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class Timer{start(){this.startTime = Date.now();}stop(){const dt = Date.now() - this.startTime;console.log(dt);return dt;}getExecTime(fun, asynchronous){return asynchronous ? this.getAsyncExecTime(fun) : this.getSyncExecTime(fun);}getSyncExecTime(fun){this.start();fun();return this.stop();}async getAsyncExecTime(fun){this.start();await fun();return this.stop();}static average(fun, numTimes, asynchronous = false){const times = [];const promises = [];let timer = new Timer();if(asynchronous){for(let i = 0; i < numTimes; i++){timer.getAsyncExecTime(fun);}}else{for(let i = 0; i < numTimes; i++){timer.getSyncExecTime(fun);}}return (times => times.reduce(((sum, acc) => sume + acc), 0) / times.length);}static async timeAsync(fun, numTimes){if(numTimes <= 1) return new Timer().getAsyncExecTime(fun);const promises = [];let timer = new Timer(true);for(let i = 0; i < numTimes; i++){promises.push(fun().catch((e)=>{}));}try{await Promise.all(promises).catch((e)=>{});}catch(e){//do absolutely nothing}return timer.stop();}constructor(start = false){if(start) this.start();}}
//JavaScript program to swap two variables//take input from the userslet a = prompt('Enter the first variable: ');let b = prompt('Enter the second variable: ');//using destructuring assignment[a, b] = [b, a];console.log(`The value of a after swapping: ${a}`);console.log(`The value of b after swapping: ${b}`);
const jwt = require("jsonwebtoken");const authToken = (req, res, next) => {const token = req.headers["x-auth-token"];try {req.user = jwt.verify(token, process.env.ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET);next();} catch (err) {console.log(err.message);res.status(401).json({ msg: "Error authenticating token" });}};module.exports = authToken;
// Get the text that the user has selectedconst getSelectedText = () => window.getSelection().toString();getSelectedText();
const nums = [1, 2, 3];const strs = Array.from('est');nums.push(6);nums.push(4, 9);strs.unshift('t');nums.length; // 6nums[nums.length - 1]; // 9strs[0]; // 't'strs[2]; // 's'nums.slice(1, 3); // [2, 3]nums.map(n => n * 2); // [2, 4, 6, 12, 8, 18]nums.filter(n => n % 2 === 0); // [2, 6, 4]nums.reduce((a, n) => a + n, 0); // 25strs.reverse(); // ['t', 's', 'e', 't']strs.join(''); // 'test'const nums = new Set([1, 2, 3]);nums.add(4);nums.add(1);nums.add(5);nums.add(4);nums.size; // 5nums.has(4); // truenums.delete(4);nums.has(4); // false[...nums]; // [1, 2, 3, 5]nums.clear();nums.size; // 0const items = new Map([[1, { name: 'John' }],[2, { name: 'Mary' }]]);items.set(4, { name: 'Alan' });items.set(2, { name: 'Jeff' });items.size; // 3items.has(4); // trueitems.get(2); // { name: 'Jeff' }items.delete(2);items.size; // 2[...items.keys()]; // [1, 4][...items.values()]; // [{ name: 'John' }, { name: 'Alan' }]items.clear();items.size; // 0
//Retries maxRetries number of times, meaning that if you have 0, then it'll run the function once.async function retryPromise(promiseFn, maxRetries = 3, delayOffset = 0, delayRandomRange = 0) {return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {promiseFn().then(resolve, (error) => { //On errorif (maxRetries <= 0) {return reject(error);} else {if(delayRandomRange * Math.random() + delayOffset < 1.0){return retryPromise(promiseFn, maxRetries - 1, delayOffset, delayRandomRange).then(resolve, reject);}else{return new Promise((resolveTwo, rejectTwo) => {setTimeout(() => {return retryPromise(promiseFn, maxRetries - 1, delayOffset, delayRandomRange).then(resolveTwo, rejectTwo);}, delayRandomRange * Math.random() + delayOffset);}).then(resolve, reject);}}});});}//Tests for that function.//Returns a function that will fail numTimes times, then will return aValuefunction functionThatReturnsAFunctionThatFailsACoupleTimes(numTimes, aValue){return async function(){if(numTimes == 0){return aValue;}numTimes--;throw false;};}const SMALL_NUMBER = 10;function testTest(failNumberOfTimes){let functionThatFailsACoupleTimes = functionThatReturnsAFunctionThatFailsACoupleTimes(failNumberOfTimes, true);//Test my testfor(let i = 0; i < (failNumberOfTimes * 2); ++i){function evalTest(val){let testTestFailedReason = "";if(val === undefined){testTestFailedReason = "Test test returned undefined for some reason.";}if((i + 1) > failNumberOfTimes){if(val === true){//We're good}else{testTestFailedReason = "Test test didn't return true when it should have.";}}else{if(val === false){//We're good}else{testTestFailedReason = "Test test didn't return false when it should have.";}}testTestFailedReason = testTestFailedReason || "Test test passed test case";console.log(testTestFailedReason, "at index", i, "where the function returned", val);}functionThatFailsACoupleTimes().then(evalTest, evalTest)};}testTest(SMALL_NUMBER);let testCaseCounter = 1;const throwsNoError = [(val)=>{if(val == true){console.log("Passed test case " + (testCaseCounter++));}else{console.error("Unexpected return value", val);}},()=>{console.error("It wasn't supposed to fail!")}]const throwsError = [(val)=>{console.error("It wasn't supposed to succeed!", val);},(val)=>{if(val == false){console.log("Passed test case " + (testCaseCounter++));}else{console.error("Unexpected return value", val);}}];//Runs SMALL_NUMBER times, because SMALL_NUMBER - 1 is the number of retries after the first onelet functionThatFailsACoupleTimes = functionThatReturnsAFunctionThatFailsACoupleTimes(SMALL_NUMBER - 1, true);retryPromise(functionThatFailsACoupleTimes, SMALL_NUMBER - 1).then(...throwsNoError)functionThatFailsACoupleTimes = functionThatReturnsAFunctionThatFailsACoupleTimes(SMALL_NUMBER - 1, true);//Runs SMALL_NUMBER - 1 times, because SMALL_NUMBER - 2 is the number of retries after the first oneretryPromise(functionThatFailsACoupleTimes, SMALL_NUMBER - 2).then(...throwsError)//Testing the delay. You'll have to wait a bit too.functionThatFailsACoupleTimes = functionThatReturnsAFunctionThatFailsACoupleTimes(SMALL_NUMBER - 1, true);//Runs SMALL_NUMBER times, because SMALL_NUMBER - 1 is the number of retries after the first oneretryPromise(functionThatFailsACoupleTimes, SMALL_NUMBER - 1, 500, 500).then(...throwsNoError)functionThatFailsACoupleTimes = functionThatReturnsAFunctionThatFailsACoupleTimes(SMALL_NUMBER - 1, true);//Runs SMALL_NUMBER - 1 times, because SMALL_NUMBER - 2 is the number of retries after the first oneretryPromise(functionThatFailsACoupleTimes, SMALL_NUMBER - 2, 500, 500).then(...throwsError)