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Distinct Primes Finder > 1000

Nov 18, 2022AustinLeath

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AnyTree Randomizer

Apr 15, 2021NoahEaton

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import anytree as at
import random as rm
# Generate a tree with node_count many nodes. Each has a number key that shows when it was made and a randomly selected color, red or white.
def random_tree(node_count):
# Generates the list of nodes
nodes = []
for i in range(node_count):
test = rm.randint(1,2)
if test == 1:
#Creates the various main branches
for i in range(node_count):
for j in range(i, len(nodes)):
test = rm.randint(1,len(nodes))
if test == 1 and nodes[j].parent == None and (not nodes[i] == nodes[j]):
nodes[j].parent = nodes[i]
#Collects all the main branches into a single tree with the first node being the root
for i in range(1, node_count):
if nodes[i].parent == None and (not nodes[i] == nodes[0]):
nodes[i].parent = nodes[0]
return nodes[0]

Finding NULL values within set

Oct 7, 2022KETRICK

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Binary search algorithm

Nov 19, 2022CodeCatch

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""" Binary Search Algorithm
#iterative implementation of binary search in Python
def binary_search(a_list, item):
"""Performs iterative binary search to find the position of an integer in a given, sorted, list.
a_list -- sorted list of integers
item -- integer you are searching for the position of
first = 0
last = len(a_list) - 1
while first <= last:
i = (first + last) / 2
if a_list[i] == item:
return ' found at position '.format(item=item, i=i)
elif a_list[i] > item:
last = i - 1
elif a_list[i] < item:
first = i + 1
return ' not found in the list'.format(item=item)
#recursive implementation of binary search in Python
def binary_search_recursive(a_list, item):
"""Performs recursive binary search of an integer in a given, sorted, list.
a_list -- sorted list of integers
item -- integer you are searching for the position of
first = 0
last = len(a_list) - 1
if len(a_list) == 0:
return ' was not found in the list'.format(item=item)
i = (first + last) // 2
if item == a_list[i]:
return ' found'.format(item=item)
if a_list[i] < item:
return binary_search_recursive(a_list[i+1:], item)
return binary_search_recursive(a_list[:i], item)

Convert Decimal to Binary and Hexadecimal

May 31, 2023CodeCatch

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# Prompt user for a decimal number
decimal = int(input("Enter a decimal number: "))
# Convert decimal to binary
binary = bin(decimal)
# Convert decimal to hexadecimal
hexadecimal = hex(decimal)
# Display the results
print("Binary:", binary)
print("Hexadecimal:", hexadecimal)

Check Armstrong Number

May 31, 2023CodeCatch

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# Function to check Armstrong number
def is_armstrong_number(number):
# Convert number to string to iterate over its digits
num_str = str(number)
# Calculate the sum of the cubes of each digit
digit_sum = sum(int(digit) ** len(num_str) for digit in num_str)
# Compare the sum with the original number
if digit_sum == number:
return True
return False
# Prompt user for a number
number = int(input("Enter a number: "))
# Check if the number is an Armstrong number
if is_armstrong_number(number):
print(number, "is an Armstrong number.")
print(number, "is not an Armstrong number.")


Feb 23, 2025hasnaoui1

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print("hello world")