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const reverse = str => str.split('').reverse().join('');reverse('hello world');// Result: 'dlrow olleh'
const getTimezone = () => Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone;// ExamplegetTimezone();
// Vanilla JS Solution:var app = document.getElementById('app');var typewriter = new Typewriter(app, { loop: true });typewriter.typeString("I'm John and I'm a super cool web developer").pauseFor(3000).deleteChars(13) // "web developer" = 13 characters.typeString("person to talk with!") // Will display "I'm John and I'm a super cool person to talk with!".start();// React Solution:import Typewriter from 'typewriter-effect';<Typewriteroptions={{ loop: true }}onInit={typewriter => {typewriter.typeString("I'm John and I'm a super cool web developer").pauseFor(3000).deleteChars(13) // "web developer" = 13 characters.typeString("person to talk with!") // Will display "I'm John and I'm a super cool person to talk with!".start();}}/>
import { configureStore } from "@reduxjs/toolkit";import { combineReducers } from "redux";import profile from "./profile";import auth from "./auth";import alert from "./alert";const reducer = combineReducers({profile,auth,alert,});const store = configureStore({ reducer });export default store;
# Acronyms## Computer Numerical Control (CNC)- Typicalldfdfsdffdafdasgfdgfgfdfdafdasfdafda
class TreeNode {constructor(data, depth) {this.data = data;this.children = [];this.depth = depth;}}function buildNaryTree(hosts) {const nodeMap = {};// Step 1: Create a map of nodes using fqdn as the keyhosts.forEach((host) => {nodeMap[host.fqdn] = new TreeNode(host, 0); // Initialize depth to 0});// Step 2: Iterate through the array and add each node to its parent's list of childrenhosts.forEach((host) => {if (host.displayParent) {if (nodeMap[host.displayParent]) {const parent = nodeMap[host.displayParent];const node = nodeMap[host.fqdn];node.depth = parent.depth + 1; // Update the depthparent.children.push(node);} else {console.error(`Parent with fqdn ${host.displayParent} not found for ${host.fqdn}`);}}});// Find the root nodes (nodes with no parent)const rootNodes = hosts.filter((host) => !host.displayParent).map((host) => nodeMap[host.fqdn]);return rootNodes;}function treeToObjects(node) {const result = [];function inOrder(node) {if (!node) {return;}// Visit the current node and add it to the resultresult.push(node.data);// Visit children nodes firstnode.children.forEach((child) => {inOrder(child);});}inOrder(node);return result;}// Usage exampleconst hosts = [{fqdn: 'fqdn_1',display_name: 'Host 1',},{fqdn: 'fqdn_2',display_name: 'Host 2',displayParent: 'fqdn_1',},{fqdn: 'fqdn_3',display_name: 'Host 3'},{fqdn: 'fqdn_4',display_name: 'Host 4',displayParent: 'fqdn_3',},{fqdn: 'fqdn_5',display_name: 'Host 5',displayParent: 'fqdn_1',},];const tree = buildNaryTree(hosts);// Function to convert the tree to an array of objectsfunction convertTreeToArray(nodes) {const result = [];nodes.forEach((node) => {result.push(...treeToObjects(node));});return result;}// Convert the tree back to an array of objectsconst arrayFromTree = convertTreeToArray(tree);console.log(arrayFromTree);