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#!/bin/bash# Recursively find all .svelte files in the current directory and its subdirectoriesfind . -type f -name "*.svelte" -o -name "*.html" -o -name "*.htm" | while read file; do# Replace all h1 tags with the specified formatsed -i 's/<h1>\(.*\)<\/h1>/<h1 id="\1">\1<\/h1>/g' "$file"# Replace all h2 tags with the specified formatsed -i 's/<h2>\(.*\)<\/h2>/<h2 id="\1">\1<\/h2>/g' "$file"# Remove whitespace from the id attribute valuefor i in {0..10} ; dosed -i 's/\(id="[^"]*\)\W\([^"]*"\)/\1\2/g' "$file"donedone
#!/bin/shBAT_LOW=15BAT_CRITICAL=5if [ "$1" = "--help" ]thenprintf "Usage:\tbattery_check.sh warning%% hibernate%%Description:\tA script for notifying the user via dunst and logging when\tthe battery is low and the system is going to hibernate.\tCan be supplied arguments for the battery low warning and\thibernation percentage thresholds as the first and second arguments.\t Default behavior is to warn at 15% and hibernate at 5%."exitfiif [[ -n "$1" && -n "$2" && $1 -gt $2 ]]thenBAT_LOW=$1BAT_CRITICAL=$2fiacpi -b | awk -F'[,:%]' '{print $2, $3}' | {read -r status capacityecho Low threshold: $BAT_LOW, Hibernate threshold: $BAT_CRITICALecho Status: $status, Capacity: $capacityif [ "$status" = Discharging -a "$capacity" -le $BAT_CRITICAL ]; thenecho Battery critical threshold.dunstify -u critical "Critical battery threshold, hibernating..."logger "Critical battery threshold, hibernating..."sleep .5systemctl hibernateexitfiif [ "$status" = Discharging -a "$capacity" -le $BAT_LOW ]; thenecho Battery low threshold.dunstify -u critical 'Battery low! System will hibernate at 5%.'logger 'Battery low! System will hibernate at 5%.'sleep .5light -S 15exitfi}
#!/bin/bash#Takes command line arguments and pulls the header files.#Good for checking if the function you want is in the header or not.#cppToStdout.sh "time.h"while [ "$1" != "" ]; doecho "#include<$1>" | g++ -x c++ -E -shiftdone
#diskRipper.sh by Leif Messinger#For use on debian, where your cds aren't immediately mountedwall "CD inserted boss"set -x #echo oncdDrivePath=$(ls -l /dev/cdrom | awk '{print $NF}')#CD could have no label, so that's why I need awkcdLabel=$(lsblk -n "/dev/$cdDrivePath" -o label)if [[ ! -z "$cdLabel" ]]; then #CD has labelfolderName=$cdLabelecho "The cd label is ${folderName}"if mkdir ./cds/"${folderName}"; then #Folder didn't exist beforesudo mount /dev/cdrom ./.cdmountpointsudo cp -r ./.cdmountpoint/* "./cds/${folderName}"sudo chmod -R 777 "./cds/${folderName}"sudo umount ./.cdmountpointejectwall "CD done and ejecting"elsewall "Already read that cd, skipped"fielsewall "CD had no label, skipped"fi
#!/bin/bash# RCLONE BACKUP SCRIPT (using ionice)# Type crontab -e and copy the line below without the ## 0 0 * * * ionice -c 3 /home/owner/backup.sh >/dev/null 2>&1nowdate=$(date -u)# OPTIONSWEBHOOK="YOUR_DISCORD_WEBHOOK_LINK_HERE"LOGFILE="/root/backup.log"FROM="/path/where/you/backup/from"TO="backblaze:BucketName/FolderName"SERVERNAME="Server Name"echo "$SERVERNAME started a backup - $nowdate" | tee -a $LOGFILEcurl --data "content=$SERVERNAME started a backup - $nowdate" $WEBHOOK | tee -a $LOGFILE && echo "" >> $LOGFILEif pidof -o %PPID -x "backup.sh"thenecho "Failed backup attempt on $SERVERNAME - $nowdate (rclone already running)" | tee -a $LOGFILEcurl --data "content=Failed backup attempt on $SERVERNAME - $nowdate (rclone already running)" $WEBHOOK | tee -a $LOGFILEexit 1firclone sync $FROM $TO -P --b2-hard-delete --stats 5s --progress | sed 's/Transferred:/\n\nTransferred:/' | tee -a $LOGFILEenddate=$(date -u)endtime=$(date +'%T')echo "Completed backup on $SERVERNAME - $enddate" | tee -a $LOGFILEcurl -F "content=Completed backup on $SERVERNAME - $enddate" -F upload=@"$LOGFILE" $WEBHOOK | tee -a $LOGFILEif [ -f $LOGFILE ]thenrm $LOGFILEfi
for region in `aws ec2 describe-regions --output text | cut -f4`doecho -e "\nListing Instances in region:'$region'..."aws ec2 describe-instances --query 'Reservations[*].Instances[*].{Instance:InstanceId,Subnet:SubnetId}' --region $regiondone#This script is to be used with any AWS CLI configured environment, it will list any EC2 instances and their associated subnet network ID's in JSON format