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#!/bin/bash#Leif Messinger lsm0147#credit.sh FILEScred="Leif Messinger lsm0147"for bruh; doif [[ $bruh =~ \.cpp|\.c|\.java|\.js ]]; thencomment="//$cred"else#Basically everything else gets a pound sign comment#Pound signs are standard across linux. bash, sed, gawk, python etc#Speaking of which, I need to escape it because of that.comment="\#$cred"fiif [ -s $bruh ]; then#If the file has a shebangif egrep -q '^#!/' $bruh; thensed -i "/^\#!\//a$comment" $bruhelsesed -i "1i$comment" $bruhfielseecho "$comment" > $bruhfidone
#!/bin/bash#Originally made by Isaac Cook https://gist.github.com/icook/5400173#Modified by Leif Messinger#upload_key.sh [server_ip [server2_ip [...]]]#To be run locally on a linux computerif [ -e ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub ];thenecho "SSH Key already exists on local machine"elseecho "Generating SSH key on local machine"ssh-keygen -t rsa #generates id_rsa and id_rsa.pubchmod -R 700 ~/.ssh #Sets permissions of ssh folderssh-add #Adds keys (and passwords?) to ssh_agent. (hopefully doesn't require password)fiecho "Loading client public key into memory"pubKey=$(<~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub)for serverdoecho "Adding client public key to $server remote server authorized keys"#Idiot Isaac Cook didn't know about ssh-copy-id#ssh-copy-id even checks if your key already exists#In fairness, I didn't either until researching ssh-addssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub $server #In theory, this should prompt for a username#ssh $server "mkdir -p ~/.ssh; #Make the folder if not already made# echo \"$pubKey\" >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys; #Append your public key to the server's authorized_keys# chmod 700 ~/.ssh && chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys" #Set the correct permissions of those files#echo "Adding server public key to local authorized keys"#ssh $server "ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub \$SSH_CLIENT" #this might need some awk, as $SSH_CLIENT spits out clientip portnumberecho "Displaying server public key"ssh $server "cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub"#Though, he did give me a good ideaecho "Displaying keys authorized on $server (you can paste them in your authorized_keys file)"ssh $server "cat ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"#echo "Appending keys authorized on $server to your local authorized_keys"#ssh $server "cat ~/.ssh/authorized_keys" >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keysdoneecho "SSH keys schronized successfully!"
name="John"echo ${name}echo ${name/J/j} #=> "john" (substitution)echo ${name:0:2} #=> "Jo" (slicing)echo ${name::2} #=> "Jo" (slicing)echo ${name::-1} #=> "Joh" (slicing)echo ${name:(-1)} #=> "n" (slicing from right)echo ${name:(-2):1} #=> "h" (slicing from right)echo ${food:-Cake} #=> $food or "Cake"
#!/bin/bash#Takes command line arguments and pulls the header files.#Good for checking if the function you want is in the header or not.#cppToStdout.sh "time.h"while [ "$1" != "" ]; doecho "#include<$1>" | g++ -x c++ -E -shiftdone
# Update all npm packages under the scope defined by the PREFIX variable ("foo").PREFIX="foo"; npm ls | grep "$PREFIX" | awk -F/ '{print $NF}' | sed 's/@.*//' | xargs -I package npm update @"$PREFIX"/package
#!/bin/bashgit statusecho "Do you want to add all changed files?"select yn in "Yes" "No"; docase $yn inYes ) break;;No ) exit 1;;esacdonegit add -ugit statusecho "Does this look right?"select yn in "Yes" "No"; docase $yn inYes ) break;;No ) exit 2;;esacdonegit commitecho "Do you want to push?"select yn in "Yes" "No"; docase $yn inYes ) break;;No ) exit 2;;esacdonegit push