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const getTimezone = () => Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone;// ExamplegetTimezone();
const compactObject = val => {const data = Array.isArray(val) ? val.filter(Boolean) : val;return Object.keys(data).reduce((acc, key) => {const value = data[key];if (Boolean(value))acc[key] = typeof value === 'object' ? compactObject(value) : value;return acc;},Array.isArray(val) ? [] : {});};const obj = {a: null,b: false,c: true,d: 0,e: 1,f: '',g: 'a',h: [null, false, '', true, 1, 'a'],i: { j: 0, k: false, l: 'a' }};compactObject(obj);// { c: true, e: 1, g: 'a', h: [ true, 1, 'a' ], i: { l: 'a' } }
questions = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(".multiple-choice-question"));async function hackRadio(question){if(question.querySelector(".question-chevron").getAttribute("aria-label") == "Question completed") return;let answerChoices = question.querySelectorAll(".zb-radio-button");async function guess(answerChoice){answerChoice.querySelector("label").click();}let pause = 0;for(let answerChoice of answerChoices){setTimeout(()=>{guess(answerChoice)},pause); //No need to check given that it will record the correct answer anyways.pause += 1000;}}for(let question of questions){hackRadio(question);}questions = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(".short-answer-question"));async function hackShortAnswer(question){if(question.querySelector(".question-chevron").getAttribute("aria-label") == "Question completed") return;question.querySelector("textarea").value = question.querySelector(".forfeit-answer").textContent;//question.querySelector(".check-button").click(); They are smart bastards}for(let question of questions){const showAnswerButton = question.querySelector(".show-answer-button");showAnswerButton.click();showAnswerButton.click();hackShortAnswer(question);}
const gcd = (...arr) => {const _gcd = (x, y) => (!y ? x : gcd(y, x % y));return [...arr].reduce((a, b) => _gcd(a, b));};gcd(8, 36); // 4gcd(...[12, 8, 32]); // 4
const insertionSort = arr =>arr.reduce((acc, x) => {if (!acc.length) return [x];acc.some((y, j) => {if (x <= y) {acc.splice(j, 0, x);return true;}if (x > y && j === acc.length - 1) {acc.splice(j + 1, 0, x);return true;}return false;});return acc;}, []);insertionSort([6, 3, 4, 1]); // [1, 3, 4, 6]
const mongoose = require('mongoose')const UserSchema = new mongoose.Schema({username: {type: String,required: true},email: {type: String,unique: true,required: true},password: {type: String,required: true},date: {type: Date,default: Date.now}})module.exports = User = mongoose.model('user', UserSchema)