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#!/bin/bash#Makes a directory ./monkeys and puts every single bored bored ape yacht club monkey in there#Leif Messingerlet OFFSET=0let BATCHSIZE=50let LIMIT=100mkdir monkeysfunction parseResults(){sed 'y/,/\n/' | sed -e '/storage.opensea/d' -e '/https:\/\/lh3.googleusercontent.com\/Ju9CkWtV-1Okvf45wo8UctR-M9He2PjILP0oOvxE89AyiPPGtrR3gysu1Zgy0hjd2xKIgjJJtWIc0ybj4Vd7wv8t3pxDGHoJBzDB=s120/d' | egrep '"image_url":"(.*)"' | tr -d '\"' | sed 's/image_url://'}function downloadMonkeys(){while read -r line; doname=`echo "$line" | sed 's/https:\/\/lh3.googleusercontent.com\///'`wget -q -O "./monkeys/$name.png" "$line" &done}function queryMonkeys(){let progress=($OFFSET*100)/$LIMITecho "Progress: $progress%"result=`curl -s --request GET --url "https://api.opensea.io/api/v1/assets?order_direction=desc&offset=$OFFSET&limit=$BATCHSIZE&collection=boredapeyachtclub"`if [[ "$result" =~ "Request was throttled" ]] || [ "$result" == "" ]; then#Retry downloadsleep 10else#Download Monkeysecho "$result" | parseResults | downloadMonkeyslet OFFSET+=$BATCHSIZEfi#If not out of bounds, recurseif [ "$OFFSET" -lt "$LIMIT" ] || [[ "$result" =~ '"assets":[]' ]]; thenqueryMonkeysfi}echo "Downloading your monkeys into ./monkeys asynchronously."queryMonkeys
name="John"echo ${name}echo ${name/J/j} #=> "john" (substitution)echo ${name:0:2} #=> "Jo" (slicing)echo ${name::2} #=> "Jo" (slicing)echo ${name::-1} #=> "Joh" (slicing)echo ${name:(-1)} #=> "n" (slicing from right)echo ${name:(-2):1} #=> "h" (slicing from right)echo ${food:-Cake} #=> $food or "Cake"
# Update all npm packages under the scope defined by the PREFIX variable ("foo").PREFIX="foo"; npm ls | grep "$PREFIX" | awk -F/ '{print $NF}' | sed 's/@.*//' | xargs -I package npm update @"$PREFIX"/package
#!/bin/bash#Changes the remote url from https to ssh.#Only works for github, because I'd have to store a dictionary of every https to ssh url otherwise.#Made using Bing Chat# Get the remote URL from the consoleREPO_URL=$(git config --get remote.origin.url)# Check that REPO_URL contains https://github.comif [[ $REPO_URL == *"https://github.com"* ]]; then# Replace https with ssh in the URL# Change the remote URL to the SSH versiongit remote set-url origin "$REPO_URL"elseecho "Error: REPO_URL does not contain https://github.com" >&2exit 1fi
echo -e ${PATH//:/\\n} | awk '{print length, $0}' | sort -n | cut -f2- -d' '
#!/bin/bash#Takes command line arguments and pulls the header files.#Good for checking if the function you want is in the header or not.#cppToStdout.sh "time.h"while [ "$1" != "" ]; doecho "#include<$1>" | g++ -x c++ -E -shiftdone