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#!/bin/bashfor branch in $(git branch | cut -c 3-); doread -p "Delete local branch $branch? (y/n) " -n 1 -recho ""if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; thengit branch -D $branchfidone
#!/bin/bash# Recursively find all .svelte files in the current directory and its subdirectoriesfind . -type f -name "*.svelte" -o -name "*.html" -o -name "*.htm" | while read file; do# Replace all h1 tags with the specified formatsed -i 's/<h1>\(.*\)<\/h1>/<h1 id="\1">\1<\/h1>/g' "$file"# Replace all h2 tags with the specified formatsed -i 's/<h2>\(.*\)<\/h2>/<h2 id="\1">\1<\/h2>/g' "$file"# Remove whitespace from the id attribute valuefor i in {0..10} ; dosed -i 's/\(id="[^"]*\)\W\([^"]*"\)/\1\2/g' "$file"donedone
# Three ways of checking if a file exists in a shell scriptFILE=/etc/resolv.confif test -f "$FILE"; thenecho "$FILE exists."fiif [ -f "$FILE" ]; thenecho "$FILE exists."fiif [[ -f "$FILE" ]]; thenecho "$FILE exists."fi
#!/bin/bash#Changes the remote url from https to ssh.#Only works for github, because I'd have to store a dictionary of every https to ssh url otherwise.#Made using Bing Chat# Get the remote URL from the consoleREPO_URL=$(git config --get remote.origin.url)# Check that REPO_URL contains https://github.comif [[ $REPO_URL == *"https://github.com"* ]]; then# Replace https with ssh in the URL# Change the remote URL to the SSH versiongit remote set-url origin "$REPO_URL"elseecho "Error: REPO_URL does not contain https://github.com" >&2exit 1fi
#!/bin/bash#makefileMaker.sh by Leif Messinger#Needs getDependencies.shCC="gcc"#I have no idea why it's called CXX when it's a c++ compiler#I know that cpp is c pre processor, but still, why X?CXX="g++"CXXFLAGS="-std=c++17 -O2"#CFLAGS="-std=c17"LIBRARIES="$@"#Vulkan Flags for me#LIBRARIES="-lglfw -lvulkan -ldl -lpthread -lX11 -lXxf86vm -lXrandr -lXi"function compileAllFiles(){#output: bruh.o yeet.o# CXX $CXXFLAGS bruh.o yeet.o -o output $LIBRARIESecho -n "output:"if compgen -G "*.cpp" &> /dev/null; thenfor f in *.cpp; doecho -n " ${f%.cpp}.o"donefiif compgen -G "*.c" &> /dev/null; thenfor f in *.c; doecho -n " ${f%.c}.o"donefiecho ""if compgen -G "*.cpp" &> /dev/null; thenecho -e -n "\t$CXX $CXXFLAGS "elseecho -e -n "\t$CC $CFLAGS "fiif compgen -G "*.cpp" &> /dev/null; thenfor f in *.cpp; doecho -n " ${f%.cpp}.o"donefiif compgen -G "*.c" &> /dev/null; thenfor f in *.c; doecho -n " ${f%.c}.o"donefiecho " -o output $LIBRARIES"echo ""}function compileAllObjectFiles(){#bruh.o: bruh.cpp yeet.h# CXX $CXXFLAGS -c bruh.cpp $LIBRARIESif compgen -G "*.cpp" &> /dev/null; thenfor f in *.cpp; doecho -n "${f%.cpp}.o: $f"getDependencies.sh < $fecho ""echo -e "\t$CXX $CXXFLAGS -c $f"echo ""donefi#yeet.o: yeet.c# CC $CFLAGS -c yeet.c $LIBRARIESif compgen -G "*.c" &> /dev/null; thenfor f in *.c; doecho -n "${f%.c}.o: $f"getDependencies.sh < $fecho ""echo -e "\t$CC $CFLAGS -c $f"echo ""donefi}compileAllFilescompileAllObjectFiles#does not work on windowsecho "clean:"echo -e "\trm -f -v *.o output"echo ""echo "run:"echo -e "\t./output"echo ""echo "debug:"if compgen -G "*.cpp" &> /dev/null; thenecho -e -n "\t$CXX $CXXFLAGS -g "elseecho -e -n "\t$CC $CFLAGS -g "fiif compgen -G "*.cpp" &> /dev/null; thenfor f in *.cpp; doecho -n " ${f}"donefiif compgen -G "*.c" &> /dev/null; thenfor f in *.c; doecho -n " ${f}"donefiecho " $LIBRARIES -o output"echo ""
#!/bin/bash# Turns 4 spaces into tabs.# Mostly stolen from AI# Define the directory to processDIRECTORY=$1TabCount=${2:-'4'} #Defaults to 4# Check if directory is specifiedif [ -z "$DIRECTORY" ]; thenecho "Error: Directory not specified."exit 1fi# Check if directory existsif [ ! -d "$DIRECTORY" ]; thenecho "Error: Directory does not exist."exit 1fi# Find all files in directory and subdirectoriesFILES=$(find "$DIRECTORY" -type f)# Loop through each file and unexpand itfor FILE in $FILES; dounexpand -t "$TabCount" "$FILE" > "$FILE.tmp"mv "$FILE.tmp" "$FILE"doneecho "Done!"