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#include <iostream>#include <cstring>int main(int argc, char** argv){//With decimalif(strstr(argv[1], ".") != nullptr){int i = 0;//Skip i to first non 0 digitwhile(argv[1][i] < '1' || argv[1][i] > '9') ++i;//If digit comes before decimalif((argv[1] + i) < strstr(argv[1], ".")){ //Good example of pointer arithmeticstd::cout << strlen(argv[1] + i) - 1 << std::endl; //Another good example}else{//If digit is after decimalstd::cout << strlen(argv[1] + i) << std::endl;}}else{//Without decimalint m = 0;int i = 0;while(argv[1][i] < '1' || argv[1][i] > '9') ++i; //In case of some number like 0045for(; argv[1][i] != '\0'; ++i){if(argv[1][i] >= '1' && argv[1][i] <= '9') m = i + 1;}std::cout << m << std::endl;}return 0;}
#include <iostream>using namespace std;int main() {const int ROW_SIZE = 2;const int COLUMN_SIZE = 5; //establish all variablesint matrix[ROW_SIZE][COLUMN_SIZE];int minVal;for (int i = 0; i < ROW_SIZE; ++i) // for loop to ask user to enter data.{for (int h = 0; h < COLUMN_SIZE; ++h) {cout << "Enter data for row #" << i + 1 << " and column #" << h + 1 << ": ";cin >> matrix[i][h];}}cout << "You entered: " << endl;for (int i = 0; i < ROW_SIZE; ++i) //for statements to output the array neatly{for (int h = 0; h < COLUMN_SIZE; ++h) {cout << matrix[i][h] << "\t";}cout << endl;}cout << "Minimum for each row is: {";for (int i = 0; i < ROW_SIZE; i++) //for statements to find the minimum in each row{minVal = matrix[i][0];for (int h = 0; h < COLUMN_SIZE; h++) {if (matrix[i][h] < minVal) // if matrix[i][h] < minVal -> minVal = matrix[i][h];{minVal = matrix[i][h];}}cout << minVal << ", ";}cout << "}" << endl;cout << "Minimum for each column is: {";for (int i = 0; i < COLUMN_SIZE; i++) //for statements to find the minimum in each column{minVal = matrix[0][i];for (int h = 0; h < ROW_SIZE; h++) {if (matrix[h][i] < minVal) //replaces minVal with array index for that column that is lowest{minVal = matrix[h][i];}}cout << minVal << ", ";}cout << "}" << endl;return 0;}
//Constant prefix notation solver using bruh//Could make it infix or postfix later#include<string>#include<vector>#include<iostream>std::vector<long double> bruhBuff;long double operator ""bruh(long double a){bruhBuff.push_back(a);return a;}long double operator ""bruh(const char op){if(bruhBuff.size() < 2) throw "Bruh weak";long double b = bruhBuff.back();bruhBuff.pop_back();long double a = bruhBuff.back();bruhBuff.pop_back();switch(op){case (int)('+'):return a + b;case (int)('-'):return a - b;case (int)('*'):return a * b;case (int)('/'):return a / b;}return 69l;}int main(){1.0bruh;2.0bruh;std::cout << '+'bruh << std::endl;return 0;}
#include <bits/stdc++.h>#define MAXSIZE 50000#define INF 100000using namespace std;vector<int> adj[MAXSIZE]; //Adjacency Listbool visited[MAXSIZE]; //Checks if a node is visited or not in BFS and DFSbool isConnected = true; //Checks if the input graph is connected or notint dist[MAXSIZE], discover[MAXSIZE], finish[MAXSIZE]; //Distance for BFS, in time and out time for DFSint t = 1; //Time used for DFSint u, v, i, j, k, N = 0;stack<int> st; //Stack for TopSortmultiset<pair<int, int>> s; //collection of pairs to sort by distancepair<int, int> current; //pointer variable to a position in the multisetvoid BFS(){queue<int> q; //queue for BFSq.push(1); //pushing the sourcedist[1] = 0; //assign the distance of source as 0visited[1] = 1; //marking as visitedwhile(!q.empty()){u = q.front();q.pop();for(i=0; i < adj[u].size(); i++){v = adj[u][i]; //Adjacent vertexif(!visited[v]) //if not visited, update the distance and push onto queue{visited[v] = 1;dist[v] = dist[u]+1;q.push(v);}}}for(i = 1; i <= N; i++){s.insert(make_pair(dist[i], i)); //for sorted distance}cout << "BFS results:" << endl;//prints BFS results and checks if the graph is connectedwhile(!s.empty()){current = *s.begin();s.erase(s.begin());i = current.second;j = current.first;if(j == INF) //if any infinite value, graph is not connected{cout << i << " INF" << endl;isConnected = false;}else{cout << i << " " << j << endl;}}//marks blocks of memory as visitedmemset(visited, 0, sizeof visited);}void dfsSearch(int s){visited[s] = 1; //marking it visiteddiscover[s] = t++; //assigning and incrementing timeint i, v;for(i = 0; i < adj[s].size(); i++){v = adj[s][i];if(!visited[v]) //if vertex is not visited then visit, else continue{dfsSearch(v);}}st.push(s); //pushed onto stack for TopSort if it was calledfinish[s] = t++; //out time}void DFS(){for(i = 1; i <= N; i++){if(visited[i]) //if visited continue, else visit it with DFS{continue;}dfsSearch(i); //embedded function to actually perform DFS}for(i=1;i<=N;i++){s.insert(make_pair(discover[i], i)); //minheap for sorted discovery time}cout << "DFS results:" << endl;while(!s.empty()) //Prints DFS results as long as the multiset is not empty{current = *s.begin(); //duplicates the pointer to first object in the multisets.erase(s.begin()); //erases the first object in multiseti = current.second;cout << i << " " << discover[i] << " " << finish[i] << endl; //prints discover times and finish times}}void TopSort(){//call DFS so we can have a sorted stack to printfor(i=1;i<=N;i++){if(visited[i]){continue;}dfsSearch(i);}cout<<"Topological Sort results:"<<endl;//print sorted results from DFSwhile(!st.empty()){i = st.top();st.pop();cout << i << endl;}//declare blocks of memory as visitedmemset(visited, 0, sizeof visited);}int main(){string str, num, input;int selection, connectedChoice = 0;//get to input any file, more freedom than declaring file in command linecout << "Enter the exact name of your input file [case sensitive]: ";cin >> input;ifstream inputFile(input); //Read the input file//checks if the ifstream cannot openif(inputFile.fail()){cout << endl << "No input files matching that name. Terminating..." << endl;return 0;}//Read until the end of filewhile(!inputFile.eof()){getline(inputFile, str); //read the current lineif(str == ""){continue;}if(!isdigit(str[0])) //checks to see if the first item in a line is a digit or not{cout << "Invalid file format. You have a line beginning with a non-digit. Terminating..." << endl;return 0;}stringstream ss;ss << str; //convert the line to stream of stringsss >> num; //read the line numstringstream(num) >> u;while(!ss.eof()){ss>>num;if(stringstream(num) >> v){adj[u].push_back(v); //read the adjacent vertices}}N++; //calculate the number of verticessort(adj[u].begin(), adj[u].end()); //sort the adjacency list in case it is not sorted}//creates arbitrary values for distance, will check later if INF remainfor(i = 1; i <= N; i++){dist[i] = INF;}cout << endl << "Valid Input file loaded!" << endl;while(selection != 4){cout << "************************************************" << endl;cout << "What type of analysis would you like to perform?" << endl;cout << "1: Breadth-First Search" << endl;cout << "2: Depth-First Search" << endl;cout << "3: Topological Sort" << endl;cout << "4: Quit" << endl;cout << "************************************************" << endl;//read user input and execute selectioncin >> selection;switch(selection){case 1:cout << endl;BFS();cout << endl;cout << "Would you like to know if the graph is connected?" << endl;cout << "1: Yes" << endl;cout << "Any other key: No" << endl;cin >> connectedChoice;switch(connectedChoice){case 1:if(!isConnected){cout << "The graph is not connected." << endl << endl;}else{cout << "The graph is connected!" << endl << endl;}break;default:break;}break;case 2:cout << endl;DFS();cout << endl;break;case 3:cout << endl;TopSort();cout << endl;break;case 4:return 0;default:cout << endl << "Invalid selection." << endl; //loops the selection prompt until a valid selection is input.}}}
/*this program will simulate the spreading of a disease through agrid of people, starting from a user-defined person. It will countthe number of turns taken before everyone on the grid is immunizedto the disease after having caught it once.This program will user the SIR model (Susceptible, Infectious, Recovered)and cellular automata to simulate the people in the grid.*/#include <iostream>using namespace std;/* Any and all global variables */const int SIZE = 8; //Size of the square person array/* Any and all functions */void gridDefaultify(char[][SIZE], int);//Purpose: Sets each item in the person array to 's'//Parameters: A square, two-dimensional array// The size of that array's boundsvoid gridDisplay(char[][SIZE], int);//Purpose: Formats and prints the information in the person grid//Parameters: A square, two-dimensional array// The value of the current dayvoid nextTurn(char[][SIZE], char[][SIZE], int&);//Purpose: Updates the grid of people, and the current day//Parameters: Two square, two-dimensional arrays// A reference to the current day (so that it can be updated)int countInfected(char[][SIZE], int);//Purpose: Counts the number of infectious people on the grid//Parameters: A square, two-dimensional array// The size of that array's boundsint main(){int currentDay = 0; //Infection begins on day 0, and ends one day after the last person is Recoveredchar gridCurrent[SIZE][SIZE]; //Grid of all peoplechar gridUpdate[SIZE][SIZE]; //Where the user chooses to start the infectionint xToInfect;int yToInfect; //Set of coordinates for the initial infection position, given by user//Initializes the grids to all 's'gridDefaultify(gridCurrent, SIZE);gridDefaultify(gridUpdate, SIZE);//The below block gets the initial infection coordinates from the usercout << "Please enter a location to infect: ";while(true){cin >> xToInfect >> yToInfect;xToInfect--;yToInfect--;if(xToInfect < 0 || yToInfect < 0 || xToInfect >= SIZE || yToInfect >= SIZE){cout << "Those coordinates are outside the bounds of this region." << endl;cout << "Please enter another location to infect: ";continue;} else {gridCurrent[xToInfect][yToInfect] = 'i';break;}}//Displays the initial state of the gridgridDisplay(gridCurrent, currentDay);//The below block will display and update the grid until the infection is done.while(true){nextTurn(gridCurrent, gridUpdate, currentDay);gridDisplay(gridCurrent, currentDay);if(countInfected(gridCurrent, SIZE) == 0) break; //Once there are no more infected, the game is done}//Displays the number of days taken for the infection to endcout << "It took " << currentDay + 1 << " days for the outbreak to end";cout << endl;return 0;}void gridDefaultify(char arr[][SIZE], int arrSize){for(int x = 0; x < arrSize; x++){for(int y = 0; y < arrSize; y++){arr[x][y] = 's'; //Sets all items in the passed-in array to 's'}}return;}void gridDisplay(char arr[][SIZE], int day){cout << "Day " << day << endl; //Prints the current dayfor(int x = 0; x < SIZE; x++){for(int y = 0; y < SIZE; y++){cout << arr[x][y] <<" "; //Prints the array's contents}cout << endl; //Formats with newlines}cout << endl; //Some spacingreturn;}void nextTurn(char today[][SIZE], char update[][SIZE], int& day){day++; //Updates the dayint xCheck; //X coordinate to be checkedint yCheck; //Y coordinate to be checkedfor(int x = 0; x < SIZE; x++){for(int y = 0; y < SIZE; y++){//Sets all 'i' to 'r' in the new gridif(today[x][y] == 'i' || today[x][y] == 'r'){update[x][y] = 'r'; //Updates all infectious to recovered, and keeps current recovered}if(today[x][y] == 's'){ // If the person is susceptible...for(int xCheck = x-1; xCheck <= x+1; xCheck++){ // Check all x coordinates around the personfor(int yCheck = y-1; yCheck <= y+1; yCheck++){ // Check all y coordinates around the personif(xCheck == x && yCheck == y){// Don't check at the person because there is no need to check there} else {if(xCheck >= 0 && yCheck >= 0 && xCheck < SIZE && yCheck < SIZE){ // Make sure the checked coordinates are in boundsif(today[xCheck][yCheck] == 'i'){ //Is the person at the checked coordinates infected?update[x][y] = 'i'; //If so, update the 's' to 'i' in the new grid}}}}}}}}for(int x = 0; x < SIZE; x++){for(int y = 0; y < SIZE; y++){today[x][y] = update[x][y]; //Updates today's grid with the new values}}}int countInfected(char arr[][SIZE], int arrSize){int count = 0;for(int x = 0; x < arrSize; x++){for(int y = 0; y < arrSize; y++){if(arr[x][y] == 'i') count++; //Increments count for each infected person in the grid}}return count;}
#define NUM_BITS 8#include <iostream>struct Number{int num : NUM_BITS;Number(){}Number(const int& bruh){num = bruh;}operator int() const { return num; }Number& operator=(const int& bruh){num = bruh;return (*this);}};using namespace std;bool isNegative(const int& num){//This gets the bitwise and of num and 10000000000000000000000000000000//This implicit casts to bool, which means (num & (1 << 31)) != 0return (num & (1 << 31));}void printBinaryNumber(const int& num, const int numBits){for(int i = numBits; i > 0; --i){//8..1int bitMask = 1 << (i-1);if(num & bitMask){ //Test the bitcout << '1';}else{cout << '0';}}}void printCarryBits(const int& a, const int& b, const int numBits){int answer = 0;bool carry = false;for(int i = 0; i < numBits; ++i){//8..1int bitMask = 1 << i;bool aBit = a & bitMask;bool bBit = b & bitMask;if(aBit && bBit || aBit && carry || bBit && carry){ //Carry bit is true nextif(carry)answer |= bitMask;carry = true;}else{if(carry)answer |= bitMask;carry = false;}}printBinaryNumber(answer, 8);}void printBorrowBits(const int& a, const int& b, const int numBits){int answer = 0;bool carry = false;for(int i = 0; i < numBits; ++i){//8..1int bitMask = 1 << i;bool aBit = a & bitMask;bool bBit = b & bitMask;if((!(aBit ^ carry)) && bBit){ //Carry bit is true nextif(carry)answer |= bitMask;carry = true;}else{if(carry)answer |= bitMask;carry = false;}}printBinaryNumber(answer, 8);}void doProblem(const int& a, const int& b, const char& sign, const int& result, const int& numBits){if(sign == '+'){cout << ' '; printCarryBits(a, b, numBits); cout << endl;}else{cout << ' '; printBorrowBits(a, b, numBits); cout << endl;}cout << ' '; printBinaryNumber(a, numBits); cout << endl;cout << sign; printBinaryNumber(b, numBits); cout << endl;cout << "----------" << endl;cout << ""; printBinaryNumber(result, numBits + 1); cout << " = " << result;cout << endl;}int main(){Number a = 0b110;Number b = 0b011;cout<< a << endl << b << endl;doProblem(a, b, '+', a + b, NUM_BITS);doProblem(a, b, '-', a - b, NUM_BITS);doProblem(-a, b, '+', -a + b, NUM_BITS);doProblem(a, b, '-', -a - b, NUM_BITS);return 0;}