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Check For File

Aug 7, 2023C S

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Nov 8, 2021LeifMessinger

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#Installs the Vulkan library and other goodies. Works on Arch and Arch based distros. Needs pacman and makepkg
#Tries installing every linux package in existence
packages=( vulkan-tools libvulkan-dev vulkan-loader-devel vulkan-validation-layers spirv-tools mesa-vulkan-devel vulkan-validation-layers-devel )
for package in ${packages[*]}; do
sudo pacman --noconfirm -S $package
#All of these packages don't exist, so we have to download and install the AUR packages
#packages=( libglfw3-dev glfw-devel libglm glm-devel )
#for package in ${packages[*]}; do
# sudo pacman --noconfirm -S $package
sudo git clone /tmp/glfw-git
sudo chmod 777 /tmp/glfw-git
cd /tmp/glfw-git
makepkg -si
sudo git clone /tmp/glm-git
sudo chmod 777 /tmp/glm-git
cd /tmp/glm-git
makepkg -si
#Basically installs glslc
sudo pacman -S shaderc
while true; do
select bruh in installVulkan installLibraries installShaderCompiler "exit"; do

Delete Git Branches

Mar 10, 2023Helper

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for branch in $(git branch | cut -c 3-); do
read -p "Delete local branch $branch? (y/n) " -n 1 -r
echo ""
if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then
git branch -D $branch

Sep 9, 2023LeifMessinger

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#Changes the remote url from https to ssh.
#Only works for github, because I'd have to store a dictionary of every https to ssh url otherwise.
#Made using Bing Chat
# Get the remote URL from the console
REPO_URL=$(git config --get remote.origin.url)
# Check that REPO_URL contains
if [[ $REPO_URL == *""* ]]; then
# Replace https with ssh in the URL
REPO_URL=${REPO_URL/https:\/\/\//[email protected]:}
# Change the remote URL to the SSH version
git remote set-url origin "$REPO_URL"
echo "Error: REPO_URL does not contain" >&2
exit 1

Mar 21, 2021LeifMessinger

0 likes • 0 views by Leif Messinger
#./ [ADDRESS] to search
#./ [ADDRESS] & to search in the background
ping_cancelled=false # Keep track of whether the loop was cancelled, or succeeded
until ping -c1 "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1; do :; done & # The "&" backgrounds it
trap "kill $!; ping_cancelled=true" SIGINT
wait $! # Wait for the loop to exit, one way or another
trap - SIGINT # Remove the trap, now we're done with it
if [ "$ping_cancelled" == true ] #
printf "The pinger for $1 just closed bro.\n"
printf "$1 IS UP BROOO\a\n"

Nginx Serve Storybook

Oct 17, 2023C S

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# ---------------- FIREWALL STEPS ----------------
# Check if firewalld is installed and running
sudo systemctl status firewalld
# If it's not running, you can start and enable it
sudo systemctl start firewalld
sudo systemctl enable firewalld
# Add a rule to allow traffic on port 6006. Port 6006 is the default port that storybook runs on.
sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=6006/tcp
# Reload the firewall for the changes to take effect
sudo firewall-cmd --reload
# Check the list of allowed ports
sudo firewall-cmd --list-ports
# ---------------- NGINX STEPS ----------------
# Install Nginx (if not already installed)
sudo yum install nginx
# Start and enable Nginx
sudo systemctl start nginx
sudo systemctl enable nginx
# Copy your storybook-static directory to a location that Nginx can serve from.
# The default web root directory for Nginx is /usr/share/nginx/html.
sudo cp -r /path/to/storybook-static /usr/share/nginx/html/
# Adjust file permissions if needed to ensure that Nginx can read the files
sudo chown -R nginx:nginx /usr/share/nginx/html/storybook-static
# Put the following server block in /etc/nginx/conf.d/storybook.conf
server {
listen 6006;
location / {
root /usr/share/nginx/html/storybook-static;
index index.html;
# Test the Nginx configuration for syntax errors
sudo nginx -t
# If there are no errors, reload Nginx to apply the changes
sudo systemctl reload nginx

Sep 29, 2021LeifMessinger

0 likes • 22 views

#!/bin/bash [file1 [file2...]]
#Prints out the commands needed to copy the file to your local machine
#This will work on any server that also has the same hostname as in your hosts file.
#I should update this to detect if a file is a directory, and enable recursion for those commands. If you do it now, it will probably just warn you.
if [ -n "$1" ]; then
while [ -n "$1" ]; do
printf "scp \"$(whoami)@$(hostname):"
printf `readlink -f $1`
printf "\" .\n"
echo "scp \"$(whoami)@$(hostname):$PWD/*\" ."
#On the UNT cell machines, you have to do this script instead
#if [ -n "$1" ]; then
# while [ -n "$1" ]; do
# printf "scp $(whoami)@$(hostname)"
# printf `readlink -f $1`
# printf " .\n"
# shift
# done
# echo "scp $(whoami)@$(hostname)$PWD/* ."