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Horizontal legend (d3.js)

Dec 17, 2024shaiRos

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drag and drop uploader

Nov 18, 2022AustinLeath

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const dragAndDropDiv = editor.container;
dragAndDropDiv.addEventListener('dragover', function(e) {
e.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'copy';
// Prevent default behavior (Prevent file from being opened)
const files = e.dataTransfer.items; // Array of all files
console.assert(files.length >= 1);
if (files[0].kind === 'file') {
var file = e.dataTransfer.items[0].getAsFile();
const fileSize = file.size;
const fileName =;
const fileMimeType = file.type;
reader = new FileReader();
reader.onloadend = function(){
//Maybe handle if text is dropped

Reddit Regex Comment Upvoter

May 17, 2021LeifMessinger

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//Upvotes comments according to a regex pattern. I tried it out on
//Known bugs:
//If a comment was already upvoted, it gets downvoted
//For some reason, it has around a 50-70% success rate. The case insensitive bit works, but I think some of the query selector stuff gets changed. Still, 50% is good
let comments = document.getElementsByClassName("_3tw__eCCe7j-epNCKGXUKk"); //Comment class
let commentsToUpvote = [];
const regexToMatch = /wtf/gi;
for(let comment of comments){
let text = comment.querySelector("._1qeIAgB0cPwnLhDF9XSiJM"); //Comment content class
if(text == undefined){
text = text.textContent;
function upvote(comment){
console.log(comment.querySelector(".icon-upvote")); //Just showing you what it's doing
function slowRecurse(){
let comment = commentsToUpvote.pop(); //It's gonna go bottom to top but whatever
if(comment != undefined){

List Largest Files Google Drive

Nov 16, 2023LeifMessinger

0 likes • 6 views

function filePath(file){
let folders = file.getParents();
const parents = [];
function makePathString(folderArray){
let path = "";
path += "/" + folder.getName();
return path;
while (folders.hasNext()) {
const folder =; //This should hopefully remove that folder from the iterator
return makePathString(parents);
function myFunction() {
const myEmail = Session.getEffectiveUser().getEmail();
Logger.log("My email is " + myEmail);
// Log the name of every file in the user's Drive.
var fileIterator = DriveApp.getFiles();
const files = []; //List of [File, size] entries
const filesMaxSize = 10;
while (fileIterator.hasNext()) {
var file =;
const owner = file.getOwner();
//Only files I own
if((!(owner)) || (!(owner.getEmail)) || owner.getEmail() != myEmail){
const entry = [file, file.getSize()];
function slideUp(arr, index){
//Let's keep sliding it up so we don't have to sort it at the end.
for(let i = index; i > 0; --i){ //Stops at 1
const nextFile = arr[i-1];
if(nextFile[1] > entry[1]){
//Swap with the next file to slide the file up
const temp = arr[i];
arr[i] = arr[i - 1];
arr[i - 1] = temp;
if(files.length < filesMaxSize){
slideUp(files, files.length - 1);
if(entry[1] > files[files.length - 1][1]){ //If it's bigger than the smallest file in the list.
files[files.length - 1] = entry; //Replace the smallest file
slideUp(files, files.length - 1); //Slide it up
for(let i = 0; i < filesMaxSize; ++i){
const file = files[i][0];
const size = files[i][1];
Logger.log(size + "\t" + filePath(file) + "/" + file.getName() + "\t" + file.getOwner().getName());

greatest common denominator

Nov 19, 2022CodeCatch

0 likes • 0 views

const gcd = (...arr) => {
const _gcd = (x, y) => (!y ? x : gcd(y, x % y));
return [...arr].reduce((a, b) => _gcd(a, b));
gcd(8, 36); // 4
gcd(...[12, 8, 32]); // 4


Oct 20, 2023LeifMessinger

0 likes • 18 views

//Retries maxRetries number of times, meaning that if you have 0, then it'll run the function once.
async function retryPromise(promiseFn, maxRetries = 3, delayOffset = 0, delayRandomRange = 0) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.then(resolve, (error) => { //On error
if (maxRetries <= 0) {
return reject(error);
} else {
if(delayRandomRange * Math.random() + delayOffset < 1.0){
return retryPromise(promiseFn, maxRetries - 1, delayOffset, delayRandomRange).then(resolve, reject);
return new Promise((resolveTwo, rejectTwo) => {
setTimeout(() => {
return retryPromise(promiseFn, maxRetries - 1, delayOffset, delayRandomRange).then(resolveTwo, rejectTwo);
}, delayRandomRange * Math.random() + delayOffset);
}).then(resolve, reject);
//Tests for that function.
//Returns a function that will fail numTimes times, then will return aValue
function functionThatReturnsAFunctionThatFailsACoupleTimes(numTimes, aValue){
return async function(){
if(numTimes == 0){
return aValue;
throw false;
const SMALL_NUMBER = 10;
function testTest(failNumberOfTimes){
let functionThatFailsACoupleTimes = functionThatReturnsAFunctionThatFailsACoupleTimes(failNumberOfTimes, true);
//Test my test
for(let i = 0; i < (failNumberOfTimes * 2); ++i){
function evalTest(val){
let testTestFailedReason = "";
if(val === undefined){
testTestFailedReason = "Test test returned undefined for some reason.";
if((i + 1) > failNumberOfTimes){
if(val === true){
//We're good
testTestFailedReason = "Test test didn't return true when it should have.";
if(val === false){
//We're good
testTestFailedReason = "Test test didn't return false when it should have.";
testTestFailedReason = testTestFailedReason || "Test test passed test case";
console.log(testTestFailedReason, "at index", i, "where the function returned", val);
functionThatFailsACoupleTimes().then(evalTest, evalTest)
let testCaseCounter = 1;
const throwsNoError = [
if(val == true){
console.log("Passed test case " + (testCaseCounter++));
console.error("Unexpected return value", val);
console.error("It wasn't supposed to fail!")
const throwsError = [
console.error("It wasn't supposed to succeed!", val);
if(val == false){
console.log("Passed test case " + (testCaseCounter++));
console.error("Unexpected return value", val);
//Runs SMALL_NUMBER times, because SMALL_NUMBER - 1 is the number of retries after the first one
let functionThatFailsACoupleTimes = functionThatReturnsAFunctionThatFailsACoupleTimes(SMALL_NUMBER - 1, true);
retryPromise(functionThatFailsACoupleTimes, SMALL_NUMBER - 1).then(...throwsNoError)
functionThatFailsACoupleTimes = functionThatReturnsAFunctionThatFailsACoupleTimes(SMALL_NUMBER - 1, true);
//Runs SMALL_NUMBER - 1 times, because SMALL_NUMBER - 2 is the number of retries after the first one
retryPromise(functionThatFailsACoupleTimes, SMALL_NUMBER - 2).then(...throwsError)
//Testing the delay. You'll have to wait a bit too.
functionThatFailsACoupleTimes = functionThatReturnsAFunctionThatFailsACoupleTimes(SMALL_NUMBER - 1, true);
//Runs SMALL_NUMBER times, because SMALL_NUMBER - 1 is the number of retries after the first one
retryPromise(functionThatFailsACoupleTimes, SMALL_NUMBER - 1, 500, 500).then(...throwsNoError)
functionThatFailsACoupleTimes = functionThatReturnsAFunctionThatFailsACoupleTimes(SMALL_NUMBER - 1, true);
//Runs SMALL_NUMBER - 1 times, because SMALL_NUMBER - 2 is the number of retries after the first one
retryPromise(functionThatFailsACoupleTimes, SMALL_NUMBER - 2, 500, 500).then(...throwsError)

localStorage Cookie Consent

Oct 9, 2023Helper

0 likes • 263 views

import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import Link from 'next/link';
export default function CookieBanner() {
// Initialize with a default value (false if not previously set in localStorage)
const [cookieConsent, setCookieConsent] = useState(() =>
localStorage.getItem('cookieConsent') === 'true' ? true : false
useEffect(() => {
const newCookieConsent = cookieConsent ? 'granted' : 'denied';
window.gtag('consent', 'update', {
analytics_storage: newCookieConsent
localStorage.setItem('cookieConsent', String(cookieConsent));
}, [cookieConsent]);
return !cookieConsent && (
We use cookies to enhance the user experience.{' '}
<Link href='/privacy/'>View privacy policy</Link>
<button type="button" onClick={() => setCookieConsent(false)}>Decline</button>
<button type="button" onClick={() => setCookieConsent(true)}>Allow</button>