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const Discord = require('discord.js');const client = new Discord.Client();const token = 'YOUR_BOT_TOKEN';// When the bot is ready, log a message to the consoleclient.on('ready', () => {console.log(`Logged in as ${client.user.tag}!`);});// When a user sends a message, check if they are authenticatedclient.on('message', async (msg) => {if (!msg.author.bot && !msg.author.authenticated) {const filter = (m) => m.author.id === msg.author.id;const collector = msg.channel.createMessageCollector(filter, { time: 15000 });// Send an authentication message to the usermsg.author.send('Please authenticate yourself by clicking this link: ' + generateAuthURL(msg.author.id));collector.on('collect', async (m) => {// Check if the message contains the authentication codeif (m.content.startsWith('!auth ')) {const code = m.content.slice(6);const { access_token } = await getAccessToken(code);// Set the user's authenticated status and access tokenmsg.author.authenticated = true;msg.author.access_token = access_token;collector.stop();}});collector.on('end', () => {if (!msg.author.authenticated) {msg.author.send('Authentication timed out.');}});}});// Generate an authentication URL for the userfunction generateAuthURL(userId) {const redirectURI = encodeURIComponent('YOUR_REDIRECT_URL');const scopes = 'identify';const clientID = 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID';return `https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=${clientID}&redirect_uri=${redirectURI}&response_type=code&scope=${scopes}&state=${userId}`;}// Exchange the authorization code for an access tokenasync function getAccessToken(code) {const redirectURI = encodeURIComponent('YOUR_REDIRECT_URL');const clientID = 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID';const clientSecret = 'YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET';const res = await fetch('https://discord.com/api/oauth2/token', {method: 'POST',headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',},body: `grant_type=authorization_code&code=${code}&redirect_uri=${redirectURI}&client_id=${clientID}&client_secret=${clientSecret}`,});return await res.json();}client.login(token);
const euclideanDistance = (a, b) =>Math.hypot(...Object.keys(a).map(k => b[k] - a[k]));euclideanDistance([1, 1], [2, 3]); // ~2.2361euclideanDistance([1, 1, 1], [2, 3, 2]); // ~2.4495
const celsiusToFahrenheit = (celsius) => celsius * 9/5 + 32;const fahrenheitToCelsius = (fahrenheit) => (fahrenheit - 32) * 5/9;// ExamplescelsiusToFahrenheit(15); // 59celsiusToFahrenheit(0); // 32celsiusToFahrenheit(-20); // -4fahrenheitToCelsius(59); // 15fahrenheitToCelsius(32); // 0
const levenshteinDistance = (s, t) => {if (!s.length) return t.length;if (!t.length) return s.length;const arr = [];for (let i = 0; i <= t.length; i++) {arr[i] = [i];for (let j = 1; j <= s.length; j++) {arr[i][j] =i === 0? j: Math.min(arr[i - 1][j] + 1,arr[i][j - 1] + 1,arr[i - 1][j - 1] + (s[j - 1] === t[i - 1] ? 0 : 1));}}return arr[t.length][s.length];};levenshteinDistance('duck', 'dark'); // 2
//Retries maxRetries number of times, meaning that if you have 0, then it'll run the function once.async function retryPromise(promiseFn, maxRetries = 3, delayOffset = 0, delayRandomRange = 0) {return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {promiseFn().then(resolve, (error) => { //On errorif (maxRetries <= 0) {return reject(error);} else {if(delayRandomRange * Math.random() + delayOffset < 1.0){return retryPromise(promiseFn, maxRetries - 1, delayOffset, delayRandomRange).then(resolve, reject);}else{return new Promise((resolveTwo, rejectTwo) => {setTimeout(() => {return retryPromise(promiseFn, maxRetries - 1, delayOffset, delayRandomRange).then(resolveTwo, rejectTwo);}, delayRandomRange * Math.random() + delayOffset);}).then(resolve, reject);}}});});}//Tests for that function.//Returns a function that will fail numTimes times, then will return aValuefunction functionThatReturnsAFunctionThatFailsACoupleTimes(numTimes, aValue){return async function(){if(numTimes == 0){return aValue;}numTimes--;throw false;};}const SMALL_NUMBER = 10;function testTest(failNumberOfTimes){let functionThatFailsACoupleTimes = functionThatReturnsAFunctionThatFailsACoupleTimes(failNumberOfTimes, true);//Test my testfor(let i = 0; i < (failNumberOfTimes * 2); ++i){function evalTest(val){let testTestFailedReason = "";if(val === undefined){testTestFailedReason = "Test test returned undefined for some reason.";}if((i + 1) > failNumberOfTimes){if(val === true){//We're good}else{testTestFailedReason = "Test test didn't return true when it should have.";}}else{if(val === false){//We're good}else{testTestFailedReason = "Test test didn't return false when it should have.";}}testTestFailedReason = testTestFailedReason || "Test test passed test case";console.log(testTestFailedReason, "at index", i, "where the function returned", val);}functionThatFailsACoupleTimes().then(evalTest, evalTest)};}testTest(SMALL_NUMBER);let testCaseCounter = 1;const throwsNoError = [(val)=>{if(val == true){console.log("Passed test case " + (testCaseCounter++));}else{console.error("Unexpected return value", val);}},()=>{console.error("It wasn't supposed to fail!")}]const throwsError = [(val)=>{console.error("It wasn't supposed to succeed!", val);},(val)=>{if(val == false){console.log("Passed test case " + (testCaseCounter++));}else{console.error("Unexpected return value", val);}}];//Runs SMALL_NUMBER times, because SMALL_NUMBER - 1 is the number of retries after the first onelet functionThatFailsACoupleTimes = functionThatReturnsAFunctionThatFailsACoupleTimes(SMALL_NUMBER - 1, true);retryPromise(functionThatFailsACoupleTimes, SMALL_NUMBER - 1).then(...throwsNoError)functionThatFailsACoupleTimes = functionThatReturnsAFunctionThatFailsACoupleTimes(SMALL_NUMBER - 1, true);//Runs SMALL_NUMBER - 1 times, because SMALL_NUMBER - 2 is the number of retries after the first oneretryPromise(functionThatFailsACoupleTimes, SMALL_NUMBER - 2).then(...throwsError)//Testing the delay. You'll have to wait a bit too.functionThatFailsACoupleTimes = functionThatReturnsAFunctionThatFailsACoupleTimes(SMALL_NUMBER - 1, true);//Runs SMALL_NUMBER times, because SMALL_NUMBER - 1 is the number of retries after the first oneretryPromise(functionThatFailsACoupleTimes, SMALL_NUMBER - 1, 500, 500).then(...throwsNoError)functionThatFailsACoupleTimes = functionThatReturnsAFunctionThatFailsACoupleTimes(SMALL_NUMBER - 1, true);//Runs SMALL_NUMBER - 1 times, because SMALL_NUMBER - 2 is the number of retries after the first oneretryPromise(functionThatFailsACoupleTimes, SMALL_NUMBER - 2, 500, 500).then(...throwsError)
const getTimezone = () => Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone;// ExamplegetTimezone();