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User since Sep 19, 2024
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Depth-First Search in TypeScript

Sep 19, 2024Sam-C137

0 likes • 2 views

class DFS
public dfs(G: DFSGraph, startVert: number)
let visited: boolean[] = Array<boolean>();
// Pre-populate array:
for(let i = 0; i < G.size; i++)
let s: number[] = new Array();
visited[startVert] = true;
while(s.length > 0)
const v = s.pop();
for(let adjV of G.adj[v])
visited[adjV] = true;
public dfsRecursive(G: DFSGraph, startVert: number)
let visited: boolean[] = Array<boolean>();
// Pre-populate array:
for(let i = 0; i < G.size; i++)
this.dfsAux(G, startVert, visited);
private dfsAux(G: DFSGraph, v: number, visited: boolean[])
visited[v] = true;
for(let adjV of G.adj[v])
//; // Something can happen before the visit.
this.dfsAux(G, adjV, visited);
//; // Something can happen after the visit.

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