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function copyString(text){async function navigatorClipboardCopy(text){if(document.location.protocol != "https:"){return false;}return new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{navigator.clipboard.writeText(text).then(()=>{resolve(true);}, ()=>{resolve(false);});});}function domCopy(text){if(!(document.execCommand)){console.warn("They finally deprecated document.execCommand!");}const input = document.createElement('textarea');input.value = text;document.body.appendChild(input);input.select();const success = document.execCommand('copy');document.body.removeChild(input);return success;}function promptCopy(){prompt("Copy failed. Might have ... somewhere. Check console.", text);console.log(text);}function done(){alert("Copied to clipboard");}navigatorClipboardCopy(text).catch(()=>{return false;}).then((success)=>{if(success){done();}else{if(domCopy(text)){done();}else{promptCopy();}}});}
function printHeap(heap, index, level) {if (index >= heap.length) {return;}console.log(" ".repeat(level) + heap[index]);printHeap(heap, 2 * index + 1, level + 1);printHeap(heap, 2 * index + 2, level + 1);}//You can call this function by passing in the heap array and the index of the root node, which is typically 0, and level = 0.let heap = [3, 8, 7, 15, 17, 30, 35, 2, 4, 5, 9];printHeap(heap,0,0)
const mongoose = require('mongoose')const UserSchema = new mongoose.Schema({username: {type: String,required: true},email: {type: String,unique: true,required: true},password: {type: String,required: true},date: {type: Date,default: Date.now}})module.exports = User = mongoose.model('user', UserSchema)
const luhnCheck = num => {let arr = (num + '').split('').reverse().map(x => parseInt(x));let lastDigit = arr.splice(0, 1)[0];let sum = arr.reduce((acc, val, i) => (i % 2 !== 0 ? acc + val : acc + ((val *= 2) > 9 ? val - 9 : val)),0);sum += lastDigit;return sum % 10 === 0;};luhnCheck('4485275742308327'); // trueluhnCheck(6011329933655299); // trueluhnCheck(123456789); // false
// Vanilla JS Solution:var app = document.getElementById('app');var typewriter = new Typewriter(app, { loop: true });typewriter.typeString("I'm John and I'm a super cool web developer").pauseFor(3000).deleteChars(13) // "web developer" = 13 characters.typeString("person to talk with!") // Will display "I'm John and I'm a super cool person to talk with!".start();// React Solution:import Typewriter from 'typewriter-effect';<Typewriteroptions={{ loop: true }}onInit={typewriter => {typewriter.typeString("I'm John and I'm a super cool web developer").pauseFor(3000).deleteChars(13) // "web developer" = 13 characters.typeString("person to talk with!") // Will display "I'm John and I'm a super cool person to talk with!".start();}}/>
function Clock(props) {return (<div><h1>Hello, world!</h1><h2>It is {props.date.toLocaleTimeString()}.</h2></div>);}function tick() {ReactDOM.render(<Clock date={new Date()} />,document.getElementById('root'));}setInterval(tick, 1000);