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const rectSize = 15; // Size of the color boxconst spacing = 5; // Space between legend itemslet legend = canvas.append('g').attr('class','chart-legend').attr('transform', `translate(${0}, ${height + 3})`);// Sample data for the legendconst legendData = [{ label: 'low', color: '#1f77b4' },{ label: 'medium', color: '#ff7f0e' },{ label: 'high', color: '#2ca02c' },{ label: 'very high', color: '#2ca02c' }];legend.selectAll('g').data(legendData).join('g').attr('class', 'legend-item').each(function (d, i) {const legendItem = d3.select(this);console.log(d.label)console.log(d.label?.length)let labelWidth = (d.label.length * 5) + 7 + 15var bbox = legendItem.node().getBBox()var width = bbox.widthconsole.log(width)// Add rectangle for colorlegendItem.append('rect').attr('width', rectSize).attr('height', rectSize).attr('fill', d.color);// Add labellegendItem.append('text').attr('x', rectSize + spacing) // Position text to the right of the rectangle.attr('y', rectSize / 2) // Align text vertically with the rectangle.attr('dy', '.35em') // Adjust vertical alignment.attr('text-anchor', 'start') // Align text to the start.text(d.label).attr('fill', 'black'); // Optional: Text color// legendItem.attr('transform', `translate(${i * (rectSize + spacing + labelWidth)}, 0)`) // Position each item horizontally});const legendItems_spacing = 12var legendLength = 0legend.selectAll('.legend-item').each(function(d,i) {d3.select(this).attr('transform',function() {var bbox = d3.select(this).node().getBBox()var width = bbox.width// if (width == 0) width = (d.text.length * 5) +15 // not in dom yetlet startingPosition = 0if (i > 0) {startingPosition = legendLength}legendLength += width + legendItems_spacing// return `translate(${xx - (width + 30)},0$)`return `translate(${startingPosition},0)`})})
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const levenshteinDistance = (s, t) => {if (!s.length) return t.length;if (!t.length) return s.length;const arr = [];for (let i = 0; i <= t.length; i++) {arr[i] = [i];for (let j = 1; j <= s.length; j++) {arr[i][j] =i === 0? j: Math.min(arr[i - 1][j] + 1,arr[i][j - 1] + 1,arr[i - 1][j - 1] + (s[j - 1] === t[i - 1] ? 0 : 1));}}return arr[t.length][s.length];};levenshteinDistance('duck', 'dark'); // 2