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;Main.asm.386.model small,c ;This bit is important, I think..stack 1000h.datahello db "Hello world!",0.code;includelib libucrt.lib ;All this shit is already here if you have a C object fileincludelib legacy_stdio_definitions.lib ;Except for this. Basically printf, puts etc;includelib libcmt.lib;includelib libvcruntime.lib ;Visual Studio exception handling and type checking. Not needed otherwiseextrn printf:near ;Extern everything you are gonna use from the c obj filesextrn plusTwo:nearextrn exit:nearpublic plusOne ;Have to declare it public for the linker to see it. In NASM, it's .globl or globalplusOne proc ;Our int plusOne(int) function.pop eax ;Parameters are stored on the stack.add eax, 1ret ;eax is whatever is returned from functions. Also why you can only return one thing.plusOne endppublic mainmain procpush offset hellocall printfpush 1call plusTwopush 0call exitmain endpend ;End of file, not program//bruh.c//#include <stdio.h> Has to be included with "includelib legacy_stdio_definitions.lib" in the asm file for some reason.//int printf(const char* format, ...);extern int plusOne(int); //Extern everything you are gonna use from the asm obj filesint plusTwo(int num) {return plusOne(plusOne(num)); //Plus one is defined in the assembly.}
delivery.HTTP(publicMux, delivery.Service{CalculateSaleEvent: usecase.NewCalculateSaleEvent(saleCalculator),TmEnrichMany: usecase.NewTmEnrichMany(saleCalculator),})
Eqtt vw wvm awtdm ug xchhtm?
# This is the network config written by 'subiquity'network:ethernets:enp0s3:dhcp4: yesnameservers:addresses: [,]version: 2