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two-digit integer

Feb 26, 2023wabdelh

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Number guessing game

Nov 19, 2022CodeCatch

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""" Number Guessing Game
import random
attempts_list = []
def show_score():
if len(attempts_list) <= 0:
print("There is currently no high score, it's yours for the taking!")
print("The current high score is {} attempts".format(min(attempts_list)))
def start_game():
random_number = int(random.randint(1, 10))
print("Hello traveler! Welcome to the game of guesses!")
player_name = input("What is your name? ")
wanna_play = input("Hi, {}, would you like to play the guessing game? (Enter Yes/No) ".format(player_name))
// Where the show_score function USED to be
attempts = 0
while wanna_play.lower() == "yes":
guess = input("Pick a number between 1 and 10 ")
if int(guess) < 1 or int(guess) > 10:
raise ValueError("Please guess a number within the given range")
if int(guess) == random_number:
print("Nice! You got it!")
attempts += 1
print("It took you {} attempts".format(attempts))
play_again = input("Would you like to play again? (Enter Yes/No) ")
attempts = 0
random_number = int(random.randint(1, 10))
if play_again.lower() == "no":
print("That's cool, have a good one!")
elif int(guess) > random_number:
print("It's lower")
attempts += 1
elif int(guess) < random_number:
print("It's higher")
attempts += 1
except ValueError as err:
print("Oh no!, that is not a valid value. Try again...")
print("That's cool, have a good one!")
if __name__ == '__main__':

Hello World

Sep 9, 2023AustinLeath

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Color Gradient

Mar 10, 2021Skrome

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color2 = (60, 74, 172)
color1 = (19, 28, 87)
percent = 1.0
for i in range(101):
resultRed = round(color1[0] + percent * (color2[0] - color1[0]))
resultGreen = round(color1[1] + percent * (color2[1] - color1[1]))
resultBlue = round(color1[2] + percent * (color2[2] - color1[2]))
print((resultRed, resultGreen, resultBlue))
percent -= 0.01

Find Coin

Oct 4, 2023AustinLeath

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weigh = lambda a,b: sum(b)-sum(a)
FindCoin = lambda A: 0 if (n := len(A)) == 1 else (m := n//3) * (w := 1 + weigh(A[:m], A[2*m:])) + FindCoin(A[m*w:m*(w+1)])

Selection sort

Nov 19, 2022CodeCatch

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# Python program for implementation of Selection
# Sort
import sys
A = [64, 25, 12, 22, 11]
# Traverse through all array elements
for i in range(len(A)):
# Find the minimum element in remaining
# unsorted array
min_idx = i
for j in range(i+1, len(A)):
if A[min_idx] > A[j]:
min_idx = j
# Swap the found minimum element with
# the first element
A[i], A[min_idx] = A[min_idx], A[i]
# Driver code to test above
print ("Sorted array")
for i in range(len(A)):
print("%d" %A[i]),

Differentiate Between type() and instance()

May 31, 2023CodeCatch

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class Rectangle:
class Square(Rectangle):
rectangle = Rectangle()
square = Square()
print(isinstance(rectangle, Rectangle)) # True
print(isinstance(square, Rectangle)) # True
print(isinstance(square, Square)) # True
print(isinstance(rectangle, Square)) # False