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import copybegining = [False,False,False,False,False,None,True,True,True,True,True]#False = black True = whiteits = [0]def swap(layout, step):layoutCopy = copy.deepcopy(layout)layoutCopy[(step[0]+step[1])], layoutCopy[step[1]] = layoutCopy[step[1]], layoutCopy[(step[0]+step[1])]return layoutCopydef isSolved(layout):for i in range(len(layout)):if(layout[i] == False):return (i >= (len(layout)/2))def recurse(layout, its, steps = []):if isSolved(layout):its[0] += 1print(layout,list(x[0] for x in steps))returnstep = Nonefor i in range(len(layout)):if(layout[i] == None):if(i >= 1): #If the empty space could have something to the leftif(layout[i - 1] == False):step = [-1,i]recurse(swap(layout,step), its, (steps+[step]))if(i > 1): #If the empty space could have something 2 to the leftif(layout[i - 2] == False):step = [-2,i]recurse(swap(layout,step), its, (steps+[step]))if(i < (len(layout)-1)): #If the empty space could have something to the rightif(layout[i + 1] == True):step = [1,i]recurse(swap(layout,step), its, (steps+[step]))if(i < (len(layout)-2)): #If the empty space could have something to the rightif(layout[i + 2] == True):step = [2,i]recurse(swap(layout,step), its, (steps+[step]))its[0] += 1#return Nonerecurse(begining,its,[])print(its[0])
#Loop back to this point once code finishesloop = 1while (loop < 10):#All the questions that the program asks the usernoun = input("Choose a noun: ")p_noun = input("Choose a plural noun: ")noun2 = input("Choose a noun: ")place = input("Name a place: ")adjective = input("Choose an adjective (Describing word): ")noun3 = input("Choose a noun: ")#Displays the story based on the users inputprint ("------------------------------------------")print ("Be kind to your",noun,"- footed", p_noun)print ("For a duck may be somebody's", noun2,",")print ("Be kind to your",p_noun,"in",place)print ("Where the weather is always",adjective,".")print ()print ("You may think that is this the",noun3,",")print ("Well it is.")print ("------------------------------------------")#Loop back to "loop = 1"loop = loop + 1
def Fibonacci(n):if n<0:print("Incorrect input")# First Fibonacci number is 0elif n==1:return 0# Second Fibonacci number is 1elif n==2:return 1else:return Fibonacci(n-1)+Fibonacci(n-2)# Driver Programprint(Fibonacci(9))
""" Calculator----------------------------------------"""def addition ():print("Addition")n = float(input("Enter the number: "))t = 0 //Total number enterans = 0while n != 0:ans = ans + nt+=1n = float(input("Enter another number (0 to calculate): "))return [ans,t]def subtraction ():print("Subtraction");n = float(input("Enter the number: "))t = 0 //Total number entersum = 0while n != 0:ans = ans - nt+=1n = float(input("Enter another number (0 to calculate): "))return [ans,t]def multiplication ():print("Multiplication")n = float(input("Enter the number: "))t = 0 //Total number enterans = 1while n != 0:ans = ans * nt+=1n = float(input("Enter another number (0 to calculate): "))return [ans,t]def average():an = []an = addition()t = an[1]a = an[0]ans = a / treturn [ans,t]// main...while True:list = []print(" My first python program!")print(" Simple Calculator in python by Malik Umer Farooq")print(" Enter 'a' for addition")print(" Enter 's' for substraction")print(" Enter 'm' for multiplication")print(" Enter 'v' for average")print(" Enter 'q' for quit")c = input(" ")if c != 'q':if c == 'a':list = addition()print("Ans = ", list[0], " total inputs ",list[1])elif c == 's':list = subtraction()print("Ans = ", list[0], " total inputs ",list[1])elif c == 'm':list = multiplication()print("Ans = ", list[0], " total inputs ",list[1])elif c == 'v':list = average()print("Ans = ", list[0], " total inputs ",list[1])else:print ("Sorry, invilid character")else:break
from colorama import init, Fore# Initialize coloramainit()print(Fore.RED + "This text is in red color.")print(Fore.GREEN + "This text is in green color.")print(Fore.BLUE + "This text is in blue color.")# Reset coloramaprint(Fore.RESET + "This text is back to the default color.")
import os# Get the current directorycurrent_dir = os.getcwd()# Loop through each file in the current directoryfor filename in os.listdir(current_dir):# Check if the file name starts with a number followed by a period and a spaceif filename[0].isdigit() and filename[1] == '.' and filename[2] == ' ':# Remove the number, period, and space from the file namenew_filename = filename[3:]# Rename the fileos.rename(os.path.join(current_dir, filename), os.path.join(current_dir, new_filename))