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def calculate_values():value1 = 10value2 = 20return value1, value2result1, result2 = calculate_values()print("Result 1:", result1)print("Result 2:", result2)
def key_of_min(d):return min(d, key = d.get)key_of_min({'a':4, 'b':0, 'c':13}) # b
import itertoolsdef compute_permutations(string):# Generate all permutations of the stringpermutations = itertools.permutations(string)# Convert each permutation tuple to a stringpermutations = [''.join(permutation) for permutation in permutations]return permutations# Prompt the user for a stringstring = input("Enter a string: ")# Compute permutationspermutations = compute_permutations(string)# Display the permutationsprint("Permutations:")for permutation in permutations:print(permutation)
print(“Hello World”)
# question3.pyfrom itertools import productV='∀'E='∃'def tt(f,n) :xss=product((0,1),repeat=n)print('function:',f.__name__)for xs in xss : print(*xs,':',int(f(*xs)))print('')# this is the logic for part A (p\/q\/r) /\ (p\/q\/~r) /\ (p\/~q\/r) /\ (p\/~q\/~r) /\ (~p\/q\/r) /\ (~p\/q\/~r) /\ (~p\/~q\/r) /\ (~p\/~q\/~r)def parta(p,q,r) :a=(p or q or r) and (p or q or not r) and (p or not q or r)and (p or not q or not r)b=(not p or q or r ) and (not p or q or not r) and (not p or not q or r) and (not p or not q or not r)c= a and breturn cdef partb(p,q,r) :a=(p or q and r) and (p or not q or not r) and (p or not q or not r)and (p or q or not r)b=(not p or q or r ) and (not p or q or not r) and (not p or not q or r) and (not p or not q or not r)c= a and breturn cprint("part A:")tt(parta,3)print("part B:")tt(partb,3)
weigh = lambda a,b: sum(b)-sum(a)FindCoin = lambda A: 0 if (n := len(A)) == 1 else (m := n//3) * (w := 1 + weigh(A[:m], A[2*m:])) + FindCoin(A[m*w:m*(w+1)])print(FindCoin([1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,1]))