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#include <string>#include <iostream>#include "PlaylistNode.h"using namespace std;PlaylistNode::PlaylistNode() {uniqueID = "none";songName = "none";artistName = "none";songLength = 0;nextNodePtr = 0;}PlaylistNode::PlaylistNode(string uniqueID_, string songName_, string artistName_, int songLength_) {uniqueID = uniqueID_;songName = songName_;artistName = artistName_;songLength = songLength_;nextNodePtr = 0;}void PlaylistNode::InsertAfter(PlaylistNode* ptr) {this->SetNext(ptr->GetNext());ptr->SetNext(this);}void PlaylistNode::SetNext(PlaylistNode* ptr) {nextNodePtr = ptr;}string PlaylistNode::GetID() {return uniqueID;}string PlaylistNode::GetSongName() {return songName;}string PlaylistNode::GetArtistName() {return artistName;}int PlaylistNode::GetSongLength() {return songLength;}PlaylistNode* PlaylistNode::GetNext() {return nextNodePtr;}void PlaylistNode::PrintPlaylistNode() {cout << "Unique ID: " << uniqueID << endl;cout << "Song Name: " << songName << endl;cout << "Artist Name: " << artistName << endl;cout << "Song Length (in seconds): " << songLength << endl;}Playlist::Playlist() {head = tail = 0;}void Playlist::AddSong(string id, string songname, string artistname, int length) {PlaylistNode* n = new PlaylistNode(id, songname, artistname, length);if (head == 0) {head = tail = n;}else {n->InsertAfter(tail);tail = n;}}bool Playlist::RemoveSong(string id) {if (head == NULL) {cout << "Playlist is empty" << endl;return false;}PlaylistNode* curr = head;PlaylistNode* prev = NULL;while (curr != NULL) {if (curr->GetID() == id) {break;}prev = curr;curr = curr->GetNext();}if (curr == NULL) {cout << "\"" << curr->GetSongName() << "\" is not found" << endl;return false;}else {if (prev != NULL) {prev ->SetNext(curr->GetNext());}else {head = curr->GetNext();}if (tail == curr) {tail = prev;}cout << "\"" << curr->GetSongName() << "\" removed." << endl;delete curr;return true;}}bool Playlist::ChangePosition(int oldPos, int newPos) {if (head == NULL) {cout << "Playlist is empty" << endl;return false;}PlaylistNode* prev = NULL;PlaylistNode* curr = head;int pos;if (head == NULL || head == tail) {return false;}for (pos = 1; curr != NULL && pos < oldPos; pos++) {prev = curr;curr = curr->GetNext();}if (curr != NULL) {string currentSong = curr->GetSongName();if (prev == NULL) {head = curr->GetNext();}else {prev->SetNext(curr->GetNext());}if (curr == tail) {tail = prev;}PlaylistNode* curr1 = curr;prev = NULL;curr = head;for (pos = 1; curr != NULL && pos < newPos; pos++) {prev = curr;curr = curr->GetNext();}if (prev == NULL) {curr1->SetNext(head);head = curr1;}else {curr1->InsertAfter(prev);}if (curr == NULL) {tail = curr1;}cout << "\"" << currentSong << "\" moved to position " << newPos << endl;return true;}else {cout << "Song's current position is invalid" << endl;return false;}}void Playlist::SongsByArtist(string artist) {if (head == NULL) {cout << "Playlist is empty" << endl;}else {PlaylistNode* curr = head;int i = 1;while (curr != NULL) {if (curr->GetArtistName() == artist) {cout << endl << i << "." << endl;curr->PrintPlaylistNode();}curr = curr->GetNext();i++;}}}int Playlist::TotalTime() {int total = 0;PlaylistNode* curr = head;while (curr != NULL) {total += curr->GetSongLength();curr = curr->GetNext();}return total;}void Playlist::PrintList() {if (head == NULL) {cout << "Playlist is empty" << endl;}else {PlaylistNode* curr = head;int i = 1;while (curr != NULL) {cout << endl << i++ << "." << endl;curr->PrintPlaylistNode();curr = curr->GetNext();}}}
using namespace std;class Hash{int BUCKET; // No. of buckets// Pointer to an array containing bucketslist<int> *table;public:Hash(int V); // Constructor// inserts a key into hash tablevoid insertItem(int x);// deletes a key from hash tablevoid deleteItem(int key);// hash function to map values to keyint hashFunction(int x) {return (x % BUCKET);}void displayHash();};Hash::Hash(int b){this->BUCKET = b;table = new list<int>[BUCKET];}void Hash::insertItem(int key){int index = hashFunction(key);table[index].push_back(key);}void Hash::deleteItem(int key){// get the hash index of keyint index = hashFunction(key);// find the key in (inex)th listlist <int> :: iterator i;for (i = table[index].begin();i != table[index].end(); i++) {if (*i == key)break;}// if key is found in hash table, remove itif (i != table[index].end())table[index].erase(i);}// function to display hash tablevoid Hash::displayHash() {for (int i = 0; i < BUCKET; i++) {cout << i;for (auto x : table[i])cout << " --> " << x;cout << endl;}}// Driver programint main(){// array that contains keys to be mappedint a[] = {15, 11, 27, 8, 12};int n = sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0]);// insert the keys into the hash tableHash h(7); // 7 is count of buckets in// hash tablefor (int i = 0; i < n; i++)h.insertItem(a[i]);// delete 12 from hash tableh.deleteItem(12);// display the Hash tableh.displayHash();return 0;}
#include<iostream>#include<fstream>#include<vector>#include<stdio.h>#include<time.h>#include<stdlib.h>using namespace std;//data storage for parking lot info, admin, managers, users, and ticketsstruct Parking_Lot_info{int total_Space;int regular;int motorcycle;int disability;};struct Admin{string name;string id;string password;};struct Manager{string name;string id;string password;};struct User{string id;string name;string password;string makeModel1;string makeModel2;string year;string plate;};struct Ticket{string ticket_Number;string ticket_Amount;string ticket_Issued;string ticket_Status;string reason;string plate;};//prototypesvector<Admin>admin_Vector;vector<Admin>::iterator admin_it;vector<Manager>manager_Vector;vector<Manager>::iterator manager_it;vector<User>user_Vector;vector<User>::iterator user_it;vector<Ticket>ticket_Vector;vector<Ticket>::iterator ticket_it;void Initial_Admin_Vector(char admin_People_File_Name[]);void Initial_Manager_Vector(char management_People_File_Name[]);void Initial_User_Vector(char user_People_File_Name[]);void Initial_Ticket_Vector();void Login_System();void Checking_Id_Password();void Admin_Menu();void Management_Menu();void User_Menu();void Add_Admin();void Remove_Admin();void Display_All_Admin();void Search_Admin();void Change_Password_Admin();void Add_Manager();void Remove_Manager();void Display_All_Manager();void Search_Manager();void Add_User();void Display_All_User();void Remove_User();void Search_User();void Change_Password_User();void Change_Vehicle_Info();void Display_All_Vehicle();void Add_Ticket();void Display_All_Ticket();void Search_Ticket();void Remove_Ticket();void User_Display_Ticket();void Pay_Ticket();void Change_Password_Manager();void Store_Admin_Data(char admin_People_File_Name[]);void Store_Manager_Data(char manager_People_File_Name[]);void Store_User_Data(char user_People_File_Name[]);void Store_Ticket_Data();void Initial_Admin_Vector(char admin_People_File_Name[]){ifstream in;Admin a;in.open(admin_People_File_Name);while(getline(in,a.name,',')){getline(in,a.id,',');getline(in,a.password);admin_Vector.push_back(a);}in.close();}void Initial_Manager_Vector(char management_People_File_Name[]){ifstream in;Manager m;in.open(management_People_File_Name);while(getline(in,m.name,',')){getline(in,m.id,',');getline(in,m.password);manager_Vector.push_back(m);}in.close();}void Initial_User_Vector(char user_People_File_Name[]){ifstream in;User u;in.open(user_People_File_Name);while(getline(in,u.name,',')){getline(in,u.id,',');getline(in,u.password,',');getline(in,u.makeModel1,',');getline(in,u.makeModel2,',');getline(in,u.year,',');getline(in,u.plate);user_Vector.push_back(u);}in.close();}void Initial_Ticket_Vector(){ifstream in;Ticket t;in.open("ticket.csv");while(getline(in,t.ticket_Number,',')){getline(in,t.ticket_Amount,',');getline(in,t.ticket_Issued,',');getline(in,t.ticket_Status,',');getline(in,t.reason,',');getline(in,t.plate);ticket_Vector.push_back(t);}in.close();}void Login_System(){int first_Option;bool flag = true;do{cout << "Type in 1 to Log in to the system." << endl;cout << "Type in 2 to register to the system." << endl;cout << "Type in 3 to exit the system." << endl;cout << "Option: ";cin >> first_Option;switch(first_Option){case 1:Checking_Id_Password();flag = false;break;case 2:Add_User();break;case 3:flag = false;break;}}while(flag);}void Checking_Id_Password(){string Id1;string Password1;bool flag = true;do{cout << "Enter id: ";cin >> Id1;cout << "Enter password: ";cin >> Password1;for(admin_it = admin_Vector.begin(); admin_it != admin_Vector.end(); admin_it++){if(Id1 == admin_it->id && Password1 == admin_it->password){cout << endl;Admin_Menu();flag = false;break;}}for(manager_it = manager_Vector.begin(); manager_it != manager_Vector.end(); manager_it++){if(Id1 == manager_it->id && Password1 == manager_it->password){cout << endl;Management_Menu();flag = false;break;}}for(user_it = user_Vector.begin(); user_it != user_Vector.end(); user_it++){if(Id1 == user_it->id && Password1 == user_it->password){cout << endl;User_Menu();flag = false;break;}}if(flag){cout << "ID or Password is wrong. Enter your credentials again."<<endl<<endl;}}while(flag);}void Admin_Menu(){int Admin_Option;bool flag = true;do{cout << "Select the following option for a particular task." << endl;cout << "Select 1 to add new administrative employee." << endl;cout << "Select 2 to remove an administrative employee." << endl;cout << "Select 3 to view all administrative employee information." << endl;cout << "Select 4 to search information of a specific administrative employee." << endl;cout << "Select 5 to change password." << endl;cout << "Select 6 to add new management employee." << endl;cout << "Select 7 to remove a management employee." << endl;cout << "Select 8 to view all management employee information." << endl;cout << "Select 9 to search information of a specific management employee." << endl;cout << "Select 10 to remove an user." << endl;cout << "Select 11 to view all user information." << endl;cout << "Select 12 to search information of a specific user." << endl;cout << "Select 15 to Log out." << endl;cout << "Option: ";cin >> Admin_Option;switch(Admin_Option){ //switch to manage the option selectioncase 1:Add_Admin();break;case 2:Remove_Admin();break;case 3:Display_All_Admin();break;case 4:Search_Admin();break;case 5:Change_Password_Admin();break;case 6:Add_Manager();break;case 7:Remove_Manager();break;case 8:Display_All_Manager();break;case 9:Search_Manager();break;case 10:Remove_User();break;case 11:Display_All_User();break;case 12:Search_User();break;case 15:flag = false;cout << endl;Login_System();break;}}while(flag);}void Management_Menu(){int Manager_Option;bool flag = true;do{cout << "Select the following option for a particular task." << endl;cout << "Select 1 to remove an user." << endl;cout << "Select 2 to view all user information." << endl;cout << "Select 3 to search information of a specific user." << endl;cout << "Select 4 to issue a ticket." << endl;cout << "Select 5 to view all the ticket information." << endl;cout << "Select 6 to view a specific ticket information in details." << endl;cout << "Select 7 to remove a specific ticket information." << endl;cout << "Select 8 to change password." << endl;cout << "Select 9 to Log out." << endl;cout << "Option: ";cin >> Manager_Option;switch(Manager_Option){ //dittocase 1:Remove_User();break;case 2:Display_All_User();break;case 3:Search_User();break;case 4:Add_Ticket();break;case 5:Display_All_Ticket();break;case 6:Search_Ticket();break;case 7:Remove_Ticket();break;case 8:Change_Password_Manager();break;case 9:flag = false;cout << endl;Login_System();break;}}while(flag);}void User_Menu(){int User_Option;bool flag = true;do{cout << "Select the following option for a particular task." << endl;cout << "Select 1 to change password." << endl;cout << "Select 2 to change vehicle information." << endl;cout << "Select 3 to view vehicle information." << endl;cout << "Select 4 to view all ticket information." << endl;cout << "Select 5 to pay a ticket amount." << endl;cout << "Select 8 to Log out." << endl;cout << "Option: ";cin >> User_Option;switch(User_Option){case 1:Change_Password_User();break;case 2:Change_Vehicle_Info();break;case 3:Display_All_Vehicle();break;case 4:User_Display_Ticket();break;case 5:Pay_Ticket();break;case 8:flag = false;cout << endl;Login_System();break;}}while(flag);}void Add_Admin(){string add_name;string add_id;string add_password;Admin a;srand((unsigned)time(NULL));bool flag = true;char temp1[100];int temp2;cout << "Enter administrative employee name: ";cin.ignore();getline(cin,add_name);cout << "Auto generated id for this administrative employee account is: ";do{temp2 = rand()%400 + 101;sprintf(temp1, "%d", temp2);add_id = temp1;for(admin_it = admin_Vector.begin(); admin_it != admin_Vector.end(); admin_it++){if(add_id == admin_it->id){break;}}if(admin_it == admin_Vector.end()){flag = false;}}while(flag);cout << add_id << endl;cout << "Set a password for this administrative employee account: ";getline(cin,add_password);cout << "administrative employee entry is complete." << endl << endl;a.name = add_name;a.id = add_id;a.password = add_password;admin_Vector.push_back(a);}void Remove_Admin(){bool flag = true;string remove_id;cout << "Enter the administrative employee's Id: ";cin >> remove_id;for(admin_it = admin_Vector.begin(); admin_it != admin_Vector.end(); admin_it++){if(admin_it->id == remove_id){admin_Vector.erase(admin_it);cout << "Administrative employee is removed." <<endl <<endl;flag = false;break;}}if(flag){cout << "Fail to remove the administrative employee's information!" << endl <<endl;}}void Display_All_Admin(){cout << "All Administrative Employee Information" << endl;cout << "---------------------------------------" << endl;cout << " Name ID" << endl;cout << "-----------------------------------" << endl;for(admin_it = admin_Vector.begin(); admin_it != admin_Vector.end(); admin_it++){cout << admin_it->name << "\t" << "\t" << "\t";cout << admin_it->id << endl;}cout <<endl << endl;}void Search_Admin(){bool flag = true;string search_id;cout << "Enter the administrative employee's id: ";cin >> search_id;cout << " Name ID" << endl;cout << "-----------------------------------" << endl;for(admin_it = admin_Vector.begin(); admin_it != admin_Vector.end(); admin_it++){if(admin_it->id == search_id){cout << admin_it->name << "\t" << "\t" << "\t";cout << admin_it->id << endl << endl;flag = false;break;}}if(flag){cout << "Can't find this administrative employee's information!" << endl << endl;}cout <<endl << endl;}void Change_Password_Admin(){string new_password;cout << "Enter a new password: ";cin >> new_password;admin_it->password = new_password;cout << "You have changed your password successfully!" <<endl;cout << endl;}void Add_Manager(){string add_name;string add_id;string add_password;Manager m;srand((unsigned)time(NULL));bool flag = true;char temp1[100];int temp2;cout << "Enter management employee name: ";cin.ignore();getline(cin,add_name);cout << "Auto generated id for this management employee account is: ";do{temp2 = rand()%500 + 501;sprintf(temp1, "%d", temp2);//itoa(temp2,temp1,10);add_id = temp1;for(manager_it = manager_Vector.begin(); manager_it != manager_Vector.end(); manager_it++){if(add_id == manager_it->id){break;}}if(manager_it == manager_Vector.end()){flag = false;}}while(flag);cout << add_id << endl;cout << "Set a password for this management employee account: ";getline(cin,add_password);cout << "Management employee entry is complete." << endl << endl;m.name = add_name;m.id = add_id;m.password = add_password;manager_Vector.push_back(m);}void Remove_Manager(){bool flag = true;string remove_id;cout << "Enter the management employee's id: ";cin >> remove_id;for(manager_it = manager_Vector.begin(); manager_it != manager_Vector.end(); manager_it++){if(manager_it->id == remove_id){manager_Vector.erase(manager_it);cout << "Management employee is removed." <<endl <<endl;flag = false;break;}}if(flag){cout << "Fail to remove the management employee's information!" << endl <<endl;}}void Display_All_Manager(){cout << "------All Employee Information-----" << endl;cout << "-----------------------------------" << endl;cout << " Name ID" << endl;cout << "-----------------------------------" << endl;for(manager_it = manager_Vector.begin(); manager_it != manager_Vector.end(); manager_it++){cout << manager_it->name << "\t" << "\t" << "\t";cout << manager_it->id << endl;}cout <<endl << endl;}void Search_Manager(){bool flag = true;string search_id;cout << "Enter the management employee's id: ";cin >> search_id;cout << " Name ID" << endl;cout << "-----------------------------------" << endl;for(manager_it = manager_Vector.begin(); manager_it != manager_Vector.end(); manager_it++){if(manager_it->id == search_id){cout << manager_it->name << "\t" << "\t" << "\t";cout << manager_it->id << endl << endl;flag = false;break;}}if(flag){cout << "Can't find this management employee's information!" << endl << endl;}cout << endl << endl;}void Add_User(){string add_name;string add_id;string add_password;string add_makeModel1;string add_makeModel2;string add_year;string add_plate;User u;bool flag = true;cout << "Enter name: ";cin.ignore();getline(cin,add_name);do{cout << "Enter id: ";//cin.ignore();getline(cin,add_id);for(user_it = user_Vector.begin(); user_it != user_Vector.end(); user_it++){if(add_id == user_it->id){cout << "This id is already in use! Please Enter again!" << endl;break;}}if(user_it == user_Vector.end()){flag = false;}}while(flag);cout << "Enter password: ";//cin.ignore();getline(cin,add_password);cout << "Now enter your vehicle information..." << endl;cout << "Enter vehicle make: ";//cin.ignore();getline(cin,add_makeModel1);cout << "Enter vehicle model: ";//cin.ignore();getline(cin,add_makeModel2);cout << "Enter vehicle year: ";//cin.ignore();getline(cin,add_year);cout << "Enter vehicle plate number: ";//cin.ignore();getline(cin,add_plate);cout << "Registration is complete" << endl << endl;u.name = add_name;u.id = add_id;u.password = add_password;u.makeModel1 = add_makeModel1;u.makeModel2 = add_makeModel2;u.year = add_year;u.plate = add_plate;user_Vector.push_back(u);}void Remove_User(){bool flag = true;string remove_id;cout << "Enter the user's id: ";cin >> remove_id;for(user_it = user_Vector.begin(); user_it != user_Vector.end(); user_it++){if(user_it->id == remove_id){user_Vector.erase(user_it);cout << "User is removed." <<endl <<endl;flag = false;break;}}if(flag){cout << "Fail to remove the user's information!" << endl <<endl;}}void Display_All_User(){cout << "-----------------------------------------------------All User Information-------------------------------------------------------" << endl;cout << "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;cout << " Name ID Make Model Year Plate Number" << endl;cout << "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;for(user_it = user_Vector.begin(); user_it != user_Vector.end(); user_it++){cout << user_it->name << "\t" << "\t" << "\t";cout << user_it->id << "\t" << "\t";cout << user_it->makeModel1 << "\t"<< "\t";cout << user_it->makeModel2 << "\t" << "\t"<< "\t";cout << user_it->year << "\t" << "\t";cout << user_it->plate << endl;}cout <<endl << endl;}void Search_User(){bool flag = true;string search_id;cout << "Enter the user's id: ";cin >> search_id;cout << " Name ID Make Model Year Plate Number" << endl;cout << "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;for(user_it = user_Vector.begin(); user_it != user_Vector.end(); user_it++){if(user_it->id == search_id){cout << user_it->name << "\t" << "\t" << "\t";cout << user_it->id << "\t" << "\t";cout << user_it->makeModel1 << "\t"<< "\t";cout << user_it->makeModel2 << "\t" << "\t"<< "\t";cout << user_it->year << "\t" << "\t";cout << user_it->plate << endl;flag = false;break;}}if(flag){cout << "Can't find this user's information!" << endl << endl;}cout << endl << endl;}void Change_Password_User(){string new_password;cout << "Enter a new password: ";cin >> new_password;user_it->password = new_password;cout << "You have changed your password successfully!" <<endl;cout << endl;}void Change_Vehicle_Info(){string new_MakeModel1;string new_MakeModel2;string new_Year;string new_Plate;cout << "Enter the new vehicle make: ";cin.ignore();getline(cin,new_MakeModel1);cout << "Enter the new vehicle model: ";//cin.ignore();getline(cin,new_MakeModel2);cout << "Enter the new vehicle year: ";//cin.ignore();getline(cin,new_Year);cout << "Enter the new vehicle plate number: ";//cin.ignore();getline(cin,new_Plate);user_it->makeModel1 = new_MakeModel1;user_it->makeModel2 = new_MakeModel2;user_it->year = new_Year;user_it->plate = new_Plate;cout << "You have changed your vehicle information successfully!" <<endl << endl;}void Display_All_Vehicle(){cout << endl;cout << "Vehicle make: " << user_it->makeModel1 << endl;cout << "Vehicle model: " << user_it->makeModel2 << endl;cout << "Vehicle year: " << user_it->year << endl;cout << "Vehicle plate number: " << user_it->plate << endl << endl;}void Add_Ticket(){string add_ticket_number;string add_ticket_amount;string add_Reason;string add_plate;Ticket t;srand((unsigned)time(NULL));bool flag = true;char temp1[100];int temp2;string ticketIssued;string ticketStat;cout << "Auto generated ticket number is: ";do{temp2 = rand()%49000 + 1001;sprintf(temp1, "%d", temp2);//itoa(temp2,temp1,10);add_ticket_number = temp1;for(ticket_it = ticket_Vector.begin(); ticket_it != ticket_Vector.end(); ticket_it++){if(add_ticket_number == ticket_it->ticket_Number){break;}}if(ticket_it == ticket_Vector.end()){flag = false;}}while(flag);cout << add_ticket_number << endl;cout << "Enter ticket amount: ";cin.ignore();getline(cin,add_ticket_amount);cout << "Reason of ticket: ";getline(cin,add_Reason);cout << "Enter vehicle plate number: ";getline(cin,add_plate);cout << "Ticket has been recorded successfully."<<endl<<endl;ticketIssued = manager_it->id;ticketStat = "Unpaid";t.ticket_Number = add_ticket_number;t.ticket_Amount = add_ticket_amount;t.ticket_Issued = ticketIssued;t.ticket_Status = ticketStat;t.reason = add_Reason;t.plate = add_plate;ticket_Vector.push_back(t);}void Display_All_Ticket(){cout << "Ticket number Ticket amount Issued by Ticket Status Reason" << endl;cout << "--------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;for(ticket_it = ticket_Vector.begin(); ticket_it != ticket_Vector.end(); ticket_it++){cout << "\t" << ticket_it->ticket_Number << "\t" << "\t";cout << "$" << ticket_it->ticket_Amount << "\t" << "\t";cout << ticket_it->ticket_Issued << "\t"<< "\t";cout << ticket_it->ticket_Status << "\t"<< "\t";cout << ticket_it->reason << endl;}cout <<endl << endl;}void Search_Ticket(){bool flag = true;string search_number;cout << "Enter the ticket number: ";cin.ignore();getline(cin,search_number);cout << "Ticket number Ticket amount Issued by Ticket Status Reason" << endl;cout << "--------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;for(ticket_it = ticket_Vector.begin(); ticket_it != ticket_Vector.end(); ticket_it++){if(ticket_it->ticket_Number == search_number){cout << "\t" << ticket_it->ticket_Number << "\t" << "\t";cout << "$" << ticket_it->ticket_Amount << "\t" << "\t";cout << ticket_it->ticket_Issued << "\t"<< "\t";cout << ticket_it->ticket_Status << "\t"<< "\t";cout << ticket_it->reason << endl;}}cout <<endl << endl;}void Remove_Ticket(){bool flag = true;string remove_number;cout << "Enter the ticket number: ";cin.ignore();getline(cin,remove_number);for(ticket_it = ticket_Vector.begin(); ticket_it != ticket_Vector.end(); ticket_it++){if(ticket_it->ticket_Number == remove_number){ticket_Vector.erase(ticket_it);cout << endl;cout << "Ticket is removed." <<endl <<endl;flag = false;break;}}if(flag){cout << "Fail to remove the ticket!" << endl <<endl;}}void Change_Password_Manager(){string new_password;cout << "Enter a new password: ";cin >> new_password;manager_it->password = new_password;cout << "You have changed your password successfully!" <<endl;cout << endl;}void User_Display_Ticket(){cout << "Ticket number Ticket amount Issued by Ticket Status Reason" << endl;cout << "--------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;for(ticket_it = ticket_Vector.begin(); ticket_it != ticket_Vector.end(); ticket_it++){if(user_it->plate == ticket_it->plate){cout << "\t" << ticket_it->ticket_Number << "\t" << "\t";cout << "$" << ticket_it->ticket_Amount << "\t" << "\t";cout << ticket_it->ticket_Issued << "\t"<< "\t";cout << ticket_it->ticket_Status << "\t"<< "\t";cout << ticket_it->reason << endl;break;}}cout <<endl << endl;}void Pay_Ticket(){string YorN;cout << "Do you want to pay $" << ticket_it->ticket_Amount << " right now? (Type in Yes or No):";cin >> YorN;if(YorN == "Yes" || YorN == "YES" || YorN == "yes"){for(ticket_it = ticket_Vector.begin(); ticket_it != ticket_Vector.end(); ticket_it++){if(user_it->plate == ticket_it->plate){ticket_it->ticket_Amount = "0";ticket_it->ticket_Status = "Paid";cout << "The ticket amount is paid off." << endl << endl;break;}}}else if(YorN == "No" || YorN == "NO" || YorN == "no"){cout << endl << endl;}}void Store_Admin_Data(char admin_People_File_Name[]){ //Store all the changes to the admin's data in to the file.ofstream out;out.open(admin_People_File_Name);for(admin_it = admin_Vector.begin(); admin_it != admin_Vector.end(); admin_it++){out << admin_it->name << ",";out << admin_it->id << ",";out << admin_it->password << endl;}out.close();}void Store_Manager_Data(char management_People_File_Name[]){ //Store all the changes to the manager's data in to the file.ofstream out;out.open(management_People_File_Name);for(manager_it = manager_Vector.begin(); manager_it != manager_Vector.end(); manager_it++){out << manager_it->name << ",";out << manager_it->id << ",";out << manager_it->password << endl;}out.close();}void Store_User_Data(char user_People_File_Name[]){ //Store all the changes to the user's data in to the file.ofstream out;out.open(user_People_File_Name);for(user_it = user_Vector.begin(); user_it != user_Vector.end(); user_it++){out << user_it->name << ",";out << user_it->id << ",";out << user_it->password << ",";out << user_it->makeModel1 << ",";out << user_it->makeModel2 << ",";out << user_it->year << ",";out << user_it->plate << endl;}out.close();}void Store_Ticket_Data(){ //Store all the changes to the ticket's data in to the file.ofstream out;out.open("ticket.csv");for(ticket_it = ticket_Vector.begin(); ticket_it != ticket_Vector.end(); ticket_it++){out << ticket_it->ticket_Number << ",";out << ticket_it->ticket_Amount << ",";out << ticket_it->ticket_Issued << ",";out << ticket_it->ticket_Status << ",";out << ticket_it->reason << ",";out << ticket_it->plate << endl;}out.close();}int main(){//char array to store the user input for the file searchchar input_File_Name[100];char admin_People_File_Name[100];char management_People_File_Name[100];char user_People_File_Name[100];ifstream in;Parking_Lot_info *pli; //Structure pointerint pln; //Parking lot numberint max_Space = 8; // Max number of parking space in a rowint t = 0; //Determine when it needs to switch to the next row//relevant strings for admin, management, and usersstring admin_Name, admin_Id, admin_Password;string management_Name, management_Id, management_Password;string user_Name, user_Id, user_Password;string user_Make_Model1, user_Make_Model2, user_Year, user_Plate_Number;//get filenamecout << "Enter file name: ";cin.getline(input_File_Name,100);in.open(input_File_Name);if(!in){cout << "Can't open the file!" << endl; //error checkreturn 0;}in >> pln;pli = new Parking_Lot_info[pln];//read data in for parking lotfor(int i=0; i<pln; i++){in >> pli[i].regular;in >> pli[i].motorcycle;in >> pli[i].disability;pli[i].total_Space = pli[i].regular + pli[i].motorcycle + pli[i].disability;//display the initial read in data for parking lotcout << "Parking lot number: " << i+1 << endl;cout << "Number of parking space: " << pli[i].total_Space << endl;cout << "Number of regular parking space: " << pli[i].regular << endl;cout << "Number of motorcycle parking space: " << pli[i].motorcycle << endl;cout << "Number of disability parking space: " << pli[i].disability << endl;cout << "Parking space layout is shown below." << endl;cout << "---------------------------------" << endl;cout << "|";t = 0; //Reset t to 0;for(int j=0; j <pli[i].motorcycle; j++){t++;cout << " M " << "|";if(t%max_Space == 0){cout << endl;cout << "---------------------------------" << endl;}}for(int k=0; k <pli[i].disability; k++){t++;cout << " D " << "|";if(t%max_Space == 0){cout << endl;cout << "---------------------------------" << endl;}}for(int l=0; l <pli[i].regular; l++){t++;cout << " R " << "|";if(t%max_Space == 0){cout << endl;cout << "---------------------------------" << endl;}}cout << endl;cout << "---------------------------------" << endl;cout << endl;}//read in admin, management, and user datain >> admin_People_File_Name;in >> management_People_File_Name;in >> user_People_File_Name;in.close();//display initial administrative employee infoin.open(admin_People_File_Name);cout << "All Administrative Employee Information" << endl;cout << "---------------------------------------" << endl;cout << " Name ID" << endl;cout << "-----------------------------------" << endl;while(getline(in,admin_Name,',')){cout << admin_Name << "\t" << "\t" << "\t";getline(in,admin_Id,',');cout << admin_Id << endl;getline(in,admin_Password);}cout << endl;in.close();//display all employee informationin.open(management_People_File_Name);cout << "------All Employee Information-----" << endl;cout << "-----------------------------------" << endl;cout << " Name ID" << endl;cout << "-----------------------------------" << endl;while(getline(in,management_Name,',')){cout << management_Name << "\t" << "\t" << "\t";getline(in,management_Id,',');cout << management_Id << endl;getline(in,management_Password);}cout << endl;in.close();//display all user informationin.open(user_People_File_Name);cout << "-----------------------------------------------------All User Information-------------------------------------------------------" << endl;cout << "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;cout << " Name ID Make Model Year Plate Number" << endl;cout << "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;while(getline(in,user_Name,',')){cout << user_Name << "\t" << "\t" << "\t";getline(in,user_Id,',');cout << user_Id << "\t" << "\t";getline(in,user_Password,',');getline(in,user_Make_Model1,',');cout << user_Make_Model1 << "\t"<< "\t";getline(in,user_Make_Model2,',');cout << user_Make_Model2 << "\t" << "\t"<< "\t";getline(in,user_Year,',');cout << user_Year << "\t" << "\t";getline(in,user_Plate_Number);cout << user_Plate_Number << endl;}cout << endl;in.close();Initial_Admin_Vector(admin_People_File_Name);Initial_Manager_Vector(management_People_File_Name);Initial_User_Vector(user_People_File_Name);Initial_Ticket_Vector();Login_System();//store NEW admin, manager, user, and ticket dataStore_Admin_Data(admin_People_File_Name);Store_Manager_Data(management_People_File_Name);Store_User_Data(user_People_File_Name);Store_Ticket_Data();return 0;}
#include <iostream>using namespace std;int main {cout << 1;}
#include <iostream>using namespace std;int main() {const int ROW_SIZE = 2;const int COLUMN_SIZE = 5; //establish all variablesint matrix[ROW_SIZE][COLUMN_SIZE];int minVal;for (int i = 0; i < ROW_SIZE; ++i) // for loop to ask user to enter data.{for (int h = 0; h < COLUMN_SIZE; ++h) {cout << "Enter data for row #" << i + 1 << " and column #" << h + 1 << ": ";cin >> matrix[i][h];}}cout << "You entered: " << endl;for (int i = 0; i < ROW_SIZE; ++i) //for statements to output the array neatly{for (int h = 0; h < COLUMN_SIZE; ++h) {cout << matrix[i][h] << "\t";}cout << endl;}cout << "Minimum for each row is: {";for (int i = 0; i < ROW_SIZE; i++) //for statements to find the minimum in each row{minVal = matrix[i][0];for (int h = 0; h < COLUMN_SIZE; h++) {if (matrix[i][h] < minVal) // if matrix[i][h] < minVal -> minVal = matrix[i][h];{minVal = matrix[i][h];}}cout << minVal << ", ";}cout << "}" << endl;cout << "Minimum for each column is: {";for (int i = 0; i < COLUMN_SIZE; i++) //for statements to find the minimum in each column{minVal = matrix[0][i];for (int h = 0; h < ROW_SIZE; h++) {if (matrix[h][i] < minVal) //replaces minVal with array index for that column that is lowest{minVal = matrix[h][i];}}cout << minVal << ", ";}cout << "}" << endl;return 0;}
#include <iostream>#include <vector>#include <limits>#define DEBUG_TRIAL falseclass Trial{public:const size_t HEIGHT;std::string record;//Breaking height is the index of the floor, so 0 is the bottom floor, height-1 is the top floor.//Eggs is the eggs remaining.//Start is the bottom floor.//End is one above the top floor.const size_t BREAKING_HEIGHT;size_t eggs;size_t start;size_t end;size_t floorsLeft(){return (end-start);}size_t middle(){return start + (floorsLeft()/2UL);}size_t drops = 0;Trial(const size_t BREAKING_HEIGHT, size_t eggs, size_t start, size_t end): BREAKING_HEIGHT(BREAKING_HEIGHT), eggs(eggs), start(start), end(end), HEIGHT(end), record(end, '_'){record[BREAKING_HEIGHT] = 'B'; //Marking the breaking point}bool foundAnswer(){return ((record[0] == 'X') || (record.find("OX")!=std::string::npos));}//returns true if the egg broke.//height is the index of the floor, so 0 is the bottom floor, height-1 is the top floor.bool drop(size_t height){#if DEBUG_TRIALstd::cout << "Start: " << start << ". End: " << end << ". Floors Left: " << floorsLeft() << ". Middle Index: " << middle() << std::endl;#endifdrops++;bool cracked = height >= BREAKING_HEIGHT;if(cracked) --eggs;//Update the recordrecord[height] = (height >= BREAKING_HEIGHT)? 'X' : 'O';#if DEBUG_TRIAL//Print the recordstd::cout << record << std::endl;#endifreturn cracked;}size_t nowWhat(){if(foundAnswer()){return drops;}else if(eggs <= 0){ //Ran out of eggsthrow "Algorithm failed! No more eggs!";return 1UL;}else if(eggs > 1){return wrecklessSearch();}else{return safeSearch();}}size_t safeSearch(){if(drop(start)){--end;}else{++start;}return nowWhat();}size_t wrecklessSearch(){//If the egg breaksif(drop(middle())){end -= (floorsLeft()/2UL);}else{ //egg doesn't crackstart += (floorsLeft()/2UL);}return nowWhat();}//returns the amount of drops needed to find the answersize_t search(){return nowWhat();}};//Height is the height of the building in floors.//Breaking height is the index of the floor, so 0 is the bottom floor, height-1 is the top floor.//Eggs is the eggs given.//returns the amount of drops needed to find the answersize_t search(const size_t height, const size_t BREAKING_HEIGHT, size_t eggs){Trial trial(BREAKING_HEIGHT, eggs, 0, height);return trial.search();}class TrialStats {public:size_t min = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();size_t max = 0;double mean = -1.0;void printStats(){// Print the resultsstd::cout << "Minimum drops: " << min << std::endl;std::cout << "Maximum drops: " << max << std::endl;std::cout << "Mean drops: " << mean << std::endl;}};//Benchmarks all the possible breaking points of a single building height with a number of eggs.TrialStats trial(const size_t HEIGHT, const size_t eggs){TrialStats stats;int totaldrops = 0;//Test every possible breaking point//Breaking height is the index of the floor, so 0 is the bottom floor, height-1 is the top floor.for (int breakingHeight = 0; breakingHeight < HEIGHT; ++breakingHeight) {size_t drops = search(HEIGHT, breakingHeight, eggs);stats.min = std::min(stats.min, drops);stats.max = std::max(stats.max, drops);totaldrops += drops;}// Calculate the mean number of dropsstats.mean = static_cast<double>(totaldrops) / HEIGHT;return stats;}//Benchmarks a single building height from 1 egg to MAX_EGGSvoid testTower(const size_t height, const size_t MAX_EGGS){//Drop every amount of eggs that you'd need.for (int eggs = 1; eggs <= MAX_EGGS; ++eggs) {std::cout << "Building height: " << height << ". Num eggs: " << eggs << std::endl;TrialStats stats = trial(height, eggs);stats.printStats();std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;}}//Benchmarks all buildings from 0 to MAX_HEIGHTvoid benchmark(const size_t MAX_HEIGHT){const size_t MAX_EGGS = 2;//Test every buildingfor (size_t height = 1; height <= MAX_HEIGHT; ++height) {testTower(height, std::min(height, MAX_EGGS));}}int main() {constexpr size_t MAX_HEIGHT = 36;benchmark(MAX_HEIGHT);return 0;}