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#include <iostream>using namespace std;int main {cout << 1;}
#include <iostream>using namespace std;int main(){cout << "Hello, World!" << endl;return 0;}
/*Algorithm:Step 1: Get radius of the cylinder from the user and store in variable rStep 2: Get height of the cylinder from the user and store in variable hStep 3: Multiply radius * radius * height * pi and store in vStep 4: Display the volume*/#include <iostream>using namespace std;int main(){float r; //define variable for radiusfloat h; //define variable for heightfloat v;float pi;pi=3.1416;cout<<"Enter radius:";cin>>r;cout<<"Enter height:";cin>>h;v=r*r*h*pi; //compute volumecout<<"Radius:"<<r<<"\tHeight:"<<h<<endl; //display radius and heightcout<<"\n************************\n";cout<<"Volume:"<<v<<endl;//display volumereturn 0;}
using namespace std;class Hash{int BUCKET; // No. of buckets// Pointer to an array containing bucketslist<int> *table;public:Hash(int V); // Constructor// inserts a key into hash tablevoid insertItem(int x);// deletes a key from hash tablevoid deleteItem(int key);// hash function to map values to keyint hashFunction(int x) {return (x % BUCKET);}void displayHash();};Hash::Hash(int b){this->BUCKET = b;table = new list<int>[BUCKET];}void Hash::insertItem(int key){int index = hashFunction(key);table[index].push_back(key);}void Hash::deleteItem(int key){// get the hash index of keyint index = hashFunction(key);// find the key in (inex)th listlist <int> :: iterator i;for (i = table[index].begin();i != table[index].end(); i++) {if (*i == key)break;}// if key is found in hash table, remove itif (i != table[index].end())table[index].erase(i);}// function to display hash tablevoid Hash::displayHash() {for (int i = 0; i < BUCKET; i++) {cout << i;for (auto x : table[i])cout << " --> " << x;cout << endl;}}// Driver programint main(){// array that contains keys to be mappedint a[] = {15, 11, 27, 8, 12};int n = sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0]);// insert the keys into the hash tableHash h(7); // 7 is count of buckets in// hash tablefor (int i = 0; i < n; i++)h.insertItem(a[i]);// delete 12 from hash tableh.deleteItem(12);// display the Hash tableh.displayHash();return 0;}
/*Good morning! Here's your coding interview problem for today.This problem was asked by Stripe.Given an array of integers, find the first missing positive integer in linear time and constant space. In other words, find the lowest positive integer that does not exist in the array. The array can contain duplicates and negative numbers as well.For example, the input [3, 4, -1, 1] should give 2. The input [1, 2, 0] should give 3.You can modify the input array in-place.*/#include <iostream>using namespace std;int calcMissing(int* input, int size){int sum = 0;int n = 1; //add one to account for missing valuefor(int i = 0; i < size; i++){if(input[i] > 0){sum += input[i];n++;}}//If no numbers higher than 0, answer is 1if(sum == 0)return 1;return (n*(n+1)/2) - sum; //Formula is expectedSum - actualSum/* expectedSum = n*(n+1)/2, the formula for sum(1, n) */}int main(){cout << calcMissing(new int[4]{3, 4, -1, 1}, 4) << endl;cout << calcMissing(new int[3]{1, 2, 0}, 3) << endl;//No positive numberscout << calcMissing(new int[1]{0}, 1) << endl;}
#include <string>#include <iostream>#include "PlaylistNode.h"using namespace std;PlaylistNode::PlaylistNode() {uniqueID = "none";songName = "none";artistName = "none";songLength = 0;nextNodePtr = 0;}PlaylistNode::PlaylistNode(string uniqueID_, string songName_, string artistName_, int songLength_) {uniqueID = uniqueID_;songName = songName_;artistName = artistName_;songLength = songLength_;nextNodePtr = 0;}void PlaylistNode::InsertAfter(PlaylistNode* ptr) {this->SetNext(ptr->GetNext());ptr->SetNext(this);}void PlaylistNode::SetNext(PlaylistNode* ptr) {nextNodePtr = ptr;}string PlaylistNode::GetID() {return uniqueID;}string PlaylistNode::GetSongName() {return songName;}string PlaylistNode::GetArtistName() {return artistName;}int PlaylistNode::GetSongLength() {return songLength;}PlaylistNode* PlaylistNode::GetNext() {return nextNodePtr;}void PlaylistNode::PrintPlaylistNode() {cout << "Unique ID: " << uniqueID << endl;cout << "Song Name: " << songName << endl;cout << "Artist Name: " << artistName << endl;cout << "Song Length (in seconds): " << songLength << endl;}Playlist::Playlist() {head = tail = 0;}void Playlist::AddSong(string id, string songname, string artistname, int length) {PlaylistNode* n = new PlaylistNode(id, songname, artistname, length);if (head == 0) {head = tail = n;}else {n->InsertAfter(tail);tail = n;}}bool Playlist::RemoveSong(string id) {if (head == NULL) {cout << "Playlist is empty" << endl;return false;}PlaylistNode* curr = head;PlaylistNode* prev = NULL;while (curr != NULL) {if (curr->GetID() == id) {break;}prev = curr;curr = curr->GetNext();}if (curr == NULL) {cout << "\"" << curr->GetSongName() << "\" is not found" << endl;return false;}else {if (prev != NULL) {prev ->SetNext(curr->GetNext());}else {head = curr->GetNext();}if (tail == curr) {tail = prev;}cout << "\"" << curr->GetSongName() << "\" removed." << endl;delete curr;return true;}}bool Playlist::ChangePosition(int oldPos, int newPos) {if (head == NULL) {cout << "Playlist is empty" << endl;return false;}PlaylistNode* prev = NULL;PlaylistNode* curr = head;int pos;if (head == NULL || head == tail) {return false;}for (pos = 1; curr != NULL && pos < oldPos; pos++) {prev = curr;curr = curr->GetNext();}if (curr != NULL) {string currentSong = curr->GetSongName();if (prev == NULL) {head = curr->GetNext();}else {prev->SetNext(curr->GetNext());}if (curr == tail) {tail = prev;}PlaylistNode* curr1 = curr;prev = NULL;curr = head;for (pos = 1; curr != NULL && pos < newPos; pos++) {prev = curr;curr = curr->GetNext();}if (prev == NULL) {curr1->SetNext(head);head = curr1;}else {curr1->InsertAfter(prev);}if (curr == NULL) {tail = curr1;}cout << "\"" << currentSong << "\" moved to position " << newPos << endl;return true;}else {cout << "Song's current position is invalid" << endl;return false;}}void Playlist::SongsByArtist(string artist) {if (head == NULL) {cout << "Playlist is empty" << endl;}else {PlaylistNode* curr = head;int i = 1;while (curr != NULL) {if (curr->GetArtistName() == artist) {cout << endl << i << "." << endl;curr->PrintPlaylistNode();}curr = curr->GetNext();i++;}}}int Playlist::TotalTime() {int total = 0;PlaylistNode* curr = head;while (curr != NULL) {total += curr->GetSongLength();curr = curr->GetNext();}return total;}void Playlist::PrintList() {if (head == NULL) {cout << "Playlist is empty" << endl;}else {PlaylistNode* curr = head;int i = 1;while (curr != NULL) {cout << endl << i++ << "." << endl;curr->PrintPlaylistNode();curr = curr->GetNext();}}}