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#include <iostream>using namespace std;/* Function: get_coeffParameters: double& coeff, int pos passed from bb_4acReturn: type is void so no return, but does ask for user to input data that establishes what a b and c are.*/void get_coeff(double& coeff, int pos) {char position;if(pos == 1) {position = 'a';} else if(pos == 2) { //a simple system to determine what coefficient the program is asking for.position = 'b';} else {position = 'c';}cout << "Enter the co-efficient " << position << ":"; //prompt to input coeffcoeff = 5; //input coeff}/* Function: bb_4acParameters: no parameters passed from main, but 3 params established in function, double a, b, c.Return: b * b - 4 * a * c*/double bb_4ac() {double a, b, c; //coefficients of a quadratic equationget_coeff(a, 1); // call function 1st timeget_coeff(b, 2); // call function 2nd timeget_coeff(c, 3); // call function 3rd timereturn b * b - 4 * a * c; //return b * b - 4 * a * c}int main() {cout << "Function to calculate the discriminant of the equation. . . " << endl;double determinate = bb_4ac(); //assign double determinate to bb_4ac functioncout << "The discriminant for given values is: " << determinate << endl; //output the determinate!}
#include "goat.h" //include goat.hvoid Goat::setBreed(string breed) {this->breed = breed;}void Goat::setWeight(float weight) {this->weight = weight;}void Goat::setName(string name) {this->name = name;}void Goat::setGender(char gender) {this->gender = gender;}void Goat::setSpayed(bool goatIsSpayed) {this->goatIsSpayed = goatIsSpayed;}void Goat::setRegistrationID(string registrationID) {this->registrationID = registrationID;}void Goat::setColor(string color) {this->color = color;}void Goat::setOtherComments(string otherComments) {this->otherComments = otherComments;}string Goat::getBreed() {return breed;}float Goat::getWeight() {return weight;}string Goat::getName() {return name;}char Goat::getGender() {return gender;}bool Goat::getSpayed() {return goatIsSpayed;}string Goat::getRegistrationID() {return registrationID;}string Goat::getColor() {return color;}string Goat::getOtherComments() {return otherComments;}Goat::Goat() {breed = "";weight = 0.0;name = "";gender = '\0';goatIsSpayed = false;registrationID = "";color = "";otherComments = "";}Goat::Goat(string goatBreed, float goatWeight, string goatName, char goatGender, bool goatSpayedStatus, string goatRegistrationID, string goatColor, string goatOtherComments) {breed = goatBreed;weight = goatWeight;name = goatName;gender = goatGender;goatIsSpayed = goatSpayedStatus;registrationID = goatRegistrationID;color = goatColor;otherComments = goatOtherComments;}Goat::~Goat() {cout << "goat destroyed" << endl;}void Goat::printinfo() {cout << "Breed: " << breed << endl << "weight: " << weight << endl << "Name: " << name << endl << "Gender: " << gender << endl << "is Spayed: ";if(goatIsSpayed) { //here I do a logical test on boolean goatIsSpayed. if true cout << true else cout << falsecout << "True";} else {cout << "False";}cout << endl << "Registration ID: " << registrationID << endl << "Color Description: " << color << endl << "Other Comments: " << otherComments << endl << endl;}
#include<iostream>#include<fstream>#include<vector>#include<stdio.h>#include<time.h>#include<stdlib.h>using namespace std;//data storage for parking lot info, admin, managers, users, and ticketsstruct Parking_Lot_info{int total_Space;int regular;int motorcycle;int disability;};struct Admin{string name;string id;string password;};struct Manager{string name;string id;string password;};struct User{string id;string name;string password;string makeModel1;string makeModel2;string year;string plate;};struct Ticket{string ticket_Number;string ticket_Amount;string ticket_Issued;string ticket_Status;string reason;string plate;};//prototypesvector<Admin>admin_Vector;vector<Admin>::iterator admin_it;vector<Manager>manager_Vector;vector<Manager>::iterator manager_it;vector<User>user_Vector;vector<User>::iterator user_it;vector<Ticket>ticket_Vector;vector<Ticket>::iterator ticket_it;void Initial_Admin_Vector(char admin_People_File_Name[]);void Initial_Manager_Vector(char management_People_File_Name[]);void Initial_User_Vector(char user_People_File_Name[]);void Initial_Ticket_Vector();void Login_System();void Checking_Id_Password();void Admin_Menu();void Management_Menu();void User_Menu();void Add_Admin();void Remove_Admin();void Display_All_Admin();void Search_Admin();void Change_Password_Admin();void Add_Manager();void Remove_Manager();void Display_All_Manager();void Search_Manager();void Add_User();void Display_All_User();void Remove_User();void Search_User();void Change_Password_User();void Change_Vehicle_Info();void Display_All_Vehicle();void Add_Ticket();void Display_All_Ticket();void Search_Ticket();void Remove_Ticket();void User_Display_Ticket();void Pay_Ticket();void Change_Password_Manager();void Store_Admin_Data(char admin_People_File_Name[]);void Store_Manager_Data(char manager_People_File_Name[]);void Store_User_Data(char user_People_File_Name[]);void Store_Ticket_Data();void Initial_Admin_Vector(char admin_People_File_Name[]){ifstream in;Admin a;in.open(admin_People_File_Name);while(getline(in,a.name,',')){getline(in,a.id,',');getline(in,a.password);admin_Vector.push_back(a);}in.close();}void Initial_Manager_Vector(char management_People_File_Name[]){ifstream in;Manager m;in.open(management_People_File_Name);while(getline(in,m.name,',')){getline(in,m.id,',');getline(in,m.password);manager_Vector.push_back(m);}in.close();}void Initial_User_Vector(char user_People_File_Name[]){ifstream in;User u;in.open(user_People_File_Name);while(getline(in,u.name,',')){getline(in,u.id,',');getline(in,u.password,',');getline(in,u.makeModel1,',');getline(in,u.makeModel2,',');getline(in,u.year,',');getline(in,u.plate);user_Vector.push_back(u);}in.close();}void Initial_Ticket_Vector(){ifstream in;Ticket t;in.open("ticket.csv");while(getline(in,t.ticket_Number,',')){getline(in,t.ticket_Amount,',');getline(in,t.ticket_Issued,',');getline(in,t.ticket_Status,',');getline(in,t.reason,',');getline(in,t.plate);ticket_Vector.push_back(t);}in.close();}void Login_System(){int first_Option;bool flag = true;do{cout << "Type in 1 to Log in to the system." << endl;cout << "Type in 2 to register to the system." << endl;cout << "Type in 3 to exit the system." << endl;cout << "Option: ";cin >> first_Option;switch(first_Option){case 1:Checking_Id_Password();flag = false;break;case 2:Add_User();break;case 3:flag = false;break;}}while(flag);}void Checking_Id_Password(){string Id1;string Password1;bool flag = true;do{cout << "Enter id: ";cin >> Id1;cout << "Enter password: ";cin >> Password1;for(admin_it = admin_Vector.begin(); admin_it != admin_Vector.end(); admin_it++){if(Id1 == admin_it->id && Password1 == admin_it->password){cout << endl;Admin_Menu();flag = false;break;}}for(manager_it = manager_Vector.begin(); manager_it != manager_Vector.end(); manager_it++){if(Id1 == manager_it->id && Password1 == manager_it->password){cout << endl;Management_Menu();flag = false;break;}}for(user_it = user_Vector.begin(); user_it != user_Vector.end(); user_it++){if(Id1 == user_it->id && Password1 == user_it->password){cout << endl;User_Menu();flag = false;break;}}if(flag){cout << "ID or Password is wrong. Enter your credentials again."<<endl<<endl;}}while(flag);}void Admin_Menu(){int Admin_Option;bool flag = true;do{cout << "Select the following option for a particular task." << endl;cout << "Select 1 to add new administrative employee." << endl;cout << "Select 2 to remove an administrative employee." << endl;cout << "Select 3 to view all administrative employee information." << endl;cout << "Select 4 to search information of a specific administrative employee." << endl;cout << "Select 5 to change password." << endl;cout << "Select 6 to add new management employee." << endl;cout << "Select 7 to remove a management employee." << endl;cout << "Select 8 to view all management employee information." << endl;cout << "Select 9 to search information of a specific management employee." << endl;cout << "Select 10 to remove an user." << endl;cout << "Select 11 to view all user information." << endl;cout << "Select 12 to search information of a specific user." << endl;cout << "Select 15 to Log out." << endl;cout << "Option: ";cin >> Admin_Option;switch(Admin_Option){ //switch to manage the option selectioncase 1:Add_Admin();break;case 2:Remove_Admin();break;case 3:Display_All_Admin();break;case 4:Search_Admin();break;case 5:Change_Password_Admin();break;case 6:Add_Manager();break;case 7:Remove_Manager();break;case 8:Display_All_Manager();break;case 9:Search_Manager();break;case 10:Remove_User();break;case 11:Display_All_User();break;case 12:Search_User();break;case 15:flag = false;cout << endl;Login_System();break;}}while(flag);}void Management_Menu(){int Manager_Option;bool flag = true;do{cout << "Select the following option for a particular task." << endl;cout << "Select 1 to remove an user." << endl;cout << "Select 2 to view all user information." << endl;cout << "Select 3 to search information of a specific user." << endl;cout << "Select 4 to issue a ticket." << endl;cout << "Select 5 to view all the ticket information." << endl;cout << "Select 6 to view a specific ticket information in details." << endl;cout << "Select 7 to remove a specific ticket information." << endl;cout << "Select 8 to change password." << endl;cout << "Select 9 to Log out." << endl;cout << "Option: ";cin >> Manager_Option;switch(Manager_Option){ //dittocase 1:Remove_User();break;case 2:Display_All_User();break;case 3:Search_User();break;case 4:Add_Ticket();break;case 5:Display_All_Ticket();break;case 6:Search_Ticket();break;case 7:Remove_Ticket();break;case 8:Change_Password_Manager();break;case 9:flag = false;cout << endl;Login_System();break;}}while(flag);}void User_Menu(){int User_Option;bool flag = true;do{cout << "Select the following option for a particular task." << endl;cout << "Select 1 to change password." << endl;cout << "Select 2 to change vehicle information." << endl;cout << "Select 3 to view vehicle information." << endl;cout << "Select 4 to view all ticket information." << endl;cout << "Select 5 to pay a ticket amount." << endl;cout << "Select 8 to Log out." << endl;cout << "Option: ";cin >> User_Option;switch(User_Option){case 1:Change_Password_User();break;case 2:Change_Vehicle_Info();break;case 3:Display_All_Vehicle();break;case 4:User_Display_Ticket();break;case 5:Pay_Ticket();break;case 8:flag = false;cout << endl;Login_System();break;}}while(flag);}void Add_Admin(){string add_name;string add_id;string add_password;Admin a;srand((unsigned)time(NULL));bool flag = true;char temp1[100];int temp2;cout << "Enter administrative employee name: ";cin.ignore();getline(cin,add_name);cout << "Auto generated id for this administrative employee account is: ";do{temp2 = rand()%400 + 101;sprintf(temp1, "%d", temp2);add_id = temp1;for(admin_it = admin_Vector.begin(); admin_it != admin_Vector.end(); admin_it++){if(add_id == admin_it->id){break;}}if(admin_it == admin_Vector.end()){flag = false;}}while(flag);cout << add_id << endl;cout << "Set a password for this administrative employee account: ";getline(cin,add_password);cout << "administrative employee entry is complete." << endl << endl;a.name = add_name;a.id = add_id;a.password = add_password;admin_Vector.push_back(a);}void Remove_Admin(){bool flag = true;string remove_id;cout << "Enter the administrative employee's Id: ";cin >> remove_id;for(admin_it = admin_Vector.begin(); admin_it != admin_Vector.end(); admin_it++){if(admin_it->id == remove_id){admin_Vector.erase(admin_it);cout << "Administrative employee is removed." <<endl <<endl;flag = false;break;}}if(flag){cout << "Fail to remove the administrative employee's information!" << endl <<endl;}}void Display_All_Admin(){cout << "All Administrative Employee Information" << endl;cout << "---------------------------------------" << endl;cout << " Name ID" << endl;cout << "-----------------------------------" << endl;for(admin_it = admin_Vector.begin(); admin_it != admin_Vector.end(); admin_it++){cout << admin_it->name << "\t" << "\t" << "\t";cout << admin_it->id << endl;}cout <<endl << endl;}void Search_Admin(){bool flag = true;string search_id;cout << "Enter the administrative employee's id: ";cin >> search_id;cout << " Name ID" << endl;cout << "-----------------------------------" << endl;for(admin_it = admin_Vector.begin(); admin_it != admin_Vector.end(); admin_it++){if(admin_it->id == search_id){cout << admin_it->name << "\t" << "\t" << "\t";cout << admin_it->id << endl << endl;flag = false;break;}}if(flag){cout << "Can't find this administrative employee's information!" << endl << endl;}cout <<endl << endl;}void Change_Password_Admin(){string new_password;cout << "Enter a new password: ";cin >> new_password;admin_it->password = new_password;cout << "You have changed your password successfully!" <<endl;cout << endl;}void Add_Manager(){string add_name;string add_id;string add_password;Manager m;srand((unsigned)time(NULL));bool flag = true;char temp1[100];int temp2;cout << "Enter management employee name: ";cin.ignore();getline(cin,add_name);cout << "Auto generated id for this management employee account is: ";do{temp2 = rand()%500 + 501;sprintf(temp1, "%d", temp2);//itoa(temp2,temp1,10);add_id = temp1;for(manager_it = manager_Vector.begin(); manager_it != manager_Vector.end(); manager_it++){if(add_id == manager_it->id){break;}}if(manager_it == manager_Vector.end()){flag = false;}}while(flag);cout << add_id << endl;cout << "Set a password for this management employee account: ";getline(cin,add_password);cout << "Management employee entry is complete." << endl << endl;m.name = add_name;m.id = add_id;m.password = add_password;manager_Vector.push_back(m);}void Remove_Manager(){bool flag = true;string remove_id;cout << "Enter the management employee's id: ";cin >> remove_id;for(manager_it = manager_Vector.begin(); manager_it != manager_Vector.end(); manager_it++){if(manager_it->id == remove_id){manager_Vector.erase(manager_it);cout << "Management employee is removed." <<endl <<endl;flag = false;break;}}if(flag){cout << "Fail to remove the management employee's information!" << endl <<endl;}}void Display_All_Manager(){cout << "------All Employee Information-----" << endl;cout << "-----------------------------------" << endl;cout << " Name ID" << endl;cout << "-----------------------------------" << endl;for(manager_it = manager_Vector.begin(); manager_it != manager_Vector.end(); manager_it++){cout << manager_it->name << "\t" << "\t" << "\t";cout << manager_it->id << endl;}cout <<endl << endl;}void Search_Manager(){bool flag = true;string search_id;cout << "Enter the management employee's id: ";cin >> search_id;cout << " Name ID" << endl;cout << "-----------------------------------" << endl;for(manager_it = manager_Vector.begin(); manager_it != manager_Vector.end(); manager_it++){if(manager_it->id == search_id){cout << manager_it->name << "\t" << "\t" << "\t";cout << manager_it->id << endl << endl;flag = false;break;}}if(flag){cout << "Can't find this management employee's information!" << endl << endl;}cout << endl << endl;}void Add_User(){string add_name;string add_id;string add_password;string add_makeModel1;string add_makeModel2;string add_year;string add_plate;User u;bool flag = true;cout << "Enter name: ";cin.ignore();getline(cin,add_name);do{cout << "Enter id: ";//cin.ignore();getline(cin,add_id);for(user_it = user_Vector.begin(); user_it != user_Vector.end(); user_it++){if(add_id == user_it->id){cout << "This id is already in use! Please Enter again!" << endl;break;}}if(user_it == user_Vector.end()){flag = false;}}while(flag);cout << "Enter password: ";//cin.ignore();getline(cin,add_password);cout << "Now enter your vehicle information..." << endl;cout << "Enter vehicle make: ";//cin.ignore();getline(cin,add_makeModel1);cout << "Enter vehicle model: ";//cin.ignore();getline(cin,add_makeModel2);cout << "Enter vehicle year: ";//cin.ignore();getline(cin,add_year);cout << "Enter vehicle plate number: ";//cin.ignore();getline(cin,add_plate);cout << "Registration is complete" << endl << endl;u.name = add_name;u.id = add_id;u.password = add_password;u.makeModel1 = add_makeModel1;u.makeModel2 = add_makeModel2;u.year = add_year;u.plate = add_plate;user_Vector.push_back(u);}void Remove_User(){bool flag = true;string remove_id;cout << "Enter the user's id: ";cin >> remove_id;for(user_it = user_Vector.begin(); user_it != user_Vector.end(); user_it++){if(user_it->id == remove_id){user_Vector.erase(user_it);cout << "User is removed." <<endl <<endl;flag = false;break;}}if(flag){cout << "Fail to remove the user's information!" << endl <<endl;}}void Display_All_User(){cout << "-----------------------------------------------------All User Information-------------------------------------------------------" << endl;cout << "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;cout << " Name ID Make Model Year Plate Number" << endl;cout << "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;for(user_it = user_Vector.begin(); user_it != user_Vector.end(); user_it++){cout << user_it->name << "\t" << "\t" << "\t";cout << user_it->id << "\t" << "\t";cout << user_it->makeModel1 << "\t"<< "\t";cout << user_it->makeModel2 << "\t" << "\t"<< "\t";cout << user_it->year << "\t" << "\t";cout << user_it->plate << endl;}cout <<endl << endl;}void Search_User(){bool flag = true;string search_id;cout << "Enter the user's id: ";cin >> search_id;cout << " Name ID Make Model Year Plate Number" << endl;cout << "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;for(user_it = user_Vector.begin(); user_it != user_Vector.end(); user_it++){if(user_it->id == search_id){cout << user_it->name << "\t" << "\t" << "\t";cout << user_it->id << "\t" << "\t";cout << user_it->makeModel1 << "\t"<< "\t";cout << user_it->makeModel2 << "\t" << "\t"<< "\t";cout << user_it->year << "\t" << "\t";cout << user_it->plate << endl;flag = false;break;}}if(flag){cout << "Can't find this user's information!" << endl << endl;}cout << endl << endl;}void Change_Password_User(){string new_password;cout << "Enter a new password: ";cin >> new_password;user_it->password = new_password;cout << "You have changed your password successfully!" <<endl;cout << endl;}void Change_Vehicle_Info(){string new_MakeModel1;string new_MakeModel2;string new_Year;string new_Plate;cout << "Enter the new vehicle make: ";cin.ignore();getline(cin,new_MakeModel1);cout << "Enter the new vehicle model: ";//cin.ignore();getline(cin,new_MakeModel2);cout << "Enter the new vehicle year: ";//cin.ignore();getline(cin,new_Year);cout << "Enter the new vehicle plate number: ";//cin.ignore();getline(cin,new_Plate);user_it->makeModel1 = new_MakeModel1;user_it->makeModel2 = new_MakeModel2;user_it->year = new_Year;user_it->plate = new_Plate;cout << "You have changed your vehicle information successfully!" <<endl << endl;}void Display_All_Vehicle(){cout << endl;cout << "Vehicle make: " << user_it->makeModel1 << endl;cout << "Vehicle model: " << user_it->makeModel2 << endl;cout << "Vehicle year: " << user_it->year << endl;cout << "Vehicle plate number: " << user_it->plate << endl << endl;}void Add_Ticket(){string add_ticket_number;string add_ticket_amount;string add_Reason;string add_plate;Ticket t;srand((unsigned)time(NULL));bool flag = true;char temp1[100];int temp2;string ticketIssued;string ticketStat;cout << "Auto generated ticket number is: ";do{temp2 = rand()%49000 + 1001;sprintf(temp1, "%d", temp2);//itoa(temp2,temp1,10);add_ticket_number = temp1;for(ticket_it = ticket_Vector.begin(); ticket_it != ticket_Vector.end(); ticket_it++){if(add_ticket_number == ticket_it->ticket_Number){break;}}if(ticket_it == ticket_Vector.end()){flag = false;}}while(flag);cout << add_ticket_number << endl;cout << "Enter ticket amount: ";cin.ignore();getline(cin,add_ticket_amount);cout << "Reason of ticket: ";getline(cin,add_Reason);cout << "Enter vehicle plate number: ";getline(cin,add_plate);cout << "Ticket has been recorded successfully."<<endl<<endl;ticketIssued = manager_it->id;ticketStat = "Unpaid";t.ticket_Number = add_ticket_number;t.ticket_Amount = add_ticket_amount;t.ticket_Issued = ticketIssued;t.ticket_Status = ticketStat;t.reason = add_Reason;t.plate = add_plate;ticket_Vector.push_back(t);}void Display_All_Ticket(){cout << "Ticket number Ticket amount Issued by Ticket Status Reason" << endl;cout << "--------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;for(ticket_it = ticket_Vector.begin(); ticket_it != ticket_Vector.end(); ticket_it++){cout << "\t" << ticket_it->ticket_Number << "\t" << "\t";cout << "$" << ticket_it->ticket_Amount << "\t" << "\t";cout << ticket_it->ticket_Issued << "\t"<< "\t";cout << ticket_it->ticket_Status << "\t"<< "\t";cout << ticket_it->reason << endl;}cout <<endl << endl;}void Search_Ticket(){bool flag = true;string search_number;cout << "Enter the ticket number: ";cin.ignore();getline(cin,search_number);cout << "Ticket number Ticket amount Issued by Ticket Status Reason" << endl;cout << "--------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;for(ticket_it = ticket_Vector.begin(); ticket_it != ticket_Vector.end(); ticket_it++){if(ticket_it->ticket_Number == search_number){cout << "\t" << ticket_it->ticket_Number << "\t" << "\t";cout << "$" << ticket_it->ticket_Amount << "\t" << "\t";cout << ticket_it->ticket_Issued << "\t"<< "\t";cout << ticket_it->ticket_Status << "\t"<< "\t";cout << ticket_it->reason << endl;}}cout <<endl << endl;}void Remove_Ticket(){bool flag = true;string remove_number;cout << "Enter the ticket number: ";cin.ignore();getline(cin,remove_number);for(ticket_it = ticket_Vector.begin(); ticket_it != ticket_Vector.end(); ticket_it++){if(ticket_it->ticket_Number == remove_number){ticket_Vector.erase(ticket_it);cout << endl;cout << "Ticket is removed." <<endl <<endl;flag = false;break;}}if(flag){cout << "Fail to remove the ticket!" << endl <<endl;}}void Change_Password_Manager(){string new_password;cout << "Enter a new password: ";cin >> new_password;manager_it->password = new_password;cout << "You have changed your password successfully!" <<endl;cout << endl;}void User_Display_Ticket(){cout << "Ticket number Ticket amount Issued by Ticket Status Reason" << endl;cout << "--------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;for(ticket_it = ticket_Vector.begin(); ticket_it != ticket_Vector.end(); ticket_it++){if(user_it->plate == ticket_it->plate){cout << "\t" << ticket_it->ticket_Number << "\t" << "\t";cout << "$" << ticket_it->ticket_Amount << "\t" << "\t";cout << ticket_it->ticket_Issued << "\t"<< "\t";cout << ticket_it->ticket_Status << "\t"<< "\t";cout << ticket_it->reason << endl;break;}}cout <<endl << endl;}void Pay_Ticket(){string YorN;cout << "Do you want to pay $" << ticket_it->ticket_Amount << " right now? (Type in Yes or No):";cin >> YorN;if(YorN == "Yes" || YorN == "YES" || YorN == "yes"){for(ticket_it = ticket_Vector.begin(); ticket_it != ticket_Vector.end(); ticket_it++){if(user_it->plate == ticket_it->plate){ticket_it->ticket_Amount = "0";ticket_it->ticket_Status = "Paid";cout << "The ticket amount is paid off." << endl << endl;break;}}}else if(YorN == "No" || YorN == "NO" || YorN == "no"){cout << endl << endl;}}void Store_Admin_Data(char admin_People_File_Name[]){ //Store all the changes to the admin's data in to the file.ofstream out;out.open(admin_People_File_Name);for(admin_it = admin_Vector.begin(); admin_it != admin_Vector.end(); admin_it++){out << admin_it->name << ",";out << admin_it->id << ",";out << admin_it->password << endl;}out.close();}void Store_Manager_Data(char management_People_File_Name[]){ //Store all the changes to the manager's data in to the file.ofstream out;out.open(management_People_File_Name);for(manager_it = manager_Vector.begin(); manager_it != manager_Vector.end(); manager_it++){out << manager_it->name << ",";out << manager_it->id << ",";out << manager_it->password << endl;}out.close();}void Store_User_Data(char user_People_File_Name[]){ //Store all the changes to the user's data in to the file.ofstream out;out.open(user_People_File_Name);for(user_it = user_Vector.begin(); user_it != user_Vector.end(); user_it++){out << user_it->name << ",";out << user_it->id << ",";out << user_it->password << ",";out << user_it->makeModel1 << ",";out << user_it->makeModel2 << ",";out << user_it->year << ",";out << user_it->plate << endl;}out.close();}void Store_Ticket_Data(){ //Store all the changes to the ticket's data in to the file.ofstream out;out.open("ticket.csv");for(ticket_it = ticket_Vector.begin(); ticket_it != ticket_Vector.end(); ticket_it++){out << ticket_it->ticket_Number << ",";out << ticket_it->ticket_Amount << ",";out << ticket_it->ticket_Issued << ",";out << ticket_it->ticket_Status << ",";out << ticket_it->reason << ",";out << ticket_it->plate << endl;}out.close();}int main(){//char array to store the user input for the file searchchar input_File_Name[100];char admin_People_File_Name[100];char management_People_File_Name[100];char user_People_File_Name[100];ifstream in;Parking_Lot_info *pli; //Structure pointerint pln; //Parking lot numberint max_Space = 8; // Max number of parking space in a rowint t = 0; //Determine when it needs to switch to the next row//relevant strings for admin, management, and usersstring admin_Name, admin_Id, admin_Password;string management_Name, management_Id, management_Password;string user_Name, user_Id, user_Password;string user_Make_Model1, user_Make_Model2, user_Year, user_Plate_Number;//get filenamecout << "Enter file name: ";cin.getline(input_File_Name,100);in.open(input_File_Name);if(!in){cout << "Can't open the file!" << endl; //error checkreturn 0;}in >> pln;pli = new Parking_Lot_info[pln];//read data in for parking lotfor(int i=0; i<pln; i++){in >> pli[i].regular;in >> pli[i].motorcycle;in >> pli[i].disability;pli[i].total_Space = pli[i].regular + pli[i].motorcycle + pli[i].disability;//display the initial read in data for parking lotcout << "Parking lot number: " << i+1 << endl;cout << "Number of parking space: " << pli[i].total_Space << endl;cout << "Number of regular parking space: " << pli[i].regular << endl;cout << "Number of motorcycle parking space: " << pli[i].motorcycle << endl;cout << "Number of disability parking space: " << pli[i].disability << endl;cout << "Parking space layout is shown below." << endl;cout << "---------------------------------" << endl;cout << "|";t = 0; //Reset t to 0;for(int j=0; j <pli[i].motorcycle; j++){t++;cout << " M " << "|";if(t%max_Space == 0){cout << endl;cout << "---------------------------------" << endl;}}for(int k=0; k <pli[i].disability; k++){t++;cout << " D " << "|";if(t%max_Space == 0){cout << endl;cout << "---------------------------------" << endl;}}for(int l=0; l <pli[i].regular; l++){t++;cout << " R " << "|";if(t%max_Space == 0){cout << endl;cout << "---------------------------------" << endl;}}cout << endl;cout << "---------------------------------" << endl;cout << endl;}//read in admin, management, and user datain >> admin_People_File_Name;in >> management_People_File_Name;in >> user_People_File_Name;in.close();//display initial administrative employee infoin.open(admin_People_File_Name);cout << "All Administrative Employee Information" << endl;cout << "---------------------------------------" << endl;cout << " Name ID" << endl;cout << "-----------------------------------" << endl;while(getline(in,admin_Name,',')){cout << admin_Name << "\t" << "\t" << "\t";getline(in,admin_Id,',');cout << admin_Id << endl;getline(in,admin_Password);}cout << endl;in.close();//display all employee informationin.open(management_People_File_Name);cout << "------All Employee Information-----" << endl;cout << "-----------------------------------" << endl;cout << " Name ID" << endl;cout << "-----------------------------------" << endl;while(getline(in,management_Name,',')){cout << management_Name << "\t" << "\t" << "\t";getline(in,management_Id,',');cout << management_Id << endl;getline(in,management_Password);}cout << endl;in.close();//display all user informationin.open(user_People_File_Name);cout << "-----------------------------------------------------All User Information-------------------------------------------------------" << endl;cout << "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;cout << " Name ID Make Model Year Plate Number" << endl;cout << "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;while(getline(in,user_Name,',')){cout << user_Name << "\t" << "\t" << "\t";getline(in,user_Id,',');cout << user_Id << "\t" << "\t";getline(in,user_Password,',');getline(in,user_Make_Model1,',');cout << user_Make_Model1 << "\t"<< "\t";getline(in,user_Make_Model2,',');cout << user_Make_Model2 << "\t" << "\t"<< "\t";getline(in,user_Year,',');cout << user_Year << "\t" << "\t";getline(in,user_Plate_Number);cout << user_Plate_Number << endl;}cout << endl;in.close();Initial_Admin_Vector(admin_People_File_Name);Initial_Manager_Vector(management_People_File_Name);Initial_User_Vector(user_People_File_Name);Initial_Ticket_Vector();Login_System();//store NEW admin, manager, user, and ticket dataStore_Admin_Data(admin_People_File_Name);Store_Manager_Data(management_People_File_Name);Store_User_Data(user_People_File_Name);Store_Ticket_Data();return 0;}
/*Good morning! Here's your coding interview problem for today.This problem was asked by Stripe.Given an array of integers, find the first missing positive integer in linear time and constant space. In other words, find the lowest positive integer that does not exist in the array. The array can contain duplicates and negative numbers as well.For example, the input [3, 4, -1, 1] should give 2. The input [1, 2, 0] should give 3.You can modify the input array in-place.*/#include <iostream>using namespace std;int calcMissing(int* input, int size){int sum = 0;int n = 1; //add one to account for missing valuefor(int i = 0; i < size; i++){if(input[i] > 0){sum += input[i];n++;}}//If no numbers higher than 0, answer is 1if(sum == 0)return 1;return (n*(n+1)/2) - sum; //Formula is expectedSum - actualSum/* expectedSum = n*(n+1)/2, the formula for sum(1, n) */}int main(){cout << calcMissing(new int[4]{3, 4, -1, 1}, 4) << endl;cout << calcMissing(new int[3]{1, 2, 0}, 3) << endl;//No positive numberscout << calcMissing(new int[1]{0}, 1) << endl;}
/*Good morning! Here's your coding interview problem for today.This problem was asked by LinkedIn.A wall consists of several rows of bricks of various integer lengths and uniform height. Your goal is to find a vertical line going from the top to the bottom of the wall that cuts through the fewest number of bricks. If the line goes through the edge between two bricks, this does not count as a cut.For example, suppose the input is as follows, where values in each row represent the lengths of bricks in that row:[[3, 5, 1, 1],[2, 3, 3, 2],[5, 5],[4, 4, 2],[1, 3, 3, 3],[1, 1, 6, 1, 1]]The best we can we do here is to draw a line after the eighth brick, which will only require cutting through the bricks in the third and fifth row.Given an input consisting of brick lengths for each row such as the one above, return the fewest number of bricks that must be cut to create a vertical line.AUTHORS NOTE:Makes following assumptions:- Each row is same length- Data is in file called "data.dat" and formatted in space-separated rows- The cuts at the beginning and end of the wall are not solutionsThis requires the following file named data.dat that is a space separated file, or similar formatted file:----START FILE----3 5 1 12 3 3 25 54 4 21 3 3 31 1 6 1 1----END FILE----*/#include <algorithm>#include <iostream>#include <fstream>#include <map>#include <sstream>#include <string>#include <vector>using namespace std;int main(){vector<vector<int>> wall;ifstream in;in.open("data.dat");if(!in.good()){cout << "ERROR: File failed to open properly.\n";}/* Get input from space separated file */string line;while(!in.eof()){getline(in, line);int i;vector<int> currv;stringstream strs(line);while(strs >> i)currv.push_back(i);wall.push_back(currv);}/* Convert each value from "length of brick" to "position at end of brick" */for(int y = 0; y < wall.size(); y++){wall.at(y).pop_back(); //Delet last valfor(int x = 1; x < wall.at(y).size(); x++) //Skip the first bc data doesn't need changewall.at(y).at(x) += wall.at(y).at(x-1);}/* Check output. COMMENT OUT */// for(auto row : wall)// {// for(int pos : row)// cout << pos << " ";// cout << endl;// }/* Determine which ending position is most common, and cut there *///Exclude final position, which will be the size of the wallint mode = -1;int amt = -1;vector<int> tried;for(auto row : wall){for(int pos : row) //For each pos in the wall{//Guard. If pos is contained in the list, skip posif(find(tried.begin(), tried.end(), pos) != tried.end())continue;tried.push_back(pos);/* Cycle through each row to see if it contains the pos */int curramt = 0;for(auto currrow : wall){if( find( currrow.begin(), currrow.end(), pos ) != currrow.end() )curramt++;}//cout << pos << " " << curramt << endl;if(curramt > amt){amt = curramt;mode = pos;}}}cout << "Please cut at position " << mode << endl;cout << "This will cut through " << (wall.size() - amt) << " bricks." << endl;return 0;}
#include <bits/stdc++.h>#define MAXSIZE 50000#define INF 100000using namespace std;vector<int> adj[MAXSIZE]; //Adjacency Listbool visited[MAXSIZE]; //Checks if a node is visited or not in BFS and DFSbool isConnected = true; //Checks if the input graph is connected or notint dist[MAXSIZE], discover[MAXSIZE], finish[MAXSIZE]; //Distance for BFS, in time and out time for DFSint t = 1; //Time used for DFSint u, v, i, j, k, N = 0;stack<int> st; //Stack for TopSortmultiset<pair<int, int>> s; //collection of pairs to sort by distancepair<int, int> current; //pointer variable to a position in the multisetvoid BFS(){queue<int> q; //queue for BFSq.push(1); //pushing the sourcedist[1] = 0; //assign the distance of source as 0visited[1] = 1; //marking as visitedwhile(!q.empty()){u = q.front();q.pop();for(i=0; i < adj[u].size(); i++){v = adj[u][i]; //Adjacent vertexif(!visited[v]) //if not visited, update the distance and push onto queue{visited[v] = 1;dist[v] = dist[u]+1;q.push(v);}}}for(i = 1; i <= N; i++){s.insert(make_pair(dist[i], i)); //for sorted distance}cout << "BFS results:" << endl;//prints BFS results and checks if the graph is connectedwhile(!s.empty()){current = *s.begin();s.erase(s.begin());i = current.second;j = current.first;if(j == INF) //if any infinite value, graph is not connected{cout << i << " INF" << endl;isConnected = false;}else{cout << i << " " << j << endl;}}//marks blocks of memory as visitedmemset(visited, 0, sizeof visited);}void dfsSearch(int s){visited[s] = 1; //marking it visiteddiscover[s] = t++; //assigning and incrementing timeint i, v;for(i = 0; i < adj[s].size(); i++){v = adj[s][i];if(!visited[v]) //if vertex is not visited then visit, else continue{dfsSearch(v);}}st.push(s); //pushed onto stack for TopSort if it was calledfinish[s] = t++; //out time}void DFS(){for(i = 1; i <= N; i++){if(visited[i]) //if visited continue, else visit it with DFS{continue;}dfsSearch(i); //embedded function to actually perform DFS}for(i=1;i<=N;i++){s.insert(make_pair(discover[i], i)); //minheap for sorted discovery time}cout << "DFS results:" << endl;while(!s.empty()) //Prints DFS results as long as the multiset is not empty{current = *s.begin(); //duplicates the pointer to first object in the multisets.erase(s.begin()); //erases the first object in multiseti = current.second;cout << i << " " << discover[i] << " " << finish[i] << endl; //prints discover times and finish times}}void TopSort(){//call DFS so we can have a sorted stack to printfor(i=1;i<=N;i++){if(visited[i]){continue;}dfsSearch(i);}cout<<"Topological Sort results:"<<endl;//print sorted results from DFSwhile(!st.empty()){i = st.top();st.pop();cout << i << endl;}//declare blocks of memory as visitedmemset(visited, 0, sizeof visited);}int main(){string str, num, input;int selection, connectedChoice = 0;//get to input any file, more freedom than declaring file in command linecout << "Enter the exact name of your input file [case sensitive]: ";cin >> input;ifstream inputFile(input); //Read the input file//checks if the ifstream cannot openif(inputFile.fail()){cout << endl << "No input files matching that name. Terminating..." << endl;return 0;}//Read until the end of filewhile(!inputFile.eof()){getline(inputFile, str); //read the current lineif(str == ""){continue;}if(!isdigit(str[0])) //checks to see if the first item in a line is a digit or not{cout << "Invalid file format. You have a line beginning with a non-digit. Terminating..." << endl;return 0;}stringstream ss;ss << str; //convert the line to stream of stringsss >> num; //read the line numstringstream(num) >> u;while(!ss.eof()){ss>>num;if(stringstream(num) >> v){adj[u].push_back(v); //read the adjacent vertices}}N++; //calculate the number of verticessort(adj[u].begin(), adj[u].end()); //sort the adjacency list in case it is not sorted}//creates arbitrary values for distance, will check later if INF remainfor(i = 1; i <= N; i++){dist[i] = INF;}cout << endl << "Valid Input file loaded!" << endl;while(selection != 4){cout << "************************************************" << endl;cout << "What type of analysis would you like to perform?" << endl;cout << "1: Breadth-First Search" << endl;cout << "2: Depth-First Search" << endl;cout << "3: Topological Sort" << endl;cout << "4: Quit" << endl;cout << "************************************************" << endl;//read user input and execute selectioncin >> selection;switch(selection){case 1:cout << endl;BFS();cout << endl;cout << "Would you like to know if the graph is connected?" << endl;cout << "1: Yes" << endl;cout << "Any other key: No" << endl;cin >> connectedChoice;switch(connectedChoice){case 1:if(!isConnected){cout << "The graph is not connected." << endl << endl;}else{cout << "The graph is connected!" << endl << endl;}break;default:break;}break;case 2:cout << endl;DFS();cout << endl;break;case 3:cout << endl;TopSort();cout << endl;break;case 4:return 0;default:cout << endl << "Invalid selection." << endl; //loops the selection prompt until a valid selection is input.}}}