > a[j]):
a[i],a[j] = a[j],a[i]
# It recursively sorts a bitonic sequence in ascending order,
# if dir = 1, and in descending order otherwise (means dir=0).
# The sequence to be sorted starts at index position low,
# the parameter cnt is the number of elements to be sorted.
def bitonicMerge(a, low, cnt, dire):
if cnt > 1:
k = cnt/2
for i in range(low , low+k):
compAndSwap(a, i, i+k, dire)
bitonicMerge(a, low, k, dire)
bitonicMerge(a, low+k, k, dire)
# This funcion first produces a bitonic sequence by recursively
# sorting its two halves in opposite sorting orders, and then
# calls bitonicMerge to make them in the same order
def bitonicSort(a, low, cnt,dire):
if cnt > 1:
k = cnt/2
bitonicSort(a, low, k, 1)
bitonicSort(a, low+k, k, 0)
bitonicMerge(a, low, cnt, dire)
# Caller of bitonicSort for sorting the entire array of length N
# in ASCENDING order
def sort(a,N, up):
bitonicSort(a,0, N, up)
# Driver code to test above
a = [3, 7, 4, 8, 6, 2, 1, 5]
n = len(a)
up = 1
sort(a, n, up)
print ("\n\nSorted array is")
for i in range(n):
print("%d" %a[i]),

Hello, python

Jan 20, 2021Ntindle

0 likes • 2 views

print(“Hello World”)

guacamole LDAP creation

Nov 18, 2022AustinLeath

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import os
import sys
import argparse
import json
import csv
import getpass
import string
import random
import re
from datetime import datetime
import ldap
import requests
from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
import validators
def create_guac_connection(BASE_URL, auth_token, ldap_group, computer, guac_group_id):
creates a guac connection
json_header = {'Accept': 'application/json'}
query_parm_payload = { 'token': auth_token }
payload_data = {
CREATE_CONNECTION_URL = BASE_URL + "/api/session/data/mysql/connections"
create_connection_request =, headers=json_header, params=query_parm_payload, data=payload_data, verify=False)
create_connection_result = create_connection_request.status_code
if create_connection_result == "200":
print("Successfully created computer: " + computer)
return create_connection_result