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list_1 = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]cubed = map(lambda x: pow(x,3), list_1)print(list(cubed))#Results#[1, 8, 27, 64, 125, 216, 343, 512, 729]
""" Rock Paper Scissors----------------------------------------"""import randomimport osimport reos.system('cls' if os.name=='nt' else 'clear')while (1 < 2):print "\n"print "Rock, Paper, Scissors - Shoot!"userChoice = raw_input("Choose your weapon [R]ock], [P]aper, or [S]cissors: ")if not re.match("[SsRrPp]", userChoice):print "Please choose a letter:"print "[R]ock, [S]cissors or [P]aper."continue// Echo the user's choiceprint "You chose: " + userChoicechoices = ['R', 'P', 'S']opponenetChoice = random.choice(choices)print "I chose: " + opponenetChoiceif opponenetChoice == str.upper(userChoice):print "Tie! "#if opponenetChoice == str("R") and str.upper(userChoice) == "P"elif opponenetChoice == 'R' and userChoice.upper() == 'S':print "Scissors beats rock, I win! "continueelif opponenetChoice == 'S' and userChoice.upper() == 'P':print "Scissors beats paper! I win! "continueelif opponenetChoice == 'P' and userChoice.upper() == 'R':print "Paper beat rock, I win! "continueelse:print "You win!"
print(“Hello World”)
import stringdef caesar(text, shift, alphabets):def shift_alphabet(alphabet):return alphabet[shift:] + alphabet[:shift]shifted_alphabets = tuple(map(shift_alphabet, alphabets))final_alphabet = "".join(alphabets)final_shifted_alphabet = "".join(shifted_alphabets)table = str.maketrans(final_alphabet, final_shifted_alphabet)return text.translate(table)plain_text = "Hey Skrome, welcome to CodeCatch"print(caesar(plain_text, 8, [string.ascii_lowercase, string.ascii_uppercase, string.punctuation]))
import anytree as atimport random as rm# Generate a tree with node_count many nodes. Each has a number key that shows when it was made and a randomly selected color, red or white.def random_tree(node_count):# Generates the list of nodesnodes = []for i in range(node_count):test = rm.randint(1,2)if test == 1:nodes.append(at.Node(str(i),color="white"))else:nodes.append(at.Node(str(i),color="red"))#Creates the various main branchesfor i in range(node_count):for j in range(i, len(nodes)):test = rm.randint(1,len(nodes))if test == 1 and nodes[j].parent == None and (not nodes[i] == nodes[j]):nodes[j].parent = nodes[i]#Collects all the main branches into a single tree with the first node being the rootfor i in range(1, node_count):if nodes[i].parent == None and (not nodes[i] == nodes[0]):nodes[i].parent = nodes[0]return nodes[0]