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//JavaScript program to swap two variables//take input from the userslet a = prompt('Enter the first variable: ');let b = prompt('Enter the second variable: ');//using destructuring assignment[a, b] = [b, a];console.log(`The value of a after swapping: ${a}`);console.log(`The value of b after swapping: ${b}`);
const ResponsiveCardImg = styled(Card.Img)`// For screens wider than 768px@media(min-width: 768px) {// Your responsive styles here.}// For screens smaller than 768px@media(max-width: 768px) {// Your responsive styles here.}`export default function App() {return (<MainContainer><Container><Card text='white' bg='dark' style={styles.mainCard}><ResponsiveCardImgstyle={styles.cardImage}onClick={handleClick}src={apeImage}alt='Degenerate Ape Academy'/><Card.Body><Card.Title className='text-center' as='h2'>{apeId}</Card.Title></Card.Body></Card></Container></MainContainer>);}
const permutations = arr => {if (arr.length <= 2) return arr.length === 2 ? [arr, [arr[1], arr[0]]] : arr;return arr.reduce((acc, item, i) =>acc.concat(permutations([...arr.slice(0, i), ...arr.slice(i + 1)]).map(val => [item,...val,])),[]);};permutations([1, 33, 5]);// [ [1, 33, 5], [1, 5, 33], [33, 1, 5], [33, 5, 1], [5, 1, 33], [5, 33, 1] ]
results ={"11345240":"Media Comment-80e47004-1719-493a-af69-a43b2652b41c","11345282":"zoom_3_22_21.mp4","11345303":"Recording-2.m4a","11345348":"February 12%2C 2021.mp4","11345826":"Lecture_Rousso_Chapter_06-2.pptx","11345933":"Themes_InClassAssigment.pptx","11346193":"Agenda – Week of March23.pptx","11346318":"MUJS 2370 SP2021 Updated Rhythm Changes Drills Bb - Score.pdf","11346319":"MUJS 2370 SP2021 Updated Rhythm Changes Drills C - Score.pdf","11346322":"MUJS 2370 SP2021 Updated Rhythm Changes Drills Eb - Score.pdf","11346323":"MUJS 2370 Updated Rhythm Changes Drills Bass - Score.pdf","11346381":"Anthropology with colored highlighter analysis - Mar 22 2021 - 10-36 AM.pdf","11346449":"Anthropology with colored highlighter analysis - Mar 22 2021 - 10-36 AM.pdf","11346450":"MUJS 2370 SP2021 Updated Rhythm Changes Drills Bb - Score.pdf","11346451":"MUJS 2370 SP2021 Updated Rhythm Changes Drills C - Score.pdf","11346453":"MUJS 2370 SP2021 Updated Rhythm Changes Drills Eb - Score.pdf","11346454":"MUJS 2370 Updated Rhythm Changes Drills Bass - Score.pdf","11346495":"Steinel chromatic ornamentation étude rhythm changes - Aug 23 2020 - 12-19 PM.pdf","11346532":"Media Comment-136242b4-7f2c-4d5d-8aa4-091f07e797cf","11346581":"2019 Trust Based Relationship Intervention Manual.pdf","11346584":"TBRI ppt.pptx","11346593":"Trauma informed care.ppt"}function NewTab(testing) {window.open(testing, "_blank");}for(test in results) {var testing = 'https://unt.instructure.com/files/' + test + '/download';NewTab(testing);//window.open = 'https://unt.instructure.com/files/' + test + '/download';}
//Disclaimer: I do not condone mass web scraping of ESPN websites, and this is just theoretical code that hasn't been used.//Scrape player stats off of https://www.espn.com/nfl/team/roster/_/name/phi/philadelphia-eagles//Example player JS object/*{"shortName": "S. Opeta","name": "Sua Opeta","href": "http://www.espn.com/nfl/player/_/id/3121009/sua-opeta","uid": "s:20~l:28~a:3121009","guid": "dec19157-e984-f981-3724-498281328c97","id": "3121009","height": "6' 4\"","weight": "305 lbs","age": 27,"position": "G","jersey": "78","birthDate": "08/15/96","headshot": "https://a.espncdn.com/i/headshots/nfl/players/full/3121009.png","lastName": "Sua Opeta","experience": 4,"college": "Weber State"}*///The page needs to be focused, so you have to put this code in a bookmarklet and click the page before clicking it. Allegedly.navigator.clipboard.writeText(JSON.stringify(window["__espnfitt__"].page.content.roster.groups.flatMap((group)=>{return group.athletes.map((athlete)=>{//We can assume all football players are above 100 lbs and below 1000 lbs.athlete.weight = parseInt(athlete.weight.substring(0,3));if(athlete.experience == "R") athlete.experience = 0;else athlete.experience = parseInt(athlete.experience);//We can assume players are at least 1 foot, or under 10 feet tall.athlete.inches = 12 * parseInt(athlete.height.substring(0, 1)); //Add feet in inchesathlete.inches += parseInt(athlete.height.substring(2).replaceAll("\"", "").trim()); //Add remaining inchesconst monthDayYear = athlete.birthDate.split("/");athlete.birthMonth = parseInt(monthDayYear[0]);athlete.birthDay = parseInt(monthDayYear[1]);athlete.birthYear = parseInt(monthDayYear[2]);//The only really useful stuff we get from this is Height, weight, left handedness, age, position, and birthdayreturn athlete;});}), null, "\t")).then(null, ()=>{alert("That failed.")});//Changes all the team links on this page https://www.espn.com/nfl/stats/team to the team's roster for easier scraping$$("table > tbody > tr > td > div > div > a").forEach((elm)=>{elm.setAttribute("href", elm.getAttribute("href").replace("team/", "team/roster/"));});
/*** @param {number[]} nums* @param {number} target* @return {number[]}*/var twoSum = function(nums, target) {for(let i = 0; i < nums.length; i++) {for(let j = 0; j < nums.length; j++) {if(nums[i] + nums[j] === target && i !== j) {return [i, j]}}}};