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awk '\{ for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) { ++D[$i]; } }\END { for (i in D) { print i, D[i] } }\' words.txt | sort -nr -k 2
# ---------------- FIREWALL STEPS ----------------# Check if firewalld is installed and runningsudo systemctl status firewalld# If it's not running, you can start and enable itsudo systemctl start firewalldsudo systemctl enable firewalld# Add a rule to allow traffic on port 6006. Port 6006 is the default port that storybook runs on.sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=6006/tcp# Reload the firewall for the changes to take effectsudo firewall-cmd --reload# Check the list of allowed portssudo firewall-cmd --list-ports# ---------------- NGINX STEPS ----------------# Install Nginx (if not already installed)sudo yum install nginx# Start and enable Nginxsudo systemctl start nginxsudo systemctl enable nginx# Copy your storybook-static directory to a location that Nginx can serve from.# The default web root directory for Nginx is /usr/share/nginx/html.sudo cp -r /path/to/storybook-static /usr/share/nginx/html/# Adjust file permissions if needed to ensure that Nginx can read the filessudo chown -R nginx:nginx /usr/share/nginx/html/storybook-static# Put the following server block in /etc/nginx/conf.d/storybook.confserver {listen 6006;server_name your_domain.com;location / {root /usr/share/nginx/html/storybook-static;index index.html;}}# Test the Nginx configuration for syntax errorssudo nginx -t# If there are no errors, reload Nginx to apply the changessudo systemctl reload nginx
#!/bin/bash#Takes all the c and h files in the current directory and prints them#Yup, it's that easyfor file in *.h *.hpp *.c *.cpp; do#If it existsif [ -f "$file" ]; thenecho "//===============$file==============="cat $filefidone
#!/bin/bashfor branch in $(git branch | cut -c 3-); doread -p "Delete local branch $branch? (y/n) " -n 1 -recho ""if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; thengit branch -D $branchfidone
#!/bin/bash#Makes a directory ./monkeys and puts every single bored bored ape yacht club monkey in there#Leif Messingerlet OFFSET=0let BATCHSIZE=50let LIMIT=100mkdir monkeysfunction parseResults(){sed 'y/,/\n/' | sed -e '/storage.opensea/d' -e '/https:\/\/lh3.googleusercontent.com\/Ju9CkWtV-1Okvf45wo8UctR-M9He2PjILP0oOvxE89AyiPPGtrR3gysu1Zgy0hjd2xKIgjJJtWIc0ybj4Vd7wv8t3pxDGHoJBzDB=s120/d' | egrep '"image_url":"(.*)"' | tr -d '\"' | sed 's/image_url://'}function downloadMonkeys(){while read -r line; doname=`echo "$line" | sed 's/https:\/\/lh3.googleusercontent.com\///'`wget -q -O "./monkeys/$name.png" "$line" &done}function queryMonkeys(){let progress=($OFFSET*100)/$LIMITecho "Progress: $progress%"result=`curl -s --request GET --url "https://api.opensea.io/api/v1/assets?order_direction=desc&offset=$OFFSET&limit=$BATCHSIZE&collection=boredapeyachtclub"`if [[ "$result" =~ "Request was throttled" ]] || [ "$result" == "" ]; then#Retry downloadsleep 10else#Download Monkeysecho "$result" | parseResults | downloadMonkeyslet OFFSET+=$BATCHSIZEfi#If not out of bounds, recurseif [ "$OFFSET" -lt "$LIMIT" ] || [[ "$result" =~ '"assets":[]' ]]; thenqueryMonkeysfi}echo "Downloading your monkeys into ./monkeys asynchronously."queryMonkeys
#!/bin/bashsudo apt install build-essential vulkan-tools libvulkan-dev vulkan-validationlayers-dev spirv-tools libglfw3-dev libglm-dev libtinyobjloader-dev#The rest of this downloads the Vulkan Tutorial project and its dependencies.#Comment this out to keep goingexitsudo apt install git cmake cmake-guisudo mkdir /usr/lib/stbpushd /usr/lib/stbsudo wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nothings/stb/master/stb_image.hpopdcd ~/Documentsgit clone https://github.com/Overv/VulkanTutorial.gitcd VulkanTutorial/codecmake -S . -B build -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH="/usr/local" -DSTB_INCLUDEDIR:PATH="/usr/lib/stb"cd buildmake