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import React, { useState } from 'react' import Welcome from '../components/Welcome' function About() { const [showWelcome, setShowWelcome] = useState(false) return ( <div> {showWelcome ? <Welcome /> : null} </div> <div> {showWelcome && <Welcome /> } </div> ) } export default App
function sortNumbers(arr) {return arr.slice().sort((a, b) => a - b);}const unsortedArray = [4, 1, 9, 6, 3, 5];const sortedArray = sortNumbers(unsortedArray);console.log("Unsorted Numbers:", unsortedArray);console.log("\n");console.log("Sorted Numbers:", sortedArray);
class LinkedList {constructor() {this.nodes = [];}get size() {return this.nodes.length;}get head() {return this.size ? this.nodes[0] : null;}get tail() {return this.size ? this.nodes[this.size - 1] : null;}insertAt(index, value) {const previousNode = this.nodes[index - 1] || null;const nextNode = this.nodes[index] || null;const node = { value, next: nextNode };if (previousNode) previousNode.next = node;this.nodes.splice(index, 0, node);}insertFirst(value) {this.insertAt(0, value);}insertLast(value) {this.insertAt(this.size, value);}getAt(index) {return this.nodes[index];}removeAt(index) {const previousNode = this.nodes[index - 1];const nextNode = this.nodes[index + 1] || null;if (previousNode) previousNode.next = nextNode;return this.nodes.splice(index, 1);}clear() {this.nodes = [];}reverse() {this.nodes = this.nodes.reduce((acc, { value }) => [{ value, next: acc[0] || null }, ...acc],[]);}*[Symbol.iterator]() {yield* this.nodes;}}const list = new LinkedList();list.insertFirst(1);list.insertFirst(2);list.insertFirst(3);list.insertLast(4);list.insertAt(3, 5);list.size; // 5list.head.value; // 3list.head.next.value; // 2list.tail.value; // 4[...list.map(e => e.value)]; // [3, 2, 1, 5, 4]list.removeAt(1); // 2list.getAt(1).value; // 1list.head.next.value; // 1[...list.map(e => e.value)]; // [3, 1, 5, 4]list.reverse();[...list.map(e => e.value)]; // [4, 5, 1, 3]list.clear();list.size; // 0
//Retries maxRetries number of times, meaning that if you have 0, then it'll run the function once.async function retryPromise(promiseFn, maxRetries = 3, delayOffset = 0, delayRandomRange = 0) {return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {promiseFn().then(resolve, (error) => { //On errorif (maxRetries <= 0) {return reject(error);} else {if(delayRandomRange * Math.random() + delayOffset < 1.0){return retryPromise(promiseFn, maxRetries - 1, delayOffset, delayRandomRange).then(resolve, reject);}else{return new Promise((resolveTwo, rejectTwo) => {setTimeout(() => {return retryPromise(promiseFn, maxRetries - 1, delayOffset, delayRandomRange).then(resolveTwo, rejectTwo);}, delayRandomRange * Math.random() + delayOffset);}).then(resolve, reject);}}});});}//Tests for that function.//Returns a function that will fail numTimes times, then will return aValuefunction functionThatReturnsAFunctionThatFailsACoupleTimes(numTimes, aValue){return async function(){if(numTimes == 0){return aValue;}numTimes--;throw false;};}const SMALL_NUMBER = 10;function testTest(failNumberOfTimes){let functionThatFailsACoupleTimes = functionThatReturnsAFunctionThatFailsACoupleTimes(failNumberOfTimes, true);//Test my testfor(let i = 0; i < (failNumberOfTimes * 2); ++i){function evalTest(val){let testTestFailedReason = "";if(val === undefined){testTestFailedReason = "Test test returned undefined for some reason.";}if((i + 1) > failNumberOfTimes){if(val === true){//We're good}else{testTestFailedReason = "Test test didn't return true when it should have.";}}else{if(val === false){//We're good}else{testTestFailedReason = "Test test didn't return false when it should have.";}}testTestFailedReason = testTestFailedReason || "Test test passed test case";console.log(testTestFailedReason, "at index", i, "where the function returned", val);}functionThatFailsACoupleTimes().then(evalTest, evalTest)};}testTest(SMALL_NUMBER);let testCaseCounter = 1;const throwsNoError = [(val)=>{if(val == true){console.log("Passed test case " + (testCaseCounter++));}else{console.error("Unexpected return value", val);}},()=>{console.error("It wasn't supposed to fail!")}]const throwsError = [(val)=>{console.error("It wasn't supposed to succeed!", val);},(val)=>{if(val == false){console.log("Passed test case " + (testCaseCounter++));}else{console.error("Unexpected return value", val);}}];//Runs SMALL_NUMBER times, because SMALL_NUMBER - 1 is the number of retries after the first onelet functionThatFailsACoupleTimes = functionThatReturnsAFunctionThatFailsACoupleTimes(SMALL_NUMBER - 1, true);retryPromise(functionThatFailsACoupleTimes, SMALL_NUMBER - 1).then(...throwsNoError)functionThatFailsACoupleTimes = functionThatReturnsAFunctionThatFailsACoupleTimes(SMALL_NUMBER - 1, true);//Runs SMALL_NUMBER - 1 times, because SMALL_NUMBER - 2 is the number of retries after the first oneretryPromise(functionThatFailsACoupleTimes, SMALL_NUMBER - 2).then(...throwsError)//Testing the delay. You'll have to wait a bit too.functionThatFailsACoupleTimes = functionThatReturnsAFunctionThatFailsACoupleTimes(SMALL_NUMBER - 1, true);//Runs SMALL_NUMBER times, because SMALL_NUMBER - 1 is the number of retries after the first oneretryPromise(functionThatFailsACoupleTimes, SMALL_NUMBER - 1, 500, 500).then(...throwsNoError)functionThatFailsACoupleTimes = functionThatReturnsAFunctionThatFailsACoupleTimes(SMALL_NUMBER - 1, true);//Runs SMALL_NUMBER - 1 times, because SMALL_NUMBER - 2 is the number of retries after the first oneretryPromise(functionThatFailsACoupleTimes, SMALL_NUMBER - 2, 500, 500).then(...throwsError)
//Disclaimer: I do not condone mass web scraping of ESPN websites, and this is just theoretical code that hasn't been used.//Scrape player stats off of https://www.espn.com/nfl/team/roster/_/name/phi/philadelphia-eagles//Example player JS object/*{"shortName": "S. Opeta","name": "Sua Opeta","href": "http://www.espn.com/nfl/player/_/id/3121009/sua-opeta","uid": "s:20~l:28~a:3121009","guid": "dec19157-e984-f981-3724-498281328c97","id": "3121009","height": "6' 4\"","weight": "305 lbs","age": 27,"position": "G","jersey": "78","birthDate": "08/15/96","headshot": "https://a.espncdn.com/i/headshots/nfl/players/full/3121009.png","lastName": "Sua Opeta","experience": 4,"college": "Weber State"}*///The page needs to be focused, so you have to put this code in a bookmarklet and click the page before clicking it. Allegedly.navigator.clipboard.writeText(JSON.stringify(window["__espnfitt__"].page.content.roster.groups.flatMap((group)=>{return group.athletes.map((athlete)=>{//We can assume all football players are above 100 lbs and below 1000 lbs.athlete.weight = parseInt(athlete.weight.substring(0,3));if(athlete.experience == "R") athlete.experience = 0;else athlete.experience = parseInt(athlete.experience);//We can assume players are at least 1 foot, or under 10 feet tall.athlete.inches = 12 * parseInt(athlete.height.substring(0, 1)); //Add feet in inchesathlete.inches += parseInt(athlete.height.substring(2).replaceAll("\"", "").trim()); //Add remaining inchesconst monthDayYear = athlete.birthDate.split("/");athlete.birthMonth = parseInt(monthDayYear[0]);athlete.birthDay = parseInt(monthDayYear[1]);athlete.birthYear = parseInt(monthDayYear[2]);//The only really useful stuff we get from this is Height, weight, left handedness, age, position, and birthdayreturn athlete;});}), null, "\t")).then(null, ()=>{alert("That failed.")});//Changes all the team links on this page https://www.espn.com/nfl/stats/team to the team's roster for easier scraping$$("table > tbody > tr > td > div > div > a").forEach((elm)=>{elm.setAttribute("href", elm.getAttribute("href").replace("team/", "team/roster/"));});
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';import Link from 'next/link';export default function CookieBanner() {// Initialize with a default value (false if not previously set in localStorage)const [cookieConsent, setCookieConsent] = useState(() =>localStorage.getItem('cookieConsent') === 'true' ? true : false);useEffect(() => {const newCookieConsent = cookieConsent ? 'granted' : 'denied';window.gtag('consent', 'update', {analytics_storage: newCookieConsent});localStorage.setItem('cookieConsent', String(cookieConsent));}, [cookieConsent]);return !cookieConsent && (<div><div><p>We use cookies to enhance the user experience.{' '}<Link href='/privacy/'>View privacy policy</Link></p></div><div><button type="button" onClick={() => setCookieConsent(false)}>Decline</button><button type="button" onClick={() => setCookieConsent(true)}>Allow</button></div></div>)}