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Const value const pointer question

Aug 25, 2023LeifMessinger

1 like • 12 views

#include <iostream>
int main(){
const char* const hello = "Hello, world!";
const char* bruh = hello;
char* const yeet = hello;
std::cout << bruh << std::endl;
std::cout << yeet << std::endl;
return 0;
Place your bets!
Will the program:
a.) Print "Hello, world!" twice?
b.) Compile error on line 5 (bruh initialize line) because the pointer gets implicit cast to non-const?
c.) Compile error on line 7 (yeet initialize line) because the char gets implicit cast to non-const?
d.) Both b and c?
e.) Compile error line 11 (print yeet) because the pointer is constant and can't be incremented
f.) Print "Hello, world!" then print the pointer address in hexadecimal
g.) Both b and e?
h.) Both c and e?
i.) B, c, and e?
// The answer is in this base 64 string:
// 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

SAM 5 words with bitmaps

Oct 23, 2022LeifMessinger

0 likes • 1 view

//Leif Messinger
//Finds all sets of 5 5 letter words that don't have duplicate letters in either themselves or each other.
//First it reads the words in and puts them in groups of their bitmasks
//After that, we recurse on each group. Before doing that, we remove the group from the set of other groups to check it against.
#include <cstdio> //getchar, printf
#include <cassert> //assert
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <algorithm> //std::copy_if
#include <iterator> //std::back_inserter
#define CHECK_FOR_CRLF true
#define MIN_WORDS 5
#define MAX_WORDS 5
#define WORD_TOO_LONG(len) (len != 5)
const unsigned int charToBitmask(const char bruh){
assert(bruh >= 'a' && bruh <= 'z');
return (1 << (bruh - 'a'));
void printBitmask(unsigned int bitmask){
char start = 'a';
while(bitmask != 0){
if(bitmask & 1){
bitmask >>= 1;
//Pointer needs to be deleted
const std::set<unsigned int>* getBitmasks(){
std::set<unsigned int>* bitmasksPointer = new std::set<unsigned int>;
std::set<unsigned int>& bitmasks = (*bitmasksPointer);
unsigned int bitmask = 0;
unsigned int wordLength = 0;
bool duplicateLetters = false;
for(char c = getchar(); c >= 0; c = getchar()){
if(CHECK_FOR_CRLF && c == '\r'){
if(c == '\n'){
if(!(WORD_TOO_LONG(wordLength) || duplicateLetters)) bitmasks.insert(bitmask);
bitmask = 0;
wordLength = 0;
duplicateLetters = false;
if((bitmask & charToBitmask(c)) != 0) duplicateLetters = true;
bitmask |= charToBitmask(c);
return bitmasksPointer;
void printBitmasks(const std::vector<unsigned int>& bitmasks){
for(unsigned int bruh : bitmasks){
putchar(','); putchar(' ');
//Just to be clear, when I mean "word", I mean a group of words with the same letters.
void recurse(std::vector<unsigned int>& oldBitmasks, std::vector<unsigned int> history, const unsigned int currentBitmask){
//If there's not enough words left
if(oldBitmasks.size() + (-(history.size())) + (-MIN_WORDS) <= 0){
//If there's enough words
if(history.size() >= MIN_WORDS){
//Print the list
//To make it faster, we can stop it after 5 words too
}else if(history.size() >= MAX_WORDS){
//Print the list
//Thin out the array with only stuff that matches the currentBitmask.
std::vector<unsigned int> newBitmasks;
std::copy_if(oldBitmasks.begin(), oldBitmasks.end(), std::back_inserter(newBitmasks), [&currentBitmask](unsigned int bruh){
return (bruh & currentBitmask) == 0;
while(newBitmasks.size() > 0){
//I know this modifies 'oldBitmasks' too. It's intentional.
//This makes it so that the word is never involved in any of the child serches or any of the later searches in this while loop.
const unsigned int word = newBitmasks.back(); newBitmasks.pop_back();
std::vector<unsigned int> newHistory = history;
recurse(newBitmasks, newHistory, currentBitmask | word);
int main(){
const std::set<unsigned int>* bitmasksSet = getBitmasks();
std::vector<unsigned int> bitmasks(bitmasksSet->begin(), bitmasksSet->end());
delete bitmasksSet;
recurse(bitmasks, std::vector<unsigned int>(), 0);
return 0;

sum function

Sep 3, 2023AustinLeath

0 likes • 10 views

#include "stdio.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
int main (int argCount, char** args) {
int a = atoi(args[1]);
int b = atoi(args[2]);
unsigned int sum = 0;
unsigned int p = 1;
for (unsigned int i = 1; i < b; i++) {
p = p * i;
// (b!, (1 + b)!, (2 + b)!, ..., (n + b)!)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < a; i++) {
p = p * (i + b);
sum = sum + p;
printf("y: %u\n", sum);
return 0;

Two Letter Combinations

Nov 18, 2022AustinLeath

0 likes • 0 views

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
//This program makes a new text file that contains all combinations of two letters.
// aa, ab, ..., zy, zz
int main(){
string filename = "two_letters.txt";
ofstream outFile;;
cout << "Something's wrong. Closing..." << endl;
return 0;
for(char first = 'a'; first <= 'z'; first++){
for(char second = 'a'; second <= 'z'; second++){
outFile << first << second << " ";
outFile << endl;
return 0;

Daily: Find missing array value

Dec 24, 2021aedrarian

3 likes • 21 views

Good morning! Here's your coding interview problem for today.
This problem was asked by Stripe.
Given an array of integers, find the first missing positive integer in linear time and constant space. In other words, find the lowest positive integer that does not exist in the array. The array can contain duplicates and negative numbers as well.
For example, the input [3, 4, -1, 1] should give 2. The input [1, 2, 0] should give 3.
You can modify the input array in-place.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int calcMissing(int* input, int size)
int sum = 0;
int n = 1; //add one to account for missing value
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
if(input[i] > 0)
sum += input[i];
//If no numbers higher than 0, answer is 1
if(sum == 0)
return 1;
return (n*(n+1)/2) - sum; //Formula is expectedSum - actualSum
/* expectedSum = n*(n+1)/2, the formula for sum(1, n) */
int main()
cout << calcMissing(new int[4]{3, 4, -1, 1}, 4) << endl;
cout << calcMissing(new int[3]{1, 2, 0}, 3) << endl;
//No positive numbers
cout << calcMissing(new int[1]{0}, 1) << endl;

C++ Scanner

Jul 16, 2024LeifMessinger

0 likes • 12 views

//===============Header File==================
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream> //stringbuf
#include <utility> //exchange
//Couple rules:
//Characters given through the getter functions have to be removed from the buffer.
//This is so that bufferEmpty() == buffer.in_avail() > 0 basically always.
//skipWhitespace doesn't remove the text from the buffer, but it does return the number of characters.
//nextWord will trim whitespace before the word
//nextInt will trim non-numbers before the number
//hasNextInt and hasNextWord will trim the whitespace. If you think you need it, you should get nextWhitespace before doing any of those.
//Whitespace after a word or an int is left on the buffer.
//nextWhitespace will (get and) remove whitespace until the end of the line, including the newline character, but stops before the next line.
//nextWhitespace won't read the next line when called before the end of the line, and it won't prompt the user for the next line if interactive.
//If nextWhitespace is called after reading the end of the line, then it will read a new line into the buffer, which will prompt the user.
//It acts like nextLine, but if there's something non-whitespace on the current line it stops there.
class Scanner {
std::stringbuf buffer;
std::istream& input;
Scanner(std::istream& in = std::cin) : buffer(), input(in) {}
//Buffer debugging
bool fillBuffer();
bool bufferEmpty();
void printBufferEmpty();
std::string getBuffer();
size_t bufferLength();
void printBufferStats();
bool hasNextInt();
int nextInt();
bool hasNextWord();
std::string nextWord();
bool hasNextLine();
size_t skipWhitespace(); //Prob should be private, but I don't believe in that private shit.
bool hasNextWhitespace();
std::string nextWhitespace();
std::string nextWhitespaceAll();
std::string nextLine();
//===============Source File==================
bool Scanner::fillBuffer() { //Returns if it had to get the next line from the input.
const bool badInput = input.eof() || input.bad();
const bool shouldFillBuffer = bufferEmpty() && !badInput;
if (shouldFillBuffer) {
std::string line;
if (std::getline(input, line)) {
buffer.str(buffer.str() + line + "\n");
return shouldFillBuffer;
bool Scanner::bufferEmpty(){
return buffer.str() == "";
void Scanner::printBufferEmpty(){
std::cout << "The buffer is " << (bufferEmpty()? "" : "not") << " empty." << std::endl;
std::string Scanner::getBuffer(){
return buffer.str();
size_t Scanner::bufferLength(){
return buffer.str().length();
void Scanner::printBufferStats(){
std::cout << "The buffer is \"\"" << std::endl;
std::cout << "The length of the buffer is " << bufferLength() << std::endl;
if(buffer.sgetc() == '\r'){
std::cout << "The buffer is \\r\\n" << std::endl;
}else if(buffer.sgetc() == '\n'){
std::cout << "The buffer is \\n" << std::endl;
bool Scanner::hasNextInt() {
return hasNextWord() && (std::isdigit(buffer.sgetc()) || buffer.sgetc() == '-');
int Scanner::nextInt() {
if (!hasNextInt()) { //Will fill the buffer if not filled. Will also trim whitespace.
return 0;
std::string num;
size_t charactersRead = 0;
while (buffer.in_avail() > 0 && (std::isdigit(buffer.sgetc()) || buffer.sgetc() == '-')) {
num += buffer.sbumpc();
buffer.str(buffer.str().erase(0, charactersRead));
return std::stoi(num);
bool Scanner::hasNextWord() {
return buffer.in_avail() > 0;
std::string Scanner::nextWord() {
if (!hasNextWord()) { //Will fill the buffer if not filled. Will also trim whitespace.
return "";
std::string word;
size_t charactersRead = 0;
while (buffer.in_avail() > 0 && !std::isspace(buffer.sgetc())) {
word += buffer.sbumpc();
buffer.str(buffer.str().erase(0, charactersRead));
return word;
bool Scanner::hasNextLine() {
return (!bufferEmpty()) || fillBuffer();
size_t Scanner::skipWhitespace() { //Returns characters read
size_t charactersRead = 0;
while (buffer.in_avail() > 0 && std::isspace(buffer.sgetc())) {
return charactersRead;
bool Scanner::hasNextWhitespace(){
return buffer.in_avail() > 0 && std::isspace(buffer.sgetc());
std::string Scanner::nextWhitespace() {
if (!hasNextWhitespace()) { //Will fill the buffer if not filled
return "";
const size_t charactersRead = skipWhitespace();
std::string whitespace = buffer.str().substr(charactersRead);
buffer.str(buffer.str().erase(0, charactersRead));
return whitespace;
std::string Scanner::nextWhitespaceAll(){
std::string whitespace;
std::string gottenWhiteSpace = nextWhitespace();
whitespace += gottenWhiteSpace;
return whitespace;
std::string Scanner::nextLine(){
if (!hasNextLine()) {
return "";
//Swap out the old buffer with an empty buffer, and get the old buffer as a variable.
std::string line = std::exchange(buffer, std::stringbuf()).str();
//Remove the newline.
if(line[line.length() - 1] == '\n' || line[line.length() - 1] == '\r' ) line.pop_back();
if(line[line.length() - 1] == '\r' || line[line.length() - 1] == '\n' ) line.pop_back();
return line;
//=================Word and Int test=================
while(bruh.hasNextInt() || bruh.hasNextWord()){
std::cout << "started loop" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Int: " << bruh.nextInt() << " " << std::endl;
std::cout << "Word: " << bruh.nextWord() << " " << std::endl;
//===================Line test======================
for(int count = 1; bruh.hasNextLine(); ++count){
std::string line = bruh.nextLine();
std::cout << "Line " << count << ": " << line << std::endl;