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#include <iostream>#include <cstring>#include <unistd.h>#include <sys/utsname.h>int main() {char newHostname[] = "newhostname"; // Replace with the desired hostnameif (sethostname(newHostname, strlen(newHostname)) == 0) {std::cout << "Hostname set to: " << newHostname << std::endl;// Optionally, update the /etc/hostname file to make the change permanentFILE *hostnameFile = fopen("/etc/hostname", "w");if (hostnameFile != NULL) {fprintf(hostnameFile, "%s\n", newHostname);fclose(hostnameFile);} else {perror("Failed to update /etc/hostname");}} else {perror("Failed to set hostname");}return 0;}
#include <iostream>using namespace std;int main() {const int ROW_SIZE = 2;const int COLUMN_SIZE = 5; //establish all variablesint matrix[ROW_SIZE][COLUMN_SIZE];int minVal;for (int i = 0; i < ROW_SIZE; ++i) // for loop to ask user to enter data.{for (int h = 0; h < COLUMN_SIZE; ++h) {cout << "Enter data for row #" << i + 1 << " and column #" << h + 1 << ": ";cin >> matrix[i][h];}}cout << "You entered: " << endl;for (int i = 0; i < ROW_SIZE; ++i) //for statements to output the array neatly{for (int h = 0; h < COLUMN_SIZE; ++h) {cout << matrix[i][h] << "\t";}cout << endl;}cout << "Minimum for each row is: {";for (int i = 0; i < ROW_SIZE; i++) //for statements to find the minimum in each row{minVal = matrix[i][0];for (int h = 0; h < COLUMN_SIZE; h++) {if (matrix[i][h] < minVal) // if matrix[i][h] < minVal -> minVal = matrix[i][h];{minVal = matrix[i][h];}}cout << minVal << ", ";}cout << "}" << endl;cout << "Minimum for each column is: {";for (int i = 0; i < COLUMN_SIZE; i++) //for statements to find the minimum in each column{minVal = matrix[0][i];for (int h = 0; h < ROW_SIZE; h++) {if (matrix[h][i] < minVal) //replaces minVal with array index for that column that is lowest{minVal = matrix[h][i];}}cout << minVal << ", ";}cout << "}" << endl;return 0;}
#include <iostream>int main(){const char* const hello = "Hello, world!";const char* bruh = hello;char* const yeet = hello;std::cout << bruh << std::endl;std::cout << yeet << std::endl;return 0;}/*Place your bets!Will the program:a.) Print "Hello, world!" twice?b.) Compile error on line 5 (bruh initialize line) because the pointer gets implicit cast to non-const?c.) Compile error on line 7 (yeet initialize line) because the char gets implicit cast to non-const?d.) Both b and c?e.) Compile error line 11 (print yeet) because the pointer is constant and can't be incrementedf.) Print "Hello, world!" then print the pointer address in hexadecimalg.) Both b and e?h.) Both c and e?i.) B, c, and e?*/// The answer is in this base 64 string:// 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
// Iterative C++ program to// implement Stein's Algorithm//#include <bits/stdc++.h>#include <bitset>using namespace std;// Function to implement// Stein's Algorithmint gcd(int a, int b){/* GCD(0, b) == b; GCD(a, 0) == a,GCD(0, 0) == 0 */if (a == 0)return b;if (b == 0)return a;/*Finding K, where K is thegreatest power of 2that divides both a and b. */int k;for (k = 0; ((a | b) & 1) == 0; ++k){a >>= 1;b >>= 1;}/* Dividing a by 2 until a becomes odd */while ((a & 1) == 0)a >>= 1;/* From here on, 'a' is always odd. */do{/* If b is even, remove all factor of 2 in b */while ((b & 1) == 0)b >>= 1;/* Now a and b are both odd.Swap if necessary so a <= b,then set b = b - a (which is even).*/if (a > b)swap(a, b); // Swap u and v.b = (b - a);} while (b != 0);/* restore common factors of 2 */return a << k;}// Driver codeint main(){int a = 12, b = 780;printf("Gcd of given numbers is %d\n", gcd(a, b));return 0;}
#include <iostream>#include <string> //Should already be in iostream#include <cstdlib>//A word score adds up the character values. a-z gets mapped to 1-26 for the values of the characters.//wordScore [wordValue]//Pipe in the input into stdin, or type the words yourself.//Lowercase words onlyint characterValue(const char b){return ((b >= 'a') && (b <= 'z'))? ((b - 'a') + 1) : 0;}int main(int argc, char** argv){//The first argument specifies if you are trying to look for a certain word scoreint wordValue = (argc > 1)? std::atoi(argv[1]) : 0;std::string line;while(std::getline(std::cin, line)){int sum = 0;for(const char c : line){sum += characterValue(c);}if(wordValue){ //If wordValue is 0 or the sum is the correct valueif(wordValue == sum){std::cout << line << std::endl;}} else {std::cout << sum << "\t" << line << std::endl;}}return 0;}
#include <iostream>#include <cmath>#include <string.h>using namespace std;int main() {string tickerName;int numOfContracts;float currentOptionValue;cout << "Enter a stock ticker: ";getline(cin, tickerName);cout << "Enter the current number of " << tickerName << " contracts you are holding: ";cin >> numOfContracts;cout << "Enter the current price of the option: ";cin >> currentOptionValue;cout << "The value of your " << tickerName << " options are: $" << (currentOptionValue * 100.00) * (numOfContracts);cout << endl;return 0;}