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Hello, World!

Nov 18, 2022AustinLeath

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Const value const pointer question

Aug 25, 2023LeifMessinger

1 like • 11 views

#include <iostream>
int main(){
const char* const hello = "Hello, world!";
const char* bruh = hello;
char* const yeet = hello;
std::cout << bruh << std::endl;
std::cout << yeet << std::endl;
return 0;
Place your bets!
Will the program:
a.) Print "Hello, world!" twice?
b.) Compile error on line 5 (bruh initialize line) because the pointer gets implicit cast to non-const?
c.) Compile error on line 7 (yeet initialize line) because the char gets implicit cast to non-const?
d.) Both b and c?
e.) Compile error line 11 (print yeet) because the pointer is constant and can't be incremented
f.) Print "Hello, world!" then print the pointer address in hexadecimal
g.) Both b and e?
h.) Both c and e?
i.) B, c, and e?
// The answer is in this base 64 string:
// 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

GCD using Stein's Algorithm

Jun 30, 2023Iceman_71

1 like • 6 views

// Iterative C++ program to
// implement Stein's Algorithm
//#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#include <bitset>
using namespace std;
// Function to implement
// Stein's Algorithm
int gcd(int a, int b)
/* GCD(0, b) == b; GCD(a, 0) == a,
GCD(0, 0) == 0 */
if (a == 0)
return b;
if (b == 0)
return a;
/*Finding K, where K is the
greatest power of 2
that divides both a and b. */
int k;
for (k = 0; ((a | b) & 1) == 0; ++k)
a >>= 1;
b >>= 1;
/* Dividing a by 2 until a becomes odd */
while ((a & 1) == 0)
a >>= 1;
/* From here on, 'a' is always odd. */
/* If b is even, remove all factor of 2 in b */
while ((b & 1) == 0)
b >>= 1;
/* Now a and b are both odd.
Swap if necessary so a <= b,
then set b = b - a (which is even).*/
if (a > b)
swap(a, b); // Swap u and v.
b = (b - a);
} while (b != 0);
/* restore common factors of 2 */
return a << k;
// Driver code
int main()
int a = 12, b = 780;
printf("Gcd of given numbers is %d\n", gcd(a, b));
return 0;

Heapify a vector

Nov 19, 2022CodeCatch

0 likes • 0 views

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
void swap(int *a, int *b)
int temp = *b;
*b = *a;
*a = temp;
void heapify(vector<int> &hT, int i)
int size = hT.size();
int largest = i;
int l = 2 * i + 1;
int r = 2 * i + 2;
if (l < size && hT[l] > hT[largest])
largest = l;
if (r < size && hT[r] > hT[largest])
largest = r;
if (largest != i)
swap(&hT[i], &hT[largest]);
heapify(hT, largest);
void insert(vector<int> &hT, int newNum)
int size = hT.size();
if (size == 0)
for (int i = size / 2 - 1; i >= 0; i--)
heapify(hT, i);
void deleteNode(vector<int> &hT, int num)
int size = hT.size();
int i;
for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
if (num == hT[i])
swap(&hT[i], &hT[size - 1]);
for (int i = size / 2 - 1; i >= 0; i--)
heapify(hT, i);
void printArray(vector<int> &hT)
for (int i = 0; i < hT.size(); ++i)
cout << hT[i] << " ";
cout << "\n";
int main()
vector<int> heapTree;
insert(heapTree, 3);
insert(heapTree, 4);
insert(heapTree, 9);
insert(heapTree, 5);
insert(heapTree, 2);
cout << "Max-Heap array: ";
deleteNode(heapTree, 4);
cout << "After deleting an element: ";


Jun 17, 2024oceantran27

0 likes • 2 views

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main {
cout << 1;

Egg Problem Template

Jul 10, 2023LeifMessinger

0 likes • 4 views

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <limits>
#define DEBUG_TRIAL false
class Trial{
const size_t HEIGHT;
std::string record;
//Breaking height is the index of the floor, so 0 is the bottom floor, height-1 is the top floor.
//Eggs is the eggs remaining.
//Start is the bottom floor.
//End is one above the top floor.
const size_t BREAKING_HEIGHT;
size_t eggs;
size_t start;
size_t end;
size_t floorsLeft(){
return (end-start);
size_t middle(){
return start + (floorsLeft()/2UL);
size_t drops = 0;
Trial(const size_t BREAKING_HEIGHT, size_t eggs, size_t start, size_t end): BREAKING_HEIGHT(BREAKING_HEIGHT), eggs(eggs), start(start), end(end), HEIGHT(end), record(end, '_'){
record[BREAKING_HEIGHT] = 'B'; //Marking the breaking point
bool foundAnswer(){
return ((record[0] == 'X') || (record.find("OX")!=std::string::npos));
//returns true if the egg broke.
//height is the index of the floor, so 0 is the bottom floor, height-1 is the top floor.
bool drop(size_t height){
std::cout << "Start: " << start << ". End: " << end << ". Floors Left: " << floorsLeft() << ". Middle Index: " << middle() << std::endl;
bool cracked = height >= BREAKING_HEIGHT;
if(cracked) --eggs;
//Update the record
record[height] = (height >= BREAKING_HEIGHT)? 'X' : 'O';
//Print the record
std::cout << record << std::endl;
return cracked;
size_t nowWhat(){
return drops;
}else if(eggs <= 0){ //Ran out of eggs
throw "Algorithm failed! No more eggs!";
return 1UL;
}else if(eggs > 1){
return wrecklessSearch();
return safeSearch();
size_t safeSearch(){
return nowWhat();
size_t wrecklessSearch(){
//If the egg breaks
end -= (floorsLeft()/2UL);
}else{ //egg doesn't crack
start += (floorsLeft()/2UL);
return nowWhat();
//returns the amount of drops needed to find the answer
size_t search(){
return nowWhat();
//Height is the height of the building in floors.
//Breaking height is the index of the floor, so 0 is the bottom floor, height-1 is the top floor.
//Eggs is the eggs given.
//returns the amount of drops needed to find the answer
size_t search(const size_t height, const size_t BREAKING_HEIGHT, size_t eggs){
Trial trial(BREAKING_HEIGHT, eggs, 0, height);
class TrialStats {
size_t min = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
size_t max = 0;
double mean = -1.0;
void printStats(){
// Print the results
std::cout << "Minimum drops: " << min << std::endl;
std::cout << "Maximum drops: " << max << std::endl;
std::cout << "Mean drops: " << mean << std::endl;
//Benchmarks all the possible breaking points of a single building height with a number of eggs.
TrialStats trial(const size_t HEIGHT, const size_t eggs){
TrialStats stats;
int totaldrops = 0;
//Test every possible breaking point
//Breaking height is the index of the floor, so 0 is the bottom floor, height-1 is the top floor.
for (int breakingHeight = 0; breakingHeight < HEIGHT; ++breakingHeight) {
size_t drops = search(HEIGHT, breakingHeight, eggs);
stats.min = std::min(stats.min, drops);
stats.max = std::max(stats.max, drops);
totaldrops += drops;
// Calculate the mean number of drops
stats.mean = static_cast<double>(totaldrops) / HEIGHT;
return stats;
//Benchmarks a single building height from 1 egg to MAX_EGGS
void testTower(const size_t height, const size_t MAX_EGGS){
//Drop every amount of eggs that you'd need.
for (int eggs = 1; eggs <= MAX_EGGS; ++eggs) {
std::cout << "Building height: " << height << ". Num eggs: " << eggs << std::endl;
TrialStats stats = trial(height, eggs);
std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
//Benchmarks all buildings from 0 to MAX_HEIGHT
void benchmark(const size_t MAX_HEIGHT){
const size_t MAX_EGGS = 2;
//Test every building
for (size_t height = 1; height <= MAX_HEIGHT; ++height) {
testTower(height, std::min(height, MAX_EGGS));
int main() {
constexpr size_t MAX_HEIGHT = 36;
return 0;

C++ SigFigs

Sep 7, 2022LeifMessinger

0 likes • 0 views

#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
int main(int argc, char** argv){
//With decimal
if(strstr(argv[1], ".") != nullptr){
int i = 0;
//Skip i to first non 0 digit
while(argv[1][i] < '1' || argv[1][i] > '9') ++i;
//If digit comes before decimal
if((argv[1] + i) < strstr(argv[1], ".")){ //Good example of pointer arithmetic
std::cout << strlen(argv[1] + i) - 1 << std::endl; //Another good example
//If digit is after decimal
std::cout << strlen(argv[1] + i) << std::endl;
//Without decimal
int m = 0;
int i = 0;
while(argv[1][i] < '1' || argv[1][i] > '9') ++i; //In case of some number like 0045
for(; argv[1][i] != '\0'; ++i){
if(argv[1][i] >= '1' && argv[1][i] <= '9') m = i + 1;
std::cout << m << std::endl;
return 0;