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my_list = ["blue", "red", "green"]#1- Using sort or srted directly or with specifc keysmy_list.sort() #sorts alphabetically or in an ascending order for numeric datamy_list = sorted(my_list, key=len) #sorts the list based on the length of the strings from shortest to longest.# You can use reverse=True to flip the order#2- Using locale and functoolsimport localefrom functools import cmp_to_keymy_list = sorted(my_list, key=cmp_to_key(locale.strcoll))
def print_x_pattern(size):i,j = 0,size - 1while j >= 0 and i < size:initial_spaces = ' '*min(i,j)middle_spaces = ' '*(abs(i - j) - 1)final_spaces = ' '*(size - 1 - max(i,j))if j == i:print(initial_spaces + '*' + final_spaces)else:print(initial_spaces + '*' + middle_spaces + '*' + final_spaces)i += 1j -= 1print_x_pattern(7)
def key_of_min(d):return min(d, key = d.get)key_of_min({'a':4, 'b':0, 'c':13}) # b
import anytree as atimport random as rm# Generate a tree with node_count many nodes. Each has a number key that shows when it was made and a randomly selected color, red or white.def random_tree(node_count):# Generates the list of nodesnodes = []for i in range(node_count):test = rm.randint(1,2)if test == 1:nodes.append(at.Node(str(i),color="white"))else:nodes.append(at.Node(str(i),color="red"))#Creates the various main branchesfor i in range(node_count):for j in range(i, len(nodes)):test = rm.randint(1,len(nodes))if test == 1 and nodes[j].parent == None and (not nodes[i] == nodes[j]):nodes[j].parent = nodes[i]#Collects all the main branches into a single tree with the first node being the rootfor i in range(1, node_count):if nodes[i].parent == None and (not nodes[i] == nodes[0]):nodes[i].parent = nodes[0]return nodes[0]
# Python program for implementation of Radix Sort# A function to do counting sort of arr[] according to# the digit represented by exp.def countingSort(arr, exp1):n = len(arr)# The output array elements that will have sorted arroutput = [0] * (n)# initialize count array as 0count = [0] * (10)# Store count of occurrences in count[]for i in range(0, n):index = (arr[i]/exp1)count[int((index)%10)] += 1# Change count[i] so that count[i] now contains actual# position of this digit in output arrayfor i in range(1,10):count[i] += count[i-1]# Build the output arrayi = n-1while i>=0:index = (arr[i]/exp1)output[ count[ int((index)%10) ] - 1] = arr[i]count[int((index)%10)] -= 1i -= 1# Copying the output array to arr[],# so that arr now contains sorted numbersi = 0for i in range(0,len(arr)):arr[i] = output[i]# Method to do Radix Sortdef radixSort(arr):# Find the maximum number to know number of digitsmax1 = max(arr)# Do counting sort for every digit. Note that instead# of passing digit number, exp is passed. exp is 10^i# where i is current digit numberexp = 1while max1/exp > 0:countingSort(arr,exp)exp *= 10# Driver code to test abovearr = [ 170, 45, 75, 90, 802, 24, 2, 66]radixSort(arr)for i in range(len(arr)):print(arr[i]),