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Nginx Serve Storybook

Oct 17, 2023C S

More Shell Posts

May 13, 2023LeifMessinger

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# Turns 4 spaces into tabs.
# Mostly stolen from AI
# Define the directory to process
TabCount=${2:-'4'} #Defaults to 4
# Check if directory is specified
if [ -z "$DIRECTORY" ]; then
echo "Error: Directory not specified."
exit 1
# Check if directory exists
if [ ! -d "$DIRECTORY" ]; then
echo "Error: Directory does not exist."
exit 1
# Find all files in directory and subdirectories
FILES=$(find "$DIRECTORY" -type f)
# Loop through each file and unexpand it
for FILE in $FILES; do
unexpand -t "$TabCount" "$FILE" > "$FILE.tmp"
mv "$FILE.tmp" "$FILE"
echo "Done!"

Useful NVM Commands

Mar 20, 2023C S

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// check version
node -v || node --version
// list installed versions of node (via nvm)
nvm ls
// install specific version of node
nvm install 6.9.2
// set default version of node
nvm alias default 6.9.2
// switch version of node
nvm use 6.9.1

Feb 5, 2024LeifMessinger

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# Recursively find all .svelte files in the current directory and its subdirectories
find . -type f -name "*.svelte" -o -name "*.html" -o -name "*.htm" | while read file; do
# Replace all h1 tags with the specified format
sed -i 's/<h1>\(.*\)<\/h1>/<h1 id="\1">\1<\/h1>/g' "$file"
# Replace all h2 tags with the specified format
sed -i 's/<h2>\(.*\)<\/h2>/<h2 id="\1">\1<\/h2>/g' "$file"
# Remove whitespace from the id attribute value
for i in {0..10} ; do
sed -i 's/\(id="[^"]*\)\W\([^"]*"\)/\1\2/g' "$file"

Nov 8, 2021LeifMessinger

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#Installs the Vulkan library and other goodies. Works on Arch and Arch based distros. Needs pacman and makepkg
#Tries installing every linux package in existence
packages=( vulkan-tools libvulkan-dev vulkan-loader-devel vulkan-validation-layers spirv-tools mesa-vulkan-devel vulkan-validation-layers-devel )
for package in ${packages[*]}; do
sudo pacman --noconfirm -S $package
#All of these packages don't exist, so we have to download and install the AUR packages
#packages=( libglfw3-dev glfw-devel libglm glm-devel )
#for package in ${packages[*]}; do
# sudo pacman --noconfirm -S $package
sudo git clone /tmp/glfw-git
sudo chmod 777 /tmp/glfw-git
cd /tmp/glfw-git
makepkg -si
sudo git clone /tmp/glm-git
sudo chmod 777 /tmp/glm-git
cd /tmp/glm-git
makepkg -si
#Basically installs glslc
sudo pacman -S shaderc
while true; do
select bruh in installVulkan installLibraries installShaderCompiler "exit"; do

Bash Basics

Nov 19, 2022CodeCatch

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echo ${name}
echo ${name/J/j} #=> "john" (substitution)
echo ${name:0:2} #=> "Jo" (slicing)
echo ${name::2} #=> "Jo" (slicing)
echo ${name::-1} #=> "Joh" (slicing)
echo ${name:(-1)} #=> "n" (slicing from right)
echo ${name:(-2):1} #=> "h" (slicing from right)
echo ${food:-Cake} #=> $food or "Cake"

Search file with word list fast

Feb 22, 2022LeifMessinger

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#Leif Messinger
#For when you want to search a lot of words in a file fast
#Arg 1 is the argument the list of words you want to search
#Arg 2 is the file you want to search
#-z means that it looks at the file as a whole, just treating newlines a characters.
#-r is regex. Needed for $, even tho the documentation says you don't need it. They are liars.
#First command replaces all . with \. and all - with \-
#Second command takes all newlines and replaces them with )|(
#Third command takes the trailing |( and deletes it
#Forth command puts a /( at the start
#Fith command puts /!d at the end. This tells it to not delete any lines that match the pattern.
#The second sed takes the output of the first sed as a command that searches any of the combined words
#-f - takes a command from the input
sed -z -r -e 's/\./\\\./g ; s/\-/\\\-/g' -e 's/\n/\)\|\(/g' -e 's/\|\($//' -e 'i/\(' -e 'a/!d' $1 | sed -r -f - $2