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import sys# sample TuplesTuple1 = ("A", 1, "B", 2, "C", 3)Tuple2 = ("Geek1", "Raju", "Geek2", "Nikhil", "Geek3", "Deepanshu")Tuple3 = ((1, "Lion"), ( 2, "Tiger"), (3, "Fox"), (4, "Wolf"))# print the sizes of sample Tuplesprint("Size of Tuple1: " + str(sys.getsizeof(Tuple1)) + "bytes")print("Size of Tuple2: " + str(sys.getsizeof(Tuple2)) + "bytes")print("Size of Tuple3: " + str(sys.getsizeof(Tuple3)) + "bytes")
# @return a list of strings, [s1, s2]def letterCombinations(self, digits):if '' == digits: return []kvmaps = {'2': 'abc','3': 'def','4': 'ghi','5': 'jkl','6': 'mno','7': 'pqrs','8': 'tuv','9': 'wxyz'}return reduce(lambda acc, digit: [x + y for x in acc for y in kvmaps[digit]], digits, [''])
my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]removed_element = my_list.pop(2) # Remove and return element at index 2print(removed_element) # 3print(my_list) # [1, 2, 4, 5]last_element = my_list.pop() # Remove and return the last elementprint(last_element) # 5print(my_list) # [1, 2, 4]
# Function to multiply two matricesdef multiply_matrices(matrix1, matrix2):# Check if the matrices can be multipliedif len(matrix1[0]) != len(matrix2):print("Error: The number of columns in the first matrix must be equal to the number of rows in the second matrix.")return None# Create the result matrix filled with zerosresult = [[0 for _ in range(len(matrix2[0]))] for _ in range(len(matrix1))]# Perform matrix multiplicationfor i in range(len(matrix1)):for j in range(len(matrix2[0])):for k in range(len(matrix2)):result[i][j] += matrix1[i][k] * matrix2[k][j]return result# Example matricesmatrix1 = [[1, 2, 3],[4, 5, 6],[7, 8, 9]]matrix2 = [[10, 11],[12, 13],[14, 15]]# Multiply the matricesresult_matrix = multiply_matrices(matrix1, matrix2)# Display the resultif result_matrix is not None:print("Result:")for row in result_matrix:print(row)
""" Currency Converter----------------------------------------"""import urllib.requestimport jsondef currency_converter(currency_from, currency_to, currency_input):yql_base_url = "https://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql"yql_query = 'select%20*%20from%20yahoo.finance.xchange%20where%20pair' \'%20in%20("'+currency_from+currency_to+'")'yql_query_url = yql_base_url + "?q=" + yql_query + "&format=json&env=store%3A%2F%2Fdatatables.org%2Falltableswithkeys"try:yql_response = urllib.request.urlopen(yql_query_url)try:json_string = str(yql_response.read())json_string = json_string[2:json_string = json_string[:-1]print(json_string)yql_json = json.loads(json_string)last_rate = yql_json['query']['results']['rate']['Rate']currency_output = currency_input * float(last_rate)return currency_outputexcept (ValueError, KeyError, TypeError):print(yql_query_url)return "JSON format error"except IOError as e:print(str(e))currency_input = 1#currency codes : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_4217currency_from = "USD"currency_to = "TRY"rate = currency_converter(currency_from, currency_to, currency_input)print(rate)
# Prompt user for a decimal numberdecimal = int(input("Enter a decimal number: "))# Convert decimal to binarybinary = bin(decimal)# Convert decimal to hexadecimalhexadecimal = hex(decimal)# Display the resultsprint("Binary:", binary)print("Hexadecimal:", hexadecimal)