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Find Coin

Oct 4, 2023AustinLeath

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Finding NULL values within set

Oct 7, 2022KETRICK

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Jan 23, 2021asnark

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Take screenshots at x interval - make a movie of doings on a computer.
import time
from datetime import datetime
import ffmpeg
import pyautogui
while True:
epoch_time = int(time.time())
today ="%Y_%m_%d")
filename = str(epoch_time) + ".png"
print("taking screenshot: {0}".format(filename))
myScreenshot = pyautogui.screenshot() + "/" + filename)
# and then tie it together with:
import ffmpeg
.input('./2021_01_22/*.png', pattern_type='glob', framerate=25)
.filter('deflicker', mode='pm', size=10)
.filter('scale', size='hd1080', force_original_aspect_ratio='increase')
.output('movie.mp4', crf=20, preset='slower', movflags='faststart', pix_fmt='yuv420p')

Remove i'th character

Nov 19, 2022CodeCatch

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# Python code to demonstrate
# method to remove i'th character
# Naive Method
# Initializing String
test_str = "CodeCatch"
# Printing original string
print ("The original string is : " + test_str)
# Removing char at pos 3
# using loop
new_str = ""
for i in range(len(test_str)):
if i != 2:
new_str = new_str + test_str[i]
# Printing string after removal
print ("The string after removal of i'th character : " + new_str)

AnyTree Randomizer

Apr 15, 2021NoahEaton

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import anytree as at
import random as rm
# Generate a tree with node_count many nodes. Each has a number key that shows when it was made and a randomly selected color, red or white.
def random_tree(node_count):
# Generates the list of nodes
nodes = []
for i in range(node_count):
test = rm.randint(1,2)
if test == 1:
#Creates the various main branches
for i in range(node_count):
for j in range(i, len(nodes)):
test = rm.randint(1,len(nodes))
if test == 1 and nodes[j].parent == None and (not nodes[i] == nodes[j]):
nodes[j].parent = nodes[i]
#Collects all the main branches into a single tree with the first node being the root
for i in range(1, node_count):
if nodes[i].parent == None and (not nodes[i] == nodes[0]):
nodes[i].parent = nodes[0]
return nodes[0]

return multiple values from a function

Jun 1, 2023CodeCatch

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def calculate_values():
value1 = 10
value2 = 20
return value1, value2
result1, result2 = calculate_values()
print("Result 1:", result1)
print("Result 2:", result2)

key of minimum value

Nov 19, 2022CodeCatch

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def key_of_min(d):
return min(d, key = d.get)
key_of_min({'a':4, 'b':0, 'c':13}) # b