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#include <iostream>using namespace std;int main(){int arr[] = {5, 1, 4, 20, 10, 2, 13, 11, 6, 21};int greed[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};int k = 0;int i;int set_index;while (k < 4){i = 0;while (i < 10){if (arr[i] > greed[k]){greed[k] = arr[i];set_index = i;}i++;}arr[set_index] = 0;k++;}cout << greed[0] << " " << greed[1] << " " << greed[2] << " " << greed[3] << endl;}
#include <iostream>using namespace std;int main {cout << 1;}
#include <iostream>#include <cstring>#include <unistd.h>#include <sys/utsname.h>int main() {char newHostname[] = "newhostname"; // Replace with the desired hostnameif (sethostname(newHostname, strlen(newHostname)) == 0) {std::cout << "Hostname set to: " << newHostname << std::endl;// Optionally, update the /etc/hostname file to make the change permanentFILE *hostnameFile = fopen("/etc/hostname", "w");if (hostnameFile != NULL) {fprintf(hostnameFile, "%s\n", newHostname);fclose(hostnameFile);} else {perror("Failed to update /etc/hostname");}} else {perror("Failed to set hostname");}return 0;}
// Iterative C++ program to// implement Stein's Algorithm//#include <bits/stdc++.h>#include <bitset>using namespace std;// Function to implement// Stein's Algorithmint gcd(int a, int b){/* GCD(0, b) == b; GCD(a, 0) == a,GCD(0, 0) == 0 */if (a == 0)return b;if (b == 0)return a;/*Finding K, where K is thegreatest power of 2that divides both a and b. */int k;for (k = 0; ((a | b) & 1) == 0; ++k){a >>= 1;b >>= 1;}/* Dividing a by 2 until a becomes odd */while ((a & 1) == 0)a >>= 1;/* From here on, 'a' is always odd. */do{/* If b is even, remove all factor of 2 in b */while ((b & 1) == 0)b >>= 1;/* Now a and b are both odd.Swap if necessary so a <= b,then set b = b - a (which is even).*/if (a > b)swap(a, b); // Swap u and v.b = (b - a);} while (b != 0);/* restore common factors of 2 */return a << k;}// Driver codeint main(){int a = 12, b = 780;printf("Gcd of given numbers is %d\n", gcd(a, b));return 0;}
#define NUM_BITS 8#include <iostream>struct Number{int num : NUM_BITS;Number(){}Number(const int& bruh){num = bruh;}operator int() const { return num; }Number& operator=(const int& bruh){num = bruh;return (*this);}};using namespace std;bool isNegative(const int& num){//This gets the bitwise and of num and 10000000000000000000000000000000//This implicit casts to bool, which means (num & (1 << 31)) != 0return (num & (1 << 31));}void printBinaryNumber(const int& num, const int numBits){for(int i = numBits; i > 0; --i){//8..1int bitMask = 1 << (i-1);if(num & bitMask){ //Test the bitcout << '1';}else{cout << '0';}}}void printCarryBits(const int& a, const int& b, const int numBits){int answer = 0;bool carry = false;for(int i = 0; i < numBits; ++i){//8..1int bitMask = 1 << i;bool aBit = a & bitMask;bool bBit = b & bitMask;if(aBit && bBit || aBit && carry || bBit && carry){ //Carry bit is true nextif(carry)answer |= bitMask;carry = true;}else{if(carry)answer |= bitMask;carry = false;}}printBinaryNumber(answer, 8);}void printBorrowBits(const int& a, const int& b, const int numBits){int answer = 0;bool carry = false;for(int i = 0; i < numBits; ++i){//8..1int bitMask = 1 << i;bool aBit = a & bitMask;bool bBit = b & bitMask;if((!(aBit ^ carry)) && bBit){ //Carry bit is true nextif(carry)answer |= bitMask;carry = true;}else{if(carry)answer |= bitMask;carry = false;}}printBinaryNumber(answer, 8);}void doProblem(const int& a, const int& b, const char& sign, const int& result, const int& numBits){if(sign == '+'){cout << ' '; printCarryBits(a, b, numBits); cout << endl;}else{cout << ' '; printBorrowBits(a, b, numBits); cout << endl;}cout << ' '; printBinaryNumber(a, numBits); cout << endl;cout << sign; printBinaryNumber(b, numBits); cout << endl;cout << "----------" << endl;cout << ""; printBinaryNumber(result, numBits + 1); cout << " = " << result;cout << endl;}int main(){Number a = 0b110;Number b = 0b011;cout<< a << endl << b << endl;doProblem(a, b, '+', a + b, NUM_BITS);doProblem(a, b, '-', a - b, NUM_BITS);doProblem(-a, b, '+', -a + b, NUM_BITS);doProblem(a, b, '-', -a - b, NUM_BITS);return 0;}
//===============Header File==================#include <iostream>#include <sstream> //stringbuf#include <utility> //exchange//Couple rules://Characters given through the getter functions have to be removed from the buffer.//This is so that bufferEmpty() == buffer.in_avail() > 0 basically always.//skipWhitespace doesn't remove the text from the buffer, but it does return the number of characters.//nextWord will trim whitespace before the word//nextInt will trim non-numbers before the number//hasNextInt and hasNextWord will trim the whitespace. If you think you need it, you should get nextWhitespace before doing any of those.//Whitespace after a word or an int is left on the buffer.//nextWhitespace will (get and) remove whitespace until the end of the line, including the newline character, but stops before the next line.//nextWhitespace won't read the next line when called before the end of the line, and it won't prompt the user for the next line if interactive.//If nextWhitespace is called after reading the end of the line, then it will read a new line into the buffer, which will prompt the user.//It acts like nextLine, but if there's something non-whitespace on the current line it stops there.class Scanner {public:std::stringbuf buffer;std::istream& input;Scanner(std::istream& in = std::cin) : buffer(), input(in) {}//Buffer debuggingbool fillBuffer();bool bufferEmpty();void printBufferEmpty();std::string getBuffer();size_t bufferLength();void printBufferStats();//Intbool hasNextInt();int nextInt();//Wordbool hasNextWord();std::string nextWord();//Linebool hasNextLine();//Whitespacesize_t skipWhitespace(); //Prob should be private, but I don't believe in that private shit.bool hasNextWhitespace();std::string nextWhitespace();std::string nextWhitespaceAll();std::string nextLine();};//===============Source File==================bool Scanner::fillBuffer() { //Returns if it had to get the next line from the input.const bool badInput = input.eof() || input.bad();const bool shouldFillBuffer = bufferEmpty() && !badInput;if (shouldFillBuffer) {std::string line;if (std::getline(input, line)) {buffer.str(buffer.str() + line + "\n");}}return shouldFillBuffer;}bool Scanner::bufferEmpty(){return buffer.str() == "";}void Scanner::printBufferEmpty(){std::cout << "The buffer is " << (bufferEmpty()? "" : "not") << " empty." << std::endl;}std::string Scanner::getBuffer(){return buffer.str();}size_t Scanner::bufferLength(){return buffer.str().length();}void Scanner::printBufferStats(){if(bufferEmpty()){std::cout << "The buffer is \"\"" << std::endl;return;}std::cout << "The length of the buffer is " << bufferLength() << std::endl;if(buffer.sgetc() == '\r'){std::cout << "The buffer is \\r\\n" << std::endl;}else if(buffer.sgetc() == '\n'){std::cout << "The buffer is \\n" << std::endl;}}bool Scanner::hasNextInt() {return hasNextWord() && (std::isdigit(buffer.sgetc()) || buffer.sgetc() == '-');}int Scanner::nextInt() {if (!hasNextInt()) { //Will fill the buffer if not filled. Will also trim whitespace.return 0;}std::string num;size_t charactersRead = 0;while (buffer.in_avail() > 0 && (std::isdigit(buffer.sgetc()) || buffer.sgetc() == '-')) {num += buffer.sbumpc();++charactersRead;}buffer.str(buffer.str().erase(0, charactersRead));return std::stoi(num);}bool Scanner::hasNextWord() {nextWhitespaceAll();return buffer.in_avail() > 0;}std::string Scanner::nextWord() {if (!hasNextWord()) { //Will fill the buffer if not filled. Will also trim whitespace.return "";}std::string word;size_t charactersRead = 0;while (buffer.in_avail() > 0 && !std::isspace(buffer.sgetc())) {word += buffer.sbumpc();++charactersRead;}buffer.str(buffer.str().erase(0, charactersRead));return word;}bool Scanner::hasNextLine() {return (!bufferEmpty()) || fillBuffer();}size_t Scanner::skipWhitespace() { //Returns characters readsize_t charactersRead = 0;while (buffer.in_avail() > 0 && std::isspace(buffer.sgetc())) {buffer.sbumpc();++charactersRead;}return charactersRead;}bool Scanner::hasNextWhitespace(){fillBuffer();return buffer.in_avail() > 0 && std::isspace(buffer.sgetc());}std::string Scanner::nextWhitespace() {if (!hasNextWhitespace()) { //Will fill the buffer if not filledreturn "";}const size_t charactersRead = skipWhitespace();std::string whitespace = buffer.str().substr(charactersRead);buffer.str(buffer.str().erase(0, charactersRead));return whitespace;}std::string Scanner::nextWhitespaceAll(){std::string whitespace;while(hasNextWhitespace()){std::string gottenWhiteSpace = nextWhitespace();whitespace += gottenWhiteSpace;}return whitespace;}std::string Scanner::nextLine(){if (!hasNextLine()) {return "";}fillBuffer();//Swap out the old buffer with an empty buffer, and get the old buffer as a variable.std::string line = std::exchange(buffer, std::stringbuf()).str();//Remove the newline.if(line[line.length() - 1] == '\n' || line[line.length() - 1] == '\r' ) line.pop_back();if(line[line.length() - 1] == '\r' || line[line.length() - 1] == '\n' ) line.pop_back();return line;}//=================Word and Int test=================while(bruh.hasNextInt() || bruh.hasNextWord()){std::cout << "started loop" << std::endl;if(bruh.hasNextInt()){std::cout << "Int: " << bruh.nextInt() << " " << std::endl;}else{std::cout << "Word: " << bruh.nextWord() << " " << std::endl;}bruh.nextWhitespace();}//===================Line test======================for(int count = 1; bruh.hasNextLine(); ++count){std::string line = bruh.nextLine();std::cout << "Line " << count << ": " << line << std::endl;}