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const powerset = arr =>arr.reduce((a, v) => a.concat(a.map(r => r.concat(v))), [[]]);powerset([1, 2]); // [[], [1], [2], [1, 2]]
//Upvotes comments according to a regex pattern. I tried it out on https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/ne74n4/please_admire_this_clip_precise_gunplay_btw///Known bugs://If a comment was already upvoted, it gets downvoted//For some reason, it has around a 50-70% success rate. The case insensitive bit works, but I think some of the query selector stuff gets changed. Still, 50% is goodlet comments = document.getElementsByClassName("_3tw__eCCe7j-epNCKGXUKk"); //Comment classlet commentsToUpvote = [];const regexToMatch = /wtf/gi;for(let comment of comments){let text = comment.querySelector("._1qeIAgB0cPwnLhDF9XSiJM"); //Comment content classif(text == undefined){continue;}text = text.textContent;if(regexToMatch.test(text)){console.log(text);commentsToUpvote.push(comment);}}function upvote(comment){console.log(comment.querySelector(".icon-upvote")); //Just showing you what it's doingcomment.querySelector(".icon-upvote").click();}function slowRecurse(){let comment = commentsToUpvote.pop(); //It's gonna go bottom to top but whateverif(comment != undefined){upvote(comment);setTimeout(slowRecurse,500);}}slowRecurse();
let nums = [1,2,3,1]var containsDuplicate = function(nums) {let obj = {};for(let i =0; i< nums.length; i++){if(obj[nums[i]]){obj[nums[i]] += 1;return true;}else{obj[nums[i]] = 1;}}return false;};console.log(containsDuplicate(nums));
# Acronyms## Computer Numerical Control (CNC)- Typicalldfdfsdffdafdasgfdgfgfdfdafdasfdafda
const toFixed = (n, fixed) => ~~(Math.pow(10, fixed) * n) / Math.pow(10, fixed);// ExamplestoFixed(25.198726354, 1); // 25.1toFixed(25.198726354, 2); // 25.19toFixed(25.198726354, 3); // 25.198toFixed(25.198726354, 4); // 25.1987toFixed(25.198726354, 5); // 25.19872toFixed(25.198726354, 6); // 25.198726
import { configureStore } from "@reduxjs/toolkit";import { combineReducers } from "redux";import profile from "./profile";import auth from "./auth";import alert from "./alert";const reducer = combineReducers({profile,auth,alert,});const store = configureStore({ reducer });export default store;