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const insertionSort = arr =>arr.reduce((acc, x) => {if (!acc.length) return [x];acc.some((y, j) => {if (x <= y) {acc.splice(j, 0, x);return true;}if (x > y && j === acc.length - 1) {acc.splice(j + 1, 0, x);return true;}return false;});return acc;}, []);insertionSort([6, 3, 4, 1]); // [1, 3, 4, 6]
const getSearchTerm = delimiter => {let searchTerm = "";for (let i = 1; i < commands.length - 1; i++)searchTerm = searchTerm + commands[i] + delimiter;searchTerm += commands[commands.length - 1];return searchTerm;};
// promisify(f, true) to get array of resultsfunction promisify(f, manyArgs = false) {return function (...args) {return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {function callback(err, ...results) { // our custom callback for fif (err) {reject(err);} else {// resolve with all callback results if manyArgs is specifiedresolve(manyArgs ? results : results[0]);}}args.push(callback);f.call(this, ...args);});};}// usage:f = promisify(f, true);f(...).then(arrayOfResults => ..., err => ...);
// Vanilla JS Solution:var app = document.getElementById('app');var typewriter = new Typewriter(app, { loop: true });typewriter.typeString("I'm John and I'm a super cool web developer").pauseFor(3000).deleteChars(13) // "web developer" = 13 characters.typeString("person to talk with!") // Will display "I'm John and I'm a super cool person to talk with!".start();// React Solution:import Typewriter from 'typewriter-effect';<Typewriteroptions={{ loop: true }}onInit={typewriter => {typewriter.typeString("I'm John and I'm a super cool web developer").pauseFor(3000).deleteChars(13) // "web developer" = 13 characters.typeString("person to talk with!") // Will display "I'm John and I'm a super cool person to talk with!".start();}}/>
import { createSlice } from "@reduxjs/toolkit";const alert = createSlice({name: "alert",initialState: {msg: "",status: "",},reducers: {set_alert: (state, action) => {return {...state,msg: action.payload.msg,status: action.payload.status,};},clear_alert: (state, action) => {return {...state,msg: "",status: "",};},},});export default alert.reducer;const { set_alert, clear_alert } = alert.actions;export const setAlert = (msg, status) => dispatch => {dispatch(set_alert({ msg, status }));setTimeout(() => dispatch(clear_alert()), 4000);};export const clearAlert = () => dispatch => {dispatch(clear_alert());};
const deepMerge = (a, b, fn) =>[...new Set([...Object.keys(a), ...Object.keys(b)])].reduce((acc, key) => ({ ...acc, [key]: fn(key, a[key], b[key]) }),{});deepMerge({ a: true, b: { c: [1, 2, 3] } },{ a: false, b: { d: [1, 2, 3] } },(key, a, b) => (key === 'a' ? a && b : Object.assign({}, a, b)));// { a: false, b: { c: [ 1, 2, 3 ], d: [ 1, 2, 3 ] } }