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touch /tmp/login1.txt /tmp/login2.txtwhile [ true ]dowho | gawk '{ print $1 }' > /tmp/login2.txtcomm -13 /tmp/login1.txt /tmp/login2.txt#Just a bit easier to read#diff /tmp/login1.txt /tmp/login2.txtcat /tmp/login2.txt > /tmp/login1.txtsleep 1done
#!/bin/bash# Turns 4 spaces into tabs.# Mostly stolen from AI# Define the directory to processDIRECTORY=$1TabCount=${2:-'4'} #Defaults to 4# Check if directory is specifiedif [ -z "$DIRECTORY" ]; thenecho "Error: Directory not specified."exit 1fi# Check if directory existsif [ ! -d "$DIRECTORY" ]; thenecho "Error: Directory does not exist."exit 1fi# Find all files in directory and subdirectoriesFILES=$(find "$DIRECTORY" -type f)# Loop through each file and unexpand itfor FILE in $FILES; dounexpand -t "$TabCount" "$FILE" > "$FILE.tmp"mv "$FILE.tmp" "$FILE"doneecho "Done!"
#!/bin/bashfor branch in $(git branch | cut -c 3-); doread -p "Delete local branch $branch? (y/n) " -n 1 -recho ""if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; thengit branch -D $branchfidone
#Leif Messinger#For when you want to search a lot of words in a file fast#Arg 1 is the argument the list of words you want to search#Arg 2 is the file you want to search#-z means that it looks at the file as a whole, just treating newlines a characters.#-r is regex. Needed for $, even tho the documentation says you don't need it. They are liars.#First command replaces all . with \. and all - with \-#Second command takes all newlines and replaces them with )|(#Third command takes the trailing |( and deletes it#Forth command puts a /( at the start#Fith command puts /!d at the end. This tells it to not delete any lines that match the pattern.#The second sed takes the output of the first sed as a command that searches any of the combined words#-f - takes a command from the inputsed -z -r -e 's/\./\\\./g ; s/\-/\\\-/g' -e 's/\n/\)\|\(/g' -e 's/\|\($//' -e 'i/\(' -e 'a/!d' $1 | sed -r -f - $2
## Austin Leath# checks for /Desktop symlink. Creates the symlink if it doesnt already exist##Fetch the target user if desired, otherwise use the currently logged in user.if [ "$4" != "" ]; thenTARGET_USER=$4elseTARGET_USER=$3fiif [ "$5" != "" ]; thenDIRECTORY_NAME=$5elseTARGET_USER="$3 Desktop"fi# FunctionsCHECK_SYMLINK() {if test -f "/Desktop"; thenecho "/Desktop exists"elseecho "/Desktop does not exist"fi}CHECK_SYNTHETIC_CONF() {if test -f "/etc/synthetic.conf"; thenecho "/etc/synthetic.conf exists"elseecho "/etc/synthetic.conf does not exist"fi}CREATE_SYMLINK() {if [[ $(CHECK_SYNTHETIC_CONF) != "/etc/synthetic.conf exists" ]]; thenecho "/etc/synthetic.conf does not exist. creating.."touch /etc/synthetic.confchown -R root:wheel /etc/synthetic.conffiif grep -q "$DIRECTORY_NAME" /etc/synthetic.conf; thenecho "$DIRECTORY_NAME already exists"exit 1elseecho "$DIRECTORY_NAME\t/Users/$TARGET_USER/Desktop" >> /etc/synthetic.conffiecho "/Desktop symbolic link created"}if [[ $(CHECK_SYMLINK) != "/Desktop exists" ]]; thenCREATE_SYMLINKfiexit 0
CLIENT_VPN_ID="cvpn-endpoint-xxxxxxxxxxxx"for region in $(aws ec2 describe-regions --query "Regions[].RegionName" --output text); doecho "Searching in region: $region"aws ec2 describe-client-vpn-endpoints --region $region --query "ClientVpnEndpoints[?ClientVpnEndpointId=='$CLIENT_VPN_ID']" --output tabledone