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for region in `aws ec2 describe-regions --output text | cut -f4`doecho -e "\nListing Instances in region:'$region'..."aws ec2 describe-instances --query 'Reservations[*].Instances[*].{Instance:InstanceId,Subnet:SubnetId}' --region $regiondone#This script is to be used with any AWS CLI configured environment, it will list any EC2 instances and their associated subnet network ID's in JSON format
#!/bin/bash# Set the directory to searchDIRECTORY="src"# Set the output fileOUTPUT_FILE="testids.txt"# Clear the output file> "$OUTPUT_FILE"# Find all .tsx files in the specified directory and its subdirectoriesfind "$DIRECTORY" -type f -name "*.tsx" | while read -r FILEdo# Search for instances of 'data-testid="testid"' and append them to the output filegrep -o 'data-testid="[^"]*"' "$FILE" >> "$OUTPUT_FILE"# Search for instances of "'data-testid': 'testid'" and append them to the output filegrep -o "'data-testid': '[^']*'" "$FILE" >> "$OUTPUT_FILE"doneecho "Search complete. Test IDs written to $OUTPUT_FILE."
#diskRipper.sh by Leif Messinger#For use on debian, where your cds aren't immediately mountedwall "CD inserted boss"set -x #echo oncdDrivePath=$(ls -l /dev/cdrom | awk '{print $NF}')#CD could have no label, so that's why I need awkcdLabel=$(lsblk -n "/dev/$cdDrivePath" -o label)if [[ ! -z "$cdLabel" ]]; then #CD has labelfolderName=$cdLabelecho "The cd label is ${folderName}"if mkdir ./cds/"${folderName}"; then #Folder didn't exist beforesudo mount /dev/cdrom ./.cdmountpointsudo cp -r ./.cdmountpoint/* "./cds/${folderName}"sudo chmod -R 777 "./cds/${folderName}"sudo umount ./.cdmountpointejectwall "CD done and ejecting"elsewall "Already read that cd, skipped"fielsewall "CD had no label, skipped"fi
#for ssh abuse attemptsaction = %(action_)s%(action_abuseipdb)s[abuseipdb_apikey="", abuseipdb_category="18,22"]actionban = curl --fail --ciphers ecdhe_ecdsa_aes_256_sha --data 'key=<abuseipdb_apikey>' --data-urlencode 'comment=<matches>' --data 'ip=<ip>' --data 'category=<abuseipdb_category>' "https://www.abuseipdb.com/report/json"
CLIENT_VPN_ID="cvpn-endpoint-xxxxxxxxxxxx"for region in $(aws ec2 describe-regions --query "Regions[].RegionName" --output text); doecho "Searching in region: $region"aws ec2 describe-client-vpn-endpoints --region $region --query "ClientVpnEndpoints[?ClientVpnEndpointId=='$CLIENT_VPN_ID']" --output tabledone
#!/bin/bash#Installs the Vulkan library and other goodies. Works on Arch and Arch based distros. Needs pacman and makepkginstallVulkan(){#Tries installing every linux package in existencepackages=( vulkan-tools libvulkan-dev vulkan-loader-devel vulkan-validation-layers spirv-tools mesa-vulkan-devel vulkan-validation-layers-devel )for package in ${packages[*]}; dosudo pacman --noconfirm -S $packagedone}installLibraries(){#All of these packages don't exist, so we have to download and install the AUR packages#packages=( libglfw3-dev glfw-devel libglm glm-devel )#for package in ${packages[*]}; do# sudo pacman --noconfirm -S $package#donesudo git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/glfw-git.git /tmp/glfw-gitsudo chmod 777 /tmp/glfw-gitcd /tmp/glfw-gitmakepkg -sisudo git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/glm-git.git /tmp/glm-gitsudo chmod 777 /tmp/glm-gitcd /tmp/glm-gitmakepkg -si}installShaderCompiler(){#Basically installs glslcsudo pacman -S shaderc}while true; doselect bruh in installVulkan installLibraries installShaderCompiler "exit"; do$bruhdonedone