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#!/bin/bash# Set the directory to searchDIRECTORY="src"# Set the output fileOUTPUT_FILE="testids.txt"# Clear the output file> "$OUTPUT_FILE"# Find all .tsx files in the specified directory and its subdirectoriesfind "$DIRECTORY" -type f -name "*.tsx" | while read -r FILEdo# Search for instances of 'data-testid="testid"' and append them to the output filegrep -o 'data-testid="[^"]*"' "$FILE" >> "$OUTPUT_FILE"# Search for instances of "'data-testid': 'testid'" and append them to the output filegrep -o "'data-testid': '[^']*'" "$FILE" >> "$OUTPUT_FILE"doneecho "Search complete. Test IDs written to $OUTPUT_FILE."
#!/bin/bash# RCLONE BACKUP SCRIPT (using ionice)# Type crontab -e and copy the line below without the ## 0 0 * * * ionice -c 3 /home/owner/backup.sh >/dev/null 2>&1nowdate=$(date -u)# OPTIONSWEBHOOK="YOUR_DISCORD_WEBHOOK_LINK_HERE"LOGFILE="/root/backup.log"FROM="/path/where/you/backup/from"TO="backblaze:BucketName/FolderName"SERVERNAME="Server Name"echo "$SERVERNAME started a backup - $nowdate" | tee -a $LOGFILEcurl --data "content=$SERVERNAME started a backup - $nowdate" $WEBHOOK | tee -a $LOGFILE && echo "" >> $LOGFILEif pidof -o %PPID -x "backup.sh"thenecho "Failed backup attempt on $SERVERNAME - $nowdate (rclone already running)" | tee -a $LOGFILEcurl --data "content=Failed backup attempt on $SERVERNAME - $nowdate (rclone already running)" $WEBHOOK | tee -a $LOGFILEexit 1firclone sync $FROM $TO -P --b2-hard-delete --stats 5s --progress | sed 's/Transferred:/\n\nTransferred:/' | tee -a $LOGFILEenddate=$(date -u)endtime=$(date +'%T')echo "Completed backup on $SERVERNAME - $enddate" | tee -a $LOGFILEcurl -F "content=Completed backup on $SERVERNAME - $enddate" -F upload=@"$LOGFILE" $WEBHOOK | tee -a $LOGFILEif [ -f $LOGFILE ]thenrm $LOGFILEfi
touch /tmp/login1.txt /tmp/login2.txtwhile [ true ]dowho | gawk '{ print $1 }' > /tmp/login2.txtcomm -13 /tmp/login1.txt /tmp/login2.txt#Just a bit easier to read#diff /tmp/login1.txt /tmp/login2.txtcat /tmp/login2.txt > /tmp/login1.txtsleep 1done
#for ssh abuse attemptsaction = %(action_)s%(action_abuseipdb)s[abuseipdb_apikey="", abuseipdb_category="18,22"]actionban = curl --fail --ciphers ecdhe_ecdsa_aes_256_sha --data 'key=<abuseipdb_apikey>' --data-urlencode 'comment=<matches>' --data 'ip=<ip>' --data 'category=<abuseipdb_category>' "https://www.abuseipdb.com/report/json"
#!/bin/bash#Leif Messinger lsm0147#credit.sh FILEScred="Leif Messinger lsm0147"for bruh; doif [[ $bruh =~ \.cpp|\.c|\.java|\.js ]]; thencomment="//$cred"else#Basically everything else gets a pound sign comment#Pound signs are standard across linux. bash, sed, gawk, python etc#Speaking of which, I need to escape it because of that.comment="\#$cred"fiif [ -s $bruh ]; then#If the file has a shebangif egrep -q '^#!/' $bruh; thensed -i "/^\#!\//a$comment" $bruhelsesed -i "1i$comment" $bruhfielseecho "$comment" > $bruhfidone
## Austin Leath# checks for /Desktop symlink. Creates the symlink if it doesnt already exist##Fetch the target user if desired, otherwise use the currently logged in user.if [ "$4" != "" ]; thenTARGET_USER=$4elseTARGET_USER=$3fiif [ "$5" != "" ]; thenDIRECTORY_NAME=$5elseTARGET_USER="$3 Desktop"fi# FunctionsCHECK_SYMLINK() {if test -f "/Desktop"; thenecho "/Desktop exists"elseecho "/Desktop does not exist"fi}CHECK_SYNTHETIC_CONF() {if test -f "/etc/synthetic.conf"; thenecho "/etc/synthetic.conf exists"elseecho "/etc/synthetic.conf does not exist"fi}CREATE_SYMLINK() {if [[ $(CHECK_SYNTHETIC_CONF) != "/etc/synthetic.conf exists" ]]; thenecho "/etc/synthetic.conf does not exist. creating.."touch /etc/synthetic.confchown -R root:wheel /etc/synthetic.conffiif grep -q "$DIRECTORY_NAME" /etc/synthetic.conf; thenecho "$DIRECTORY_NAME already exists"exit 1elseecho "$DIRECTORY_NAME\t/Users/$TARGET_USER/Desktop" >> /etc/synthetic.conffiecho "/Desktop symbolic link created"}if [[ $(CHECK_SYMLINK) != "/Desktop exists" ]]; thenCREATE_SYMLINKfiexit 0