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deep merge objects

Nov 19, 2022CodeCatch

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Check if array is empty

Nov 19, 2022CodeCatch

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arr = [] // empty array
const isEmpty = arr => !Array.isArray(arr) || arr.length === 0;
// Examples
isEmpty([]); // true
isEmpty([1, 2, 3]); // false

graph example

Nov 19, 2022CodeCatch

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class Graph {
constructor(directed = true) {
this.directed = directed;
this.nodes = [];
this.edges = new Map();
addNode(key, value = key) {
this.nodes.push({ key, value });
addEdge(a, b, weight) {
this.edges.set(JSON.stringify([a, b]), { a, b, weight });
if (!this.directed)
this.edges.set(JSON.stringify([b, a]), { a: b, b: a, weight });
removeNode(key) {
this.nodes = this.nodes.filter(n => n.key !== key);
[...this.edges.values()].forEach(({ a, b }) => {
if (a === key || b === key) this.edges.delete(JSON.stringify([a, b]));
removeEdge(a, b) {
this.edges.delete(JSON.stringify([a, b]));
if (!this.directed) this.edges.delete(JSON.stringify([b, a]));
findNode(key) {
return this.nodes.find(x => x.key === key);
hasEdge(a, b) {
return this.edges.has(JSON.stringify([a, b]));
setEdgeWeight(a, b, weight) {
this.edges.set(JSON.stringify([a, b]), { a, b, weight });
if (!this.directed)
this.edges.set(JSON.stringify([b, a]), { a: b, b: a, weight });
getEdgeWeight(a, b) {
return this.edges.get(JSON.stringify([a, b])).weight;
adjacent(key) {
return [...this.edges.values()].reduce((acc, { a, b }) => {
if (a === key) acc.push(b);
return acc;
}, []);
indegree(key) {
return [...this.edges.values()].reduce((acc, { a, b }) => {
if (b === key) acc++;
return acc;
}, 0);
outdegree(key) {
return [...this.edges.values()].reduce((acc, { a, b }) => {
if (a === key) acc++;
return acc;
}, 0);
const g = new Graph();
g.addEdge('a', 'c');
g.addEdge('b', 'c');
g.addEdge('c', 'b');
g.addEdge('d', 'a'); => x.value); // ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
[...g.edges.values()].map(({ a, b }) => `${a} => ${b}`);
// ['a => c', 'b => c', 'c => b', 'd => a']
g.adjacent('c'); // ['b']
g.indegree('c'); // 2
g.outdegree('c'); // 1
g.hasEdge('d', 'a'); // true
g.hasEdge('a', 'd'); // false
g.removeEdge('c', 'b');
[...g.edges.values()].map(({ a, b }) => `${a} => ${b}`);
// ['a => c', 'b => c', 'd => a']
g.removeNode('c'); => x.value); // ['a', 'b', 'd']
[...g.edges.values()].map(({ a, b }) => `${a} => ${b}`);
// ['d => a']
g.setEdgeWeight('d', 'a', 5);
g.getEdgeWeight('d', 'a'); // 5

LeetCode Product Except Self

Sep 13, 2023C S

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* @param {number[]} nums
* @return {number[]}
var productExceptSelf = function(nums) {
var output = [];
var leftMult = 1;
var rightMult = 1;
for (var i=nums.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
output[i] = rightMult;
rightMult *= nums[i];
console.log({output: JSON.stringify(output), i})
for (var j=0; j < nums.length; j++) {
output[j] *= leftMult;
leftMult *= nums[j];
console.log({output: JSON.stringify(output), j})
return output;
console.log(productExceptSelf([1, 2, 3, 4]))

Sequential Queue

Feb 6, 2021LeifMessinger

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class SequentialQueue{ //if you want it to go backwards, too bad
return this.i++;
constructor(start = 0){
this.i = start;
const que = new SequentialQueue(0);
for(let i = 0; i < 10; i++){

Extracting components

Nov 19, 2022CodeCatch

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function formatDate(date) {
return date.toLocaleDateString();
function Comment(props) {
return (
<div className="Comment">
<div className="UserInfo">
<div className="UserInfo-name">
<div className="Comment-text">{props.text}</div>
<div className="Comment-date">
const comment = {
date: new Date(),
text: 'I hope you enjoy learning React!',
author: {
name: 'Hello Kitty',
avatarUrl: '',

greatest common denominator

Nov 19, 2022CodeCatch

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const gcd = (...arr) => {
const _gcd = (x, y) => (!y ? x : gcd(y, x % y));
return [...arr].reduce((a, b) => _gcd(a, b));
gcd(8, 36); // 4
gcd(...[12, 8, 32]); // 4