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class TreeNode {constructor(key, value = key, parent = null) {this.key = key;this.value = value;this.parent = parent;this.children = [];}get isLeaf() {return this.children.length === 0;}get hasChildren() {return !this.isLeaf;}}class Tree {constructor(key, value = key) {this.root = new TreeNode(key, value);}*preOrderTraversal(node = this.root) {yield node;if (node.children.length) {for (let child of node.children) {yield* this.preOrderTraversal(child);}}}*postOrderTraversal(node = this.root) {if (node.children.length) {for (let child of node.children) {yield* this.postOrderTraversal(child);}}yield node;}insert(parentNodeKey, key, value = key) {for (let node of this.preOrderTraversal()) {if (node.key === parentNodeKey) {node.children.push(new TreeNode(key, value, node));return true;}}return false;}remove(key) {for (let node of this.preOrderTraversal()) {const filtered = node.children.filter(c => c.key !== key);if (filtered.length !== node.children.length) {node.children = filtered;return true;}}return false;}find(key) {for (let node of this.preOrderTraversal()) {if (node.key === key) return node;}return undefined;}}const tree = new Tree(1, 'AB');tree.insert(1, 11, 'AC');tree.insert(1, 12, 'BC');tree.insert(12, 121, 'BG');[...tree.preOrderTraversal()].map(x => x.value);// ['AB', 'AC', 'BC', 'BCG']tree.root.value; // 'AB'tree.root.hasChildren; // truetree.find(12).isLeaf; // falsetree.find(121).isLeaf; // truetree.find(121).parent.value; // 'BC'tree.remove(12);[...tree.postOrderTraversal()].map(x => x.value);// ['AC', 'AB']
// `date` is a `Date` objectconst formatYmd = date => date.toISOString().slice(0, 10);// ExampleformatYmd(new Date()); // 2020-05-06
const flat = arr => [].concat.apply([], arr.map(a => Array.isArray(a) ? flat(a) : a));// Orconst flat = arr => arr.reduce((a, b) => Array.isArray(b) ? [...a, ...flat(b)] : [...a, b], []);// Or// See the browser compatibility at https://caniuse.com/#feat=array-flatconst flat = arr => arr.flat();// Exampleflat(['cat', ['lion', 'tiger']]); // ['cat', 'lion', 'tiger']
const heapsort = arr => {const a = [...arr];let l = a.length;const heapify = (a, i) => {const left = 2 * i + 1;const right = 2 * i + 2;let max = i;if (left < l && a[left] > a[max]) max = left;if (right < l && a[right] > a[max]) max = right;if (max !== i) {[a[max], a[i]] = [a[i], a[max]];heapify(a, max);}};for (let i = Math.floor(l / 2); i >= 0; i -= 1) heapify(a, i);for (i = a.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {[a[0], a[i]] = [a[i], a[0]];l--;heapify(a, 0);}return a;};heapsort([6, 3, 4, 1]); // [1, 3, 4, 6]
const quickSort = arr => {const a = [...arr];if (a.length < 2) return a;const pivotIndex = Math.floor(arr.length / 2);const pivot = a[pivotIndex];const [lo, hi] = a.reduce((acc, val, i) => {if (val < pivot || (val === pivot && i != pivotIndex)) {acc[0].push(val);} else if (val > pivot) {acc[1].push(val);}return acc;},[[], []]);return [...quickSort(lo), pivot, ...quickSort(hi)];};console.log(quickSort([1, 6, 1, 5, 3, 2, 1, 4])) // [1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]