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//Allegedly never tested on the twitter websitefunction scrapeScreen(){let articles = Array.from(document.getElementsByTagName("article"));let results = [];for(let tweet of articles){const isAnAd = Array.from(tweet.querySelectorAll("span")).map((e)=>e.textContent).includes("Ad");if(isAnAd){//console.log(tweet, "is an ad. Skipping...");continue;}const userName = tweet.querySelector("[data-testid='User-Name'] > div:nth-child(2) > div > div")?.textContent;const tweetContent = tweet.querySelector("[data-testid='tweetText']")?.textContent;const timeStamp = tweet.querySelector("time")?.getAttribute("datetime");const tweetLink = tweet.querySelector("time")?.parentElement?.getAttribute("href");if((!userName) || (!tweetContent)) continue;results.push({username: userName,tweetText: tweetContent,timeStamp: timeStamp,tweetLink: tweetLink});}return results;}let scraped = scrapeScreen();setInterval(()=>{scraped = scraped.concat(scrapeScreen().filter((tweet)=>{for(let scrapedTweet of scraped){if(scrapedTweet.username == tweet.username && scrapedTweet.tweetText == tweet.tweetText) return false;}return true;}));}, 500); //Scrape everything on the screen twice a secondwindow.scrollIntervalId = setInterval(function(){window.scrollBy(0, 1000);}, 500); //Scroll for me//http://bgrins.github.io/devtools-snippets/#console-save(function(console){console.save = function(data, filename){if(!data) {console.error('Console.save: No data')return;}if(!filename) filename = 'console.json'if(typeof data === "object"){data = JSON.stringify(data, undefined, '\t')}var blob = new Blob([data], {type: 'text/json'}),e = document.createEvent('MouseEvents'),a = document.createElement('a')a.download = filenamea.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob)a.dataset.downloadurl = ['text/json', a.download, a.href].join(':')e.initMouseEvent('click', true, false, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null)a.dispatchEvent(e)}})(console)setTimeout(()=>{clearTimeout(window.scrollIntervalId);delete window.scrollIntervalId;console.save(scraped, "TwitterScrape" + Date.now() + ".json");}, 60 * 1000 * 20); //Twenty minutes
const flat = arr => [].concat.apply([], arr.map(a => Array.isArray(a) ? flat(a) : a));// Orconst flat = arr => arr.reduce((a, b) => Array.isArray(b) ? [...a, ...flat(b)] : [...a, b], []);// Or// See the browser compatibility at https://caniuse.com/#feat=array-flatconst flat = arr => arr.flat();// Exampleflat(['cat', ['lion', 'tiger']]); // ['cat', 'lion', 'tiger']
//Upvotes comments according to a regex pattern. I tried it out on https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/ne74n4/please_admire_this_clip_precise_gunplay_btw///Known bugs://If a comment was already upvoted, it gets downvoted//For some reason, it has around a 50-70% success rate. The case insensitive bit works, but I think some of the query selector stuff gets changed. Still, 50% is goodlet comments = document.getElementsByClassName("_3tw__eCCe7j-epNCKGXUKk"); //Comment classlet commentsToUpvote = [];const regexToMatch = /wtf/gi;for(let comment of comments){let text = comment.querySelector("._1qeIAgB0cPwnLhDF9XSiJM"); //Comment content classif(text == undefined){continue;}text = text.textContent;if(regexToMatch.test(text)){console.log(text);commentsToUpvote.push(comment);}}function upvote(comment){console.log(comment.querySelector(".icon-upvote")); //Just showing you what it's doingcomment.querySelector(".icon-upvote").click();}function slowRecurse(){let comment = commentsToUpvote.pop(); //It's gonna go bottom to top but whateverif(comment != undefined){upvote(comment);setTimeout(slowRecurse,500);}}slowRecurse();
function printHeap(heap, index, level) {if (index >= heap.length) {return;}console.log(" ".repeat(level) + heap[index]);printHeap(heap, 2 * index + 1, level + 1);printHeap(heap, 2 * index + 2, level + 1);}//You can call this function by passing in the heap array and the index of the root node, which is typically 0, and level = 0.let heap = [3, 8, 7, 15, 17, 30, 35, 2, 4, 5, 9];printHeap(heap,0,0)
const countSubstrings = (str, searchValue) => {let count = 0,i = 0;while (true) {const r = str.indexOf(searchValue, i);if (r !== -1) [count, i] = [count + 1, r + 1];else return count;}};countSubstrings('tiktok tok tok tik tok tik', 'tik'); // 3countSubstrings('tutut tut tut', 'tut'); // 4
new StringBuilder(hi).reverse().toString()