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Const value const pointer question

Aug 25, 2023LeifMessinger

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Two Letter Combinations

Nov 18, 2022AustinLeath

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#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
//This program makes a new text file that contains all combinations of two letters.
// aa, ab, ..., zy, zz
int main(){
string filename = "two_letters.txt";
ofstream outFile;;
cout << "Something's wrong. Closing..." << endl;
return 0;
for(char first = 'a'; first <= 'z'; first++){
for(char second = 'a'; second <= 'z'; second++){
outFile << first << second << " ";
outFile << endl;
return 0;

Get Coefficient

Nov 18, 2022AustinLeath

0 likes • 4 views

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
/* Function: get_coeff
Parameters: double& coeff, int pos passed from bb_4ac
Return: type is void so no return, but does ask for user to input data that establishes what a b and c are.
void get_coeff(double& coeff, int pos) {
char position;
if(pos == 1) {
position = 'a';
} else if(pos == 2) { //a simple system to determine what coefficient the program is asking for.
position = 'b';
} else {
position = 'c';
cout << "Enter the co-efficient " << position << ":"; //prompt to input coeff
coeff = 5; //input coeff
/* Function: bb_4ac
Parameters: no parameters passed from main, but 3 params established in function, double a, b, c.
Return: b * b - 4 * a * c
double bb_4ac() {
double a, b, c; //coefficients of a quadratic equation
get_coeff(a, 1); // call function 1st time
get_coeff(b, 2); // call function 2nd time
get_coeff(c, 3); // call function 3rd time
return b * b - 4 * a * c; //return b * b - 4 * a * c
int main() {
cout << "Function to calculate the discriminant of the equation. . . " << endl;
double determinate = bb_4ac(); //assign double determinate to bb_4ac function
cout << "The discriminant for given values is: " << determinate << endl; //output the determinate!


Feb 4, 2021aedrarian

0 likes • 0 views

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
cout << "No tabbing. That's very sad :(\n";
cout << "No in-editor highlighting either :(((\n";
cout << "Descriptions might be niice too.";

Command line game

Nov 19, 2022CodeCatch

0 likes • 1 view

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <utility>
#include <algorithm>
#include <chrono>
using namespace std;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <Windows.h>
int nScreenWidth = 120; // Console Screen Size X (columns)
int nScreenHeight = 40; // Console Screen Size Y (rows)
int nMapWidth = 16; // World Dimensions
int nMapHeight = 16;
float fPlayerX = 14.7f; // Player Start Position
float fPlayerY = 5.09f;
float fPlayerA = 0.0f; // Player Start Rotation
float fFOV = 3.14159f / 4.0f; // Field of View
float fDepth = 16.0f; // Maximum rendering distance
float fSpeed = 5.0f; // Walking Speed
int main()
// Create Screen Buffer
wchar_t *screen = new wchar_t[nScreenWidth*nScreenHeight];
DWORD dwBytesWritten = 0;
// Create Map of world space # = wall block, . = space
wstring map;
map += L"#########.......";
map += L"#...............";
map += L"#.......########";
map += L"#..............#";
map += L"#......##......#";
map += L"#......##......#";
map += L"#..............#";
map += L"###............#";
map += L"##.............#";
map += L"#......####..###";
map += L"#......#.......#";
map += L"#......#.......#";
map += L"#..............#";
map += L"#......#########";
map += L"#..............#";
map += L"################";
auto tp1 = chrono::system_clock::now();
auto tp2 = chrono::system_clock::now();
while (1)
// We'll need time differential per frame to calculate modification
// to movement speeds, to ensure consistant movement, as ray-tracing
// is non-deterministic
tp2 = chrono::system_clock::now();
chrono::duration<float> elapsedTime = tp2 - tp1;
tp1 = tp2;
float fElapsedTime = elapsedTime.count();
// Handle CCW Rotation
if (GetAsyncKeyState((unsigned short)'A') & 0x8000)
fPlayerA -= (fSpeed * 0.75f) * fElapsedTime;
// Handle CW Rotation
if (GetAsyncKeyState((unsigned short)'D') & 0x8000)
fPlayerA += (fSpeed * 0.75f) * fElapsedTime;
// Handle Forwards movement & collision
if (GetAsyncKeyState((unsigned short)'W') & 0x8000)
fPlayerX += sinf(fPlayerA) * fSpeed * fElapsedTime;;
fPlayerY += cosf(fPlayerA) * fSpeed * fElapsedTime;;
if (map.c_str()[(int)fPlayerX * nMapWidth + (int)fPlayerY] == '#')
fPlayerX -= sinf(fPlayerA) * fSpeed * fElapsedTime;;
fPlayerY -= cosf(fPlayerA) * fSpeed * fElapsedTime;;
// Handle backwards movement & collision
if (GetAsyncKeyState((unsigned short)'S') & 0x8000)
fPlayerX -= sinf(fPlayerA) * fSpeed * fElapsedTime;;
fPlayerY -= cosf(fPlayerA) * fSpeed * fElapsedTime;;
if (map.c_str()[(int)fPlayerX * nMapWidth + (int)fPlayerY] == '#')
fPlayerX += sinf(fPlayerA) * fSpeed * fElapsedTime;;
fPlayerY += cosf(fPlayerA) * fSpeed * fElapsedTime;;
for (int x = 0; x < nScreenWidth; x++)
// For each column, calculate the projected ray angle into world space
float fRayAngle = (fPlayerA - fFOV/2.0f) + ((float)x / (float)nScreenWidth) * fFOV;
// Find distance to wall
float fStepSize = 0.1f; // Increment size for ray casting, decrease to increase
float fDistanceToWall = 0.0f; // resolution
bool bHitWall = false; // Set when ray hits wall block
bool bBoundary = false; // Set when ray hits boundary between two wall blocks
float fEyeX = sinf(fRayAngle); // Unit vector for ray in player space
float fEyeY = cosf(fRayAngle);
// Incrementally cast ray from player, along ray angle, testing for
// intersection with a block
while (!bHitWall && fDistanceToWall < fDepth)
fDistanceToWall += fStepSize;
int nTestX = (int)(fPlayerX + fEyeX * fDistanceToWall);
int nTestY = (int)(fPlayerY + fEyeY * fDistanceToWall);
// Test if ray is out of bounds
if (nTestX < 0 || nTestX >= nMapWidth || nTestY < 0 || nTestY >= nMapHeight)
bHitWall = true; // Just set distance to maximum depth
fDistanceToWall = fDepth;
// Ray is inbounds so test to see if the ray cell is a wall block
if (map.c_str()[nTestX * nMapWidth + nTestY] == '#')
// Ray has hit wall
bHitWall = true;
// To highlight tile boundaries, cast a ray from each corner
// of the tile, to the player. The more coincident this ray
// is to the rendering ray, the closer we are to a tile
// boundary, which we'll shade to add detail to the walls
vector<pair<float, float>> p;
// Test each corner of hit tile, storing the distance from
// the player, and the calculated dot product of the two rays
for (int tx = 0; tx < 2; tx++)
for (int ty = 0; ty < 2; ty++)
// Angle of corner to eye
float vy = (float)nTestY + ty - fPlayerY;
float vx = (float)nTestX + tx - fPlayerX;
float d = sqrt(vx*vx + vy*vy);
float dot = (fEyeX * vx / d) + (fEyeY * vy / d);
p.push_back(make_pair(d, dot));
// Sort Pairs from closest to farthest
sort(p.begin(), p.end(), [](const pair<float, float> &left, const pair<float, float> &right) {return left.first < right.first; });
// First two/three are closest (we will never see all four)
float fBound = 0.01;
if (acos( < fBound) bBoundary = true;
if (acos( < fBound) bBoundary = true;
if (acos( < fBound) bBoundary = true;
// Calculate distance to ceiling and floor
int nCeiling = (float)(nScreenHeight/2.0) - nScreenHeight / ((float)fDistanceToWall);
int nFloor = nScreenHeight - nCeiling;
// Shader walls based on distance
short nShade = ' ';
if (fDistanceToWall <= fDepth / 4.0f) nShade = 0x2588; // Very close
else if (fDistanceToWall < fDepth / 3.0f) nShade = 0x2593;
else if (fDistanceToWall < fDepth / 2.0f) nShade = 0x2592;
else if (fDistanceToWall < fDepth) nShade = 0x2591;
else nShade = ' '; // Too far away
if (bBoundary) nShade = ' '; // Black it out
for (int y = 0; y < nScreenHeight; y++)
// Each Row
if(y <= nCeiling)
screen[y*nScreenWidth + x] = ' ';
else if(y > nCeiling && y <= nFloor)
screen[y*nScreenWidth + x] = nShade;
else // Floor
// Shade floor based on distance
float b = 1.0f - (((float)y -nScreenHeight/2.0f) / ((float)nScreenHeight / 2.0f));
if (b < 0.25) nShade = '#';
else if (b < 0.5) nShade = 'x';
else if (b < 0.75) nShade = '.';
else if (b < 0.9) nShade = '-';
else nShade = ' ';
screen[y*nScreenWidth + x] = nShade;
// Display Stats
swprintf_s(screen, 40, L"X=%3.2f, Y=%3.2f, A=%3.2f FPS=%3.2f ", fPlayerX, fPlayerY, fPlayerA, 1.0f/fElapsedTime);
// Display Map
for (int nx = 0; nx < nMapWidth; nx++)
for (int ny = 0; ny < nMapWidth; ny++)
screen[(ny+1)*nScreenWidth + nx] = map[ny * nMapWidth + nx];
screen[((int)fPlayerX+1) * nScreenWidth + (int)fPlayerY] = 'P';
// Display Frame
screen[nScreenWidth * nScreenHeight - 1] = '\0';
WriteConsoleOutputCharacter(hConsole, screen, nScreenWidth * nScreenHeight, { 0,0 }, &dwBytesWritten);
return 0;


Apr 16, 2023LeifMessinger

0 likes • 0 views

#include <iostream>
#include <string> //Should already be in iostream
#include <cstdlib>
//A word score adds up the character values. a-z gets mapped to 1-26 for the values of the characters.
//wordScore [wordValue]
//Pipe in the input into stdin, or type the words yourself.
//Lowercase words only
int characterValue(const char b){
return ((b >= 'a') && (b <= 'z'))? ((b - 'a') + 1) : 0;
int main(int argc, char** argv){
//The first argument specifies if you are trying to look for a certain word score
int wordValue = (argc > 1)? std::atoi(argv[1]) : 0;
std::string line;
while(std::getline(std::cin, line)){
int sum = 0;
for(const char c : line){
sum += characterValue(c);
if(wordValue){ //If wordValue is 0 or the sum is the correct value
if(wordValue == sum){
std::cout << line << std::endl;
} else {
std::cout << sum << "\t" << line << std::endl;
return 0;

Infection Simulation

Nov 18, 2022AustinLeath

0 likes • 2 views

this program will simulate the spreading of a disease through a
grid of people, starting from a user-defined person. It will count
the number of turns taken before everyone on the grid is immunized
to the disease after having caught it once.
This program will user the SIR model (Susceptible, Infectious, Recovered)
and cellular automata to simulate the people in the grid.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
/* Any and all global variables */
const int SIZE = 8; //Size of the square person array
/* Any and all functions */
void gridDefaultify(char[][SIZE], int);
//Purpose: Sets each item in the person array to 's'
//Parameters: A square, two-dimensional array
// The size of that array's bounds
void gridDisplay(char[][SIZE], int);
//Purpose: Formats and prints the information in the person grid
//Parameters: A square, two-dimensional array
// The value of the current day
void nextTurn(char[][SIZE], char[][SIZE], int&);
//Purpose: Updates the grid of people, and the current day
//Parameters: Two square, two-dimensional arrays
// A reference to the current day (so that it can be updated)
int countInfected(char[][SIZE], int);
//Purpose: Counts the number of infectious people on the grid
//Parameters: A square, two-dimensional array
// The size of that array's bounds
int main(){
int currentDay = 0; //Infection begins on day 0, and ends one day after the last person is Recovered
char gridCurrent[SIZE][SIZE]; //Grid of all people
char gridUpdate[SIZE][SIZE]; //Where the user chooses to start the infection
int xToInfect;
int yToInfect; //Set of coordinates for the initial infection position, given by user
//Initializes the grids to all 's'
gridDefaultify(gridCurrent, SIZE);
gridDefaultify(gridUpdate, SIZE);
//The below block gets the initial infection coordinates from the user
cout << "Please enter a location to infect: ";
cin >> xToInfect >> yToInfect;
if(xToInfect < 0 || yToInfect < 0 || xToInfect >= SIZE || yToInfect >= SIZE){
cout << "Those coordinates are outside the bounds of this region." << endl;
cout << "Please enter another location to infect: ";
} else {
gridCurrent[xToInfect][yToInfect] = 'i';
//Displays the initial state of the grid
gridDisplay(gridCurrent, currentDay);
//The below block will display and update the grid until the infection is done.
nextTurn(gridCurrent, gridUpdate, currentDay);
gridDisplay(gridCurrent, currentDay);
if(countInfected(gridCurrent, SIZE) == 0) break; //Once there are no more infected, the game is done
//Displays the number of days taken for the infection to end
cout << "It took " << currentDay + 1 << " days for the outbreak to end";
cout << endl;
return 0;
void gridDefaultify(char arr[][SIZE], int arrSize){
for(int x = 0; x < arrSize; x++){
for(int y = 0; y < arrSize; y++){
arr[x][y] = 's'; //Sets all items in the passed-in array to 's'
void gridDisplay(char arr[][SIZE], int day){
cout << "Day " << day << endl; //Prints the current day
for(int x = 0; x < SIZE; x++){
for(int y = 0; y < SIZE; y++){
cout << arr[x][y] <<" "; //Prints the array's contents
cout << endl; //Formats with newlines
cout << endl; //Some spacing
void nextTurn(char today[][SIZE], char update[][SIZE], int& day){
day++; //Updates the day
int xCheck; //X coordinate to be checked
int yCheck; //Y coordinate to be checked
for(int x = 0; x < SIZE; x++){
for(int y = 0; y < SIZE; y++){
//Sets all 'i' to 'r' in the new grid
if(today[x][y] == 'i' || today[x][y] == 'r'){
update[x][y] = 'r'; //Updates all infectious to recovered, and keeps current recovered
if(today[x][y] == 's'){ // If the person is susceptible...
for(int xCheck = x-1; xCheck <= x+1; xCheck++){ // Check all x coordinates around the person
for(int yCheck = y-1; yCheck <= y+1; yCheck++){ // Check all y coordinates around the person
if(xCheck == x && yCheck == y){
// Don't check at the person because there is no need to check there
} else {
if(xCheck >= 0 && yCheck >= 0 && xCheck < SIZE && yCheck < SIZE){ // Make sure the checked coordinates are in bounds
if(today[xCheck][yCheck] == 'i'){ //Is the person at the checked coordinates infected?
update[x][y] = 'i'; //If so, update the 's' to 'i' in the new grid
for(int x = 0; x < SIZE; x++){
for(int y = 0; y < SIZE; y++){
today[x][y] = update[x][y]; //Updates today's grid with the new values
int countInfected(char arr[][SIZE], int arrSize){
int count = 0;
for(int x = 0; x < arrSize; x++){
for(int y = 0; y < arrSize; y++){
if(arr[x][y] == 'i') count++; //Increments count for each infected person in the grid
return count;